
Animals have an easy time giving birth, so why do human women have heart-rending pain when they give birth?

author:Cosmic Weirdness

Childbirth, for every woman, is tantamount to a physical and mental baptism. Medically, the pain is divided into 12 levels, and the pain of childbirth is defined as the 12 most intense, and there is even a special experience labor pain device to let the father-to-be feel this heart-rending pain. Many men give up in the attempt because they can't stand it, and their average pain is only 5-6.

Animals have an easy time giving birth, so why do human women have heart-rending pain when they give birth?

During childbirth, a woman has to endure the pain of "opening the fingers", in which the cervix expands from about 1 fingertip width to a size that can be passed through a normal fetus. The pain of this process is described by some as breaking 20 ribs at the same time, while others are likened to hitting the stomach with a sledgehammer in a row. Whether you choose a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, the pain of childbirth is unimaginable, and it is the third most painful pain after burning and colic, liver and kidney stones.

Animals have an easy time giving birth, so why do human women have heart-rending pain when they give birth?

However, when we turn our gaze to other animals, we will find that their childbirth process does not seem to be so painful. Most animals do not make loud noises when they give birth to their offspring, nor do they need the assistance of other partners, and even go out to forage for food soon after giving birth. Why is that? Why do human women suffer so much during childbirth?

Animal Childbirth: A Natural Miracle

Compared to the severe pain of human women during childbirth, most animals have a more peaceful reproductive process. In nature, animals usually do not need outside assistance to reproduce and do not make loud noises. For example, mammals such as sheep and cows, although they experience a certain amount of pain during childbirth, have a much easier labor process than humans.

Animals have an easy time giving birth, so why do human women have heart-rending pain when they give birth?

In particular, animals such as cats and dogs have a small fetus due to the fertility characteristics of multiple litters, so the delivery process is not very difficult. Due to the relatively large birth canal, reptiles do not seem to have to endure much pain during childbirth. This is in stark contrast to the heart-rending time of human childbirth.

However, the difficulty of human childbirth is not without reason. This is closely related to the unique evolutionary process of human beings. Walking upright is an important evolutionary trait in humans, which not only improves walking efficiency and promotes brain development, but also changes the structure of the human pelvis, making childbirth more difficult. In humans, the pelvis becomes narrowed to accommodate the need to walk upright, causing the fetus to experience obstacles when passing through the birth canal.

Animals have an easy time giving birth, so why do human women have heart-rending pain when they give birth?

In addition, the human fetus's brain is not completely healed at birth, and this special structure makes the brain elastic and helps the fetus pass through the narrow birth canal during childbirth. In contrast, other animals such as chimpanzees and baboons have larger pelvic bones and smaller brain volumes in newborns, making the delivery process relatively easy.

Animals have an easy time giving birth, so why do human women have heart-rending pain when they give birth?

In addition to biological evolutionary factors, the lifestyle of modern humans has also had an impact on the difficulty of childbirth. Overnutrition and lack of exercise cause many pregnant women to have larger fetuses, making childbirth more difficult. At the same time, modern medicine provides caesarean section as a solution to the problem of difficult birth, although the pain of childbirth is still a challenge that every mother must face.

The mystery of childbirth: a challenge unique to humanity

The difficulty of human childbirth is the result of natural selection and evolutionary processes. Walking upright, as a signature evolutionary trait of humans, brings many advantages, such as increased walking efficiency and increased brain capacity. However, it also comes with a significant side effect – difficulty in childbirth. Under the influence of upright walking, the structure of the pelvis in humans changes, and the birth canal narrows, making it more difficult for the fetus to pass during childbirth.

In order to adapt to this change, the human fetus is born with a bone suture in the brain that is not completely closed, allowing the brain to compress as it passes through the birth canal, which somewhat alleviates the difficulty of childbirth. But this change in adaptation does not completely eliminate the pain of childbirth. In addition, another adaptive change in humans is the presence of a fontanelle, which allows the brain to still have some room to grow after birth.

Animals have an easy time giving birth, so why do human women have heart-rending pain when they give birth?

In addition to evolutionary factors, many real-life factors also affect the difficulty of childbirth. Modern society provides abundant nutritional resources, but excessive nutrient intake may lead to excessive fetal size and increase the difficulty of childbirth. At the same time, the lack of exercise lifestyle of modern people also weakens physical fitness, affects labor force and the condition of the birth canal, and further aggravates the difficulty of childbirth.

Caesarean section, as a medical means to solve dystocia, although it alleviates the pain of childbirth to a certain extent, it cannot completely replace the process of natural childbirth. As a result, the advent of painless delivery technology has become a major step forward, which reduces the pain of childbirth while retaining the advantages of natural childbirth.

In summary, the suffering that human women endure during childbirth is the result of a combination of evolutionary processes, lifestyles, and medical choices. While other animals also experience pain during childbirth, the labor pain of a human female is undoubtedly unique. This suffering is not only a biological challenge, but also a testimony to the reproduction and continuation of the entire human race.

A Celebration of Life: A Tribute to Mother

After exploring the causes of the difficulty of human childbirth, we can conclude that the suffering endured by human women during childbirth is a direct result of natural selection and evolutionary processes. Walking upright, an important feature that distinguishes humans from other animals, gives us many advantages, but it also brings challenges when giving birth.

Animals have an easy time giving birth, so why do human women have heart-rending pain when they give birth?

Walking upright modifies the structure of the pelvis in humans, narrowing the birth canal, thus making childbirth more difficult. In order to adapt to this change, the human fetus is born with a delayed healing of the bone sutures in the brain, and the presence of a fontanelle also provides more room for the brain to grow. Still, the pain during labor is unbearable.

In real life, overnutrition and lack of exercise further increase the difficulty of childbirth. Although modern medicine provides caesarean section as an alternative, the emergence of painless delivery technology is the gospel that truly alleviates the pain of pregnant women. It allows pregnant women to experience the full process of natural childbirth while relieving the pain.

Animals have an easy time giving birth, so why do human women have heart-rending pain when they give birth?

Therefore, the pain of childbirth in human women is not only a biological phenomenon, but also a symbol of the continuation of the human race. The courage and tenacity of every mother in childbirth is the deepest tribute to life. This experience, as painful as it is, is an integral part of every mother's life and a testament to their motherhood.

After understanding the reasons for the difficulty of human childbirth, we should show respect and gratitude to mothers for their efforts. At the same time, we should also cherish the convenience provided by modern medicine, make the childbirth process more humane, and more respect the individual experience of each mother.

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