
Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

"May the body not be reborn in the Imperial Family!" This is a sigh issued by Liu Ziluan, the king of Xin'an in the Liu Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasty, before he died. In the ancient Chinese royal family, for the sake of profit, fratricide happened from time to time. One of the most typical examples is the "Nine Dragons Seizure" during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. However, there is no shortage of stories of brotherhood and brotherhood. Still in the Three Dynasties of Kang Yongqian in the Qing Dynasty, each dynasty had a good story of brotherly harmony.

Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

The Kangxi Emperor and his brother Fuquan the Prince of Yu

Love Shin Kyora. Fu Quan was the second son of the Shunzhi Emperor, and his mother was Concubine Dong E of Ning. What needs to be said is that this Dong Eshi is not the Dong Efei who "three thousand loves in one", otherwise there would be no story behind. Once the Shunzhi Emperor asked Fuquan's ambitions, Fuquan's answer was four words: Willing to be a virtuous king. Later in his life, he really fulfilled his wishes.

Before the death of the Shunzhi Emperor, there were actually only two candidates for succession: nine-year-old Fuquan and eight-year-old Xuan Ye. Judging from personal feelings and the ranking of elders and children, Fuquan is more likely to win. However, Empress Xiaozhuang listened to the advice of the chancellor Tang Ruowang and believed that Xuan Ye, who had already had smallpox, was more blessed, so she vigorously defied the public opinion and made Shunzhi xuan Ye the next emperor, that is, the Kangxi Emperor.

Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

From the above story, it can be seen that Fuquan was once a direct competitor to xuan ye's throne! According to the general situation, Fuquan's identity is quite dangerous. However, the Kangxi Emperor was worthy of being the most outstanding emperor of the Qing Dynasty, with a broad heart, and not only did not persecute the second brother, but also entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. In the sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Fu quan, who was already fifteen years old, was made the Prince of Yu and a minister of parliament. Although Kangxi was not yet pro-government at this time, it could not be said that he did not have any suspicion of his brother.

In the sixteen years that followed, Fuquan did not leave much behind. In contrast, Kangxi was busy during this period of pacifying San Francisco and taking over Taiwan. The brothers were busy and idle, and they didn't know what the reason was, it could be that Fuquan's own talent attributes were not suitable for civil wars and naval battles. By the twenty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Fuquan began to become active. His brother Kangxi went to Wutai Mountain and the Great Wall to make an inspection of the Great Wall, taking the lead himself, while letting Fuquan accompany Empress Xiaozhuang. In the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi, Empress Xiaozhuang fell ill, kangxi personally served, and Fuquan accompanied him throughout the whole process, and was commended by Kangxi.

Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

The highlight is that in the twenty-ninth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Western Mongol leader Gardan led an army to attack Zhu Muqin. In order to counterattack, Kangxi Fengfuquan was made the general of Fuyuan, leading a large army out of Gubeikou and joining forces with several other armies to jointly attack Kaldan. At first, Fu quan achieved some victories, defeating the Erut army under Gardan by night raids. But Gardan was cunning and immediately assumed a posture of surrender. Fu quan's credulity led to a missed opportunity; then, without asking for advice, Fu Quan privately ordered his troops to return to the division. This was a big taboo at the time, but the Kangxi Emperor did not kill or imprison Fuquan, but instead punished Feng Lu for three years and removed the power of the three lords and the government. And his prince was saved. In the thirty-fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Kangxi Emperor once again personally conquered Gardan, and Fuquan followed and made meritorious contributions.

Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

In the forty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Fuquan was seriously ill. The Kangxi Emperor