
If Russia cannot be defeated, Biden will attack China in three ways, China will spend 100 billion yuan, and the trade conflict will escalate

author:Phoenix Satellite TV Jin Liang

If Russia cannot be defeated, the Biden administration has accelerated the three-way siege of China, and the Biden administration has stated that there is no possibility of negotiations.

The U.S. government is attacking China and Russia in different ways, and while trying to blockade Russia's foreign economic and trade cooperation, the United States is stepping up its suppression and containment of Chinese industries, and Washington has recently launched three waves of offensives.

In the first wave, the "China Committee" under the US House of Representatives recently held hearings against China in the drone, semiconductor, shipbuilding and steel industries. Unsurprisingly, the hearing turned into a meeting of criticism of China, with U.S. officials smearing "China as growing its economy and threatening the U.S. through subsidies" while declaring that "it cannot rely on China technologically." This move by the US is clearly to build momentum for the subsequent introduction of relevant sanctions, and after seeing that after the new energy industry, China's advantageous industries such as drones will become the targets of a new round of strikes by the United States.

If Russia cannot be defeated, Biden will attack China in three ways, China will spend 100 billion yuan, and the trade conflict will escalate

The second wave of the offensive is still concentrated in the field of chip semiconductors. On the 26th of this month, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raimondo met with officials from the economic departments of Japan and South Korea in Washington, D.C., and the topic of discussion between the three countries is still the chip supply chain. Those who are familiar with the chip dispute between China and the United States know that US Secretary of Commerce Raimondo is a typical China hawk, who has been pushing the United States to carry out a more stringent chip technology containment of China, and has repeatedly said that he will take joint actions with US allies. Judging from the statements issued by the three countries after the meeting, although China was not directly mentioned, the sentence "the three parties jointly seek to deepen the coordination of export controls on advanced technologies" and expressed concern about the so-called "non-market measures" are enough to show that the United States is pulling its allies to expand chip restrictions on China, and it may be more difficult for China to obtain advanced chips in the future.

If Russia cannot be defeated, Biden will attack China in three ways, China will spend 100 billion yuan, and the trade conflict will escalate

In addition, in addition to strengthening the crackdown on China's chip containment and drone industry, the United States has recently challenged China's three major telecom operators. According to sources, the Biden administration is launching a risk investigation into China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom, citing the alleged possible leakage of information and data. At present, the US investigation has not found any evidence of misconduct on the part of the above-mentioned companies, but everyone knows that Washington is just trying to find an excuse to suppress Chinese companies, and the possibility of subsequent sanctions by the US against these companies cannot be ruled out.

If Russia cannot be defeated, Biden will attack China in three ways, China will spend 100 billion yuan, and the trade conflict will escalate

All in all, although China has repeatedly called on the United States not to manipulate politics and wantonly suppress Chinese companies, Washington has completely ignored China's advice, and the United States' suppression of China is likely to only intensify. Next, China must prepare for a further escalation of the trade conflict, especially with full expectations for the United States to further tighten the supply of chips to China. Judging from China's actions, China has already begun to take precautions and make full preparations in the key chip field. In the past few years, China has continuously invested heavily in the chip field to support the development of the domestic semiconductor industry. In late May, the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase III Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the third phase of the big fund) was established, with a registered capital of 344 billion yuan, more than the sum of the previous two phases. It can be seen that China is concentrating its national strength to overcome the difficulties in the field of chips.

If Russia cannot be defeated, Biden will attack China in three ways, China will spend 100 billion yuan, and the trade conflict will escalate

Some people may ask, is the chip semiconductor industry so important that it is worth China's investment of hundreds of billions of dollars? In this regard, we can only say that the semiconductor industry is the backbone of the interconnected world and one of the most promising industries in the future, and the United States' technological superiority in the field of chips to China has become an important tool for Washington to card China's neck. If China can make significant progress in the semiconductor industry and catch up with the technological superiority of the United States in this field, the gains will be too great to measure in terms of money. Therefore, this tough battle in the semiconductor industry has to be fought, and the process will certainly not be easy, but I believe that in the face of China's institutional advantages in concentrating on big things, this difficulty will be overcome, and China will take off this "pearl" of the new era.

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