
After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

author:Popular science explorer
After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

Text: Science Explorer

Editor|Popular Science Explorer

In a small village in Baoding, Hebei Province, a jaw-dropping incident happened a few days ago.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

On June 30, the media reported on this appalling case of intentional wounding, and the whole process was like making a movie, which made people shout "crazy"!

Here's the thing. On June 27, a buddy in the village rode an electric car to go home. Suddenly, a black car didn't know what kind of wind it was pumping, stepped on the accelerator, and crashed directly into this buddy! That scene was simply terrifying.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

This electric car was miserable, and it was hit on the spot. But it's also this guy's fate, if it weren't for a tree and a telephone pole on the side of the road, the wheels would have turned to him. You know what? Just half a meter away, this life hangs in the balance.

Not only this buddy, but the uncle who rode the tricycle opposite also picked up a life. The black car lost control directly after hitting someone, and hit his head on a tree, just over a meter away from the uncle. You said that this thing is troublesome, and it is almost a pot of serving.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

What's the most evil thing? The driver knocked down all the trees, and he didn't have anything to do, which is pure luck. But then again, you can't just leave it at that.

Although the buddy who was hit saved his life, it was not much better. At that time, I was hit on my knees, and after standing up, I walked with a limp, and it hurt to look at it. Just when this guy wanted to see what was going on, an even more terrifying scene appeared.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

The guy who was driving seemed to be still angry, and suddenly took out a kitchen knife from the car, and chased after this guy without saying a word! You said that this matter is like a fight in the underworld.

The buddy who was chased and cut was also clever, and quickly ran home to close the door. It's a pity that the time is too tight and it is too late to lock it. The driver kicked the car away, took the knife and rushed into the house.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

Fortunately, this guy reacted quickly and hid in the house, so he escaped. But you think, how scared it is to watch a madman with a knife rush into his house.

Afterwards, this unlucky buddy quickly called the police and went to the hospital to see the injuries. The main thing is that he injured his knee and got gauze wrapped around it, and now he can only lie in bed to recuperate.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

His family said that the guy who was driving seemed to have a problem with his brain and had been taken away by the police for investigation. Although the injury is not particularly serious, it is estimated that this psychological shadow will remain for a while.

Originally, when everyone saw this, they all thought that these two people must have some deep hatred. After all, who would do such a thing as a normal person? Even if you hit someone with a car, you still chase and cut with a knife, this posture looks like you want to kill people.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

The result? The inside story of the villagers who broke the news was simply shocking. And guess what? Not only do these two have no hatred, but they are also neighbors! Just because of a broken trash can, can you believe it?

It is said that the garbage can was kicked down by the driver earlier. The buddy who was hit couldn't look past it and said a few words to him. Who knew that this master would hold a grudge, and he has been thinking about how to fix this neighbor since then.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

What's even more speechless is that the guy who drove the car just came out of the mental hospital not long ago. I was still chasing the uncle who sold pancakes on the street before, and it was a time bomb! His family had to be careful when they saw him, for fear that if they said something wrong, they would be beaten.

To be honest, I don't even know what to say when I hear this. Just because of a garbage can, almost killed someone, this is ridiculous, right?

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

This incident caused a stir in the village, and the villagers were terrified. Who would have thought that a neighbor who usually looks quite normal would turn his face when he said that he would turn his face and do such a thing? In the future, you will have to pay attention when you go out, who knows if you will meet this kind of crazy person one day?

Especially those who usually have a little conflict with their neighbors, they are even more frightened. Everyone was talking about the fact that the guy who was driving the car was going to go to jail. Intentionally wounding someone and breaking into a house is a felony. The police will definitely deal with it seriously, the sentence should be sentenced, and the treatment should be treated.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

But there are also people who are worried about the buddy who was hit. Although the injury is not serious now, how can this psychological shadow be so easy to remove? When you see the car accelerating in the future, do you have to be shocked? Besides, if this driver comes out, will he dare to live in this village?

Others said that the driver couldn't be blamed entirely for this. His family also has to take some responsibility. Knowing that he is sick, he should take care of him. This time it's lucky, if something happens next time, then it's really too late to regret it.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

The news soon spread throughout the village, even to nearby villages. Everyone is discussing and speculating about what will happen next. Some said that the driver would definitely go to jail, some said that he would have to be sent to a psychiatric hospital, and some said that he would lose a lot of money. Anyway, there are different opinions, and each has its own opinion.

The guy who was hit is still recuperating at home. It is said that many people in the village have gone to visit him, and everyone is comforting him, saying that he has a great life, and this time he has escaped. However, some people advised him to be more careful when he went out in the future, who knows when the madman will come out?

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

As for the driver, he's still in the police station. I heard that the police are investigating his mental condition to see if he is really sick or pretending to be crazy and stupid. But no matter what the outcome is, this matter must not be left at that.

This incident caused quite a stir in the village, and everyone was discussing how to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

Some said they would step up patrols in their villages, others said they would install cameras in the homes of those with mental problems, and some said they would set up a mediation committee to deal with neighborhood disputes.

After the mentally ill person deliberately hits someone, he then enters the house with a knife and chases him! The neighbor revealed the inside story, and the victim's current situation was exposed

Although this incident has passed, it has left a lot of impact in the village. Everyone is looking forward to a quick result, and they also hope that the injured buddy can recover soon. As for the driver, whether he goes to prison or hospital, everyone hopes that he will not come out and harm people again.

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