
Recognize the reality before you are arrogant! Israel's wartime cabinet collapsed, and the United States was the Soviet Union before its collapse?

author:Sister International Newspaper

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The world has entered an eventful season, and since the situation in the Middle East has changed, the United States and Israel have been tightly bound together, and the United States has given full support to Israel.

Recognize the reality before you are arrogant! Israel's wartime cabinet collapsed, and the United States was the Soviet Union before its collapse?

Under the eyes of the whole world, the United States has not been less "sprayed", but even so, the two countries not only do not relent, but also become more and more "crazy", and recently there have been several major incidents around the United States and Israel.

The first is Israel's hubris. The Israeli finance minister claimed that for every country that recognizes Palestine, Israel will approve one more settlement.

According to media reports, Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich recently announced that the Israeli security cabinet has approved the settlement of five "outposts" in the West Bank. And this so-called "outpost" settlement is actually a settlement that has not been officially authorized by Israel, and these places were previously legally gray areas, but the Israeli finance minister said that it would be approved and let them "turn positive" overnight.

In addition, Israel has imposed further sanctions on the Palestinian Authority.

But most noteworthy are Smotrich's remarks, which he claimed that "for every additional State unilaterally recognized the State of Palestine in the last month, the Security Cabinet authorized an additional 'outpost' settlement." ”

This makes people wonder who Israel is threatening, and is Israel really ready to be an enemy of the world? We know that, for many years, the process of Palestinian statehood has been blocked, but Palestine as a State has been widely recognized.

Recently, many countries in the world have announced their formal recognition of the State of Palestine, so Israel's statement is a bit provocative.

In addition, in order to sanction the Palestinian Authority in a "just and awe-inspiring" manner, the Israeli finance minister has stood on the moral high ground, saying that "the Palestinian Authority has joined Hamas and is trying to harm Israel and the world, and we will fight against it." ”

I have to say that this operation of the Israeli finance minister Xiu is really incomprehensible, and in the face of such tremendous international pressure, Israel can continue to be obsessed with and make nonsense, which is really a precursor to madness.

It is worth noting that Israel is now collectively attacked both within Israel and by some of its former allies, as well as the United Nations.

Recognize the reality before you are arrogant! Israel's wartime cabinet collapsed, and the United States was the Soviet Union before its collapse?

According to media reports, Israeli Labor Party leader Yair Golan slammed the Israeli government as de facto advancing "territorial annexation" by approving the legalization of five "outpost" settlements.

According to Russian media, Israel occupied the West Bank militarily in the third Middle East war in 1967 and began to build Jewish settlements in the area. But the UN Security Council has repeatedly stated that such actions "have no legal effect" and are "a flagrant violation of international law."

In June last year, after the Israeli government approved the construction of thousands of new houses in settlements in the West Bank, the foreign ministers of Britain, Canada and Australia could not help but issue a joint statement condemning Israel's plan to expand settlements in the West Bank and condemning all violent incidents against civilians in the region.

However, the successive warnings have not woken up Israel, and now that Israel has the full support of the United States, it is even more emboldened.

With the development of the situation, the United States and Israel have become more closely linked, and at the same time as the Israeli finance minister made provocative remarks, the Israeli defense minister also paid a direct visit to the United States, which attracted the attention of the world.

According to a number of media reports, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant made a statement on the last day of his visit to the United States, claiming that the Israeli army could bring Lebanon back to the "Stone Age," but Israel was unwilling to go to war.

As is well known, in recent weeks, clashes between the Israeli army and Allah in Lebanon have intensified, and the two sides are already on tension.

Because Allah has intensified its attacks on Israel, it has greatly stimulated the Israeli military and government, and Israel has even ordered it to be "completely wiped out."

Not long ago, the Israeli military also approved a combat plan for launching an offensive against Allah in Lebanon. The U.S. government also came out later, saying that if Israel really wants to attack Lebanon in the end, then the United States will be on the side of its allies.

However, in the face of warnings from the United States and Israel, Allah in Lebanon did not bow its head and did not stop continuing its attacks.

Allah leader Nasrallah shot back directly, saying that in the event of a full-scale war, Israel would "nowhere else" be spared from Allah's weapons.

It can be said that in this atmosphere, the war is already on the verge of breaking out, but at this moment there is a scene of peak and turn, and the United States begins to say that there is no need to fight this war, and the United States is urgently trying to reconcile Israel and Lebanon.

