
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Scheme (1)

author:Nanhui New Life

In March 2024, Nikken Sekkei was honored to be invited to participate in the solicitation of proposals for the Shanghai Oriental Hub Station Area, and the Nikken design team deeply excavated and interpreted the future development trend of TOD through the unique perspective of TOD station-city integrated design, aiming to show a new image of Shanghai and even China facing the world, presenting a dream urban forest that is not only futuristic and green, but also a dream urban forest that we have never imagined.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Scheme (1)

▲Aerial view of the night sky

Infinite knots are interconnected

The project is located in front of Shanghai Oriental Hub Station in Zhuqiao Town, Pudong New Area, close to Pudong International Airport. The site covers an area of about 220,000 square meters, with a total construction area of 550,000 square meters, covering a variety of complex formats such as commercial, hotel, and office, forming a vibrant urban complex. Inspired by the infinite knot, we cleverly integrated it into the master plan to create a three-dimensional interconnected urban space. The three major plots in the north and south and the two major stations in the east and west are connected to each other through this unique Chinese knot shape to form a harmonious and unified planning order.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Scheme (1)

▲ Infinite knot concept schematic

Here, one can enjoy an unprecedented experience of walking in the sky. The Skywalk is like a ribbon that connects the various themed urban spaces. Whether it's cycling, running, or autonomous driving, you can easily reach the East Station or the surrounding plots, realizing a seamless and convenient life.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Scheme (1)

▲ View of people in the square in front of the station

Chuangneng Forest Integrated design of station and city

As an important part of the Shanghai Oriental Hub, we have continued the design language of magnolia flowers in the design of the East Railway Station, so that the design elements of magnolia flowers extend and spread to the area in front of the station, and at the same time form an integrated design with the building structure and building façade, just like magnolia flowers growing from the ground, forming a flower jungle. When one looks down on the project from the plane, it reveals a sparkling and strange forest, which is made up of these unique tree-like structures.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Scheme (1)

▲Aerial view

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Scheme (1)

▲Commercial renderings along the street

ENERGY TREE 低碳循环创新体系

Further, when it comes to the design of each unit, we start from the modularization and standardization of the design to create an energy tree unit, which is based on the tree-like structure, which is not only beautiful in appearance, but also reduces the energy consumption of the building. Shielding people from sunlight during the day and converting energy into electricity at night for lighting reflects Nikken's continuous exploration and innovation in the field of low-carbon design.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Scheme (1)

▲Schematic diagram of the energy tree unit

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Scheme (1)

▲Renderings of the main commercial entrance

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Scheme (1)

▲Renderings of the commercial indoor atrium

Although Nikken Sekkei's proposal was not selected, it not only reflects Nikken Sekkei's high-latitude vision for future urban development, but also demonstrates the architect's innovative use and inheritance of traditional Chinese culture. In the future, Nikken Sekkei will continue to leverage its rich TOD design experience accumulated over the years, take root in the local area, and contribute to the development of cities in China.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Scheme (1)

▲Rendering of the observation deck

Source: Nikken Sekkei, copyright belongs to the original author

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