And Israeli Defense Minister Gallant began to have a different attitude during his visit to the United States this week. He began by saying that Israel could not accept Allah's "military formations" on the Lebanese border, and that the Israeli army was capable of sending Lebanon "back to the Stone Age" in any battle with Allah.

Soon, however, Gallant shifted gears and said that the Israeli government was more inclined to seek a diplomatic solution, which was in line with the American side. Israel "does not want to go to war, but is preparing for every scenario." ”

So why did the United States and Israel make this statement?

In fact, it is well known that Israel is currently unable to open up a "second battlefield." Starting a new war at this time is almost unaffordable for Israel.

There are many reasons, one of which is that there was a problem in the process of attacking Gaza, the Israeli cabinet during the war has collapsed, and the temporary Israeli team no longer exists after Gantz announced his withdrawal, which has dealt a great blow to the people.

In addition, protesters in Israel are now shouting every day and resisting the prolongation of the war.

Moreover, it is also a question of whether the United States will really support Israel, and there is a view that now the United States is also putting pressure on Israel, and the two countries are not as united as they appear on the surface. And the United States has no determination to end up for its allies, and the Pentagon is at most shouting.

We know that Israel has won five wars in the Middle East and has successfully expanded its territory thanks to the United States, but now that the decline of the United States is evident, it is almost impossible to support Israel as it did in the previous five Middle East wars. The Israeli army has lost the momentum of the past.

There is even an opinion that once the Israeli army enters Lebanon proper, it will be Israel's graveyard.

Recently, the Spanish media also published a report on the United States, pointing out that the United States is in military depression and political decline, is the United States the Soviet Union in the 80s of the last century?

The article bluntly stated that the tragedy of the collapse of the Soviet Union was being played out in the United States in the same way. The general trend of the world will be divided for a long time, and the United States may be the next empire to decline.

The dilemma facing the United States is already clear: an uncontrollable fiscal deficit, a huge army that cannot achieve any victory, a dying leadership, and an outdated and dilapidated infrastructure.

At the same time, the U.S. public services have not been matched by the economic power it should have, and the American people's trust in the country's government institutions has fallen to the bottom of history.

Even the U.S. senator said in his latest report: "The U.S. military lacks modern equipment, does not have good military training, and does not have the financial resources to maintain weapons and equipment, and even the infrastructure construction is extremely backward." The U.S. military's overexpansion and lack of sophisticated equipment have led them to tread on thin ice and be on the verge of an abyss when carrying out their missions. ”

Although there is a suspicion of crying for poverty and selling misery when saying this, in fact, the "miserable phenomenon" of the United States in many aspects is almost an open secret. Now, on the surface, both the United States and Israel are arrogant, but if you look closely, you will find that both countries have a "difficult scripture."

It is very ridiculous that even so, the United States is still doing something brazen, and recently, the US House of Representatives voted to pass a shocking amendment to the bill that prohibits the US State Department from citing death statistics from the Palestinian health sector in the Gaza Strip.

If it were signed into law by President Biden, it would actually cause the U.S. government to stop discussing the death toll as a result of Israel's military action.

The report pointed out that in recent decades, the US State Department and news media have been citing casualty data released by the health department of the Gaza Strip when talking about the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

According to the latest figures, nearly 38,000 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict since October 7 last year. This number may be underestimated due to the collapse of local medical services, and the fact that people are still missing or trapped under the rubble.

Recognize the reality before you are arrogant! Israel's wartime cabinet collapsed, and the United States was the Soviet Union before its collapse?

The distracted Israeli government has repeatedly expressed its displeasure with the release of the death toll, claiming that the ministry is "exaggerating the data for political reasons."

But just last month, the World Health Organization confirmed trust in the data. WHO spokesman Lindmeier said bluntly: "There is no problem with the data, and the overall data is still consistent." ”

So the U.S. government's attempt to stop discussing the death toll from Israel's military operations is simply trying to cover it up.

Even U.S. lawmakers couldn't stand it anymore, and U.S. Rep. Rushda issued a statement condemning the amendment, saying that its passage was a "denial of genocide." She also read out information about the death toll in Gaza at the House of Representatives, and said she had intended to read out a complete list of the dead for inclusion in the official records of Congress.

"It's important to get everybody here to notice: the list is so long that I can't even submit it because of space constraints." So many people have already been killed. ”

Finally, I hope that the United States and Israel will have a clear understanding of the current international situation in a timely manner, stop it as soon as possible, and not indulge in their own fantasies, as the so-called injustice will kill oneself if one commits too much injustice, and blindly becoming an enemy of the international community will only push oneself into the abyss.

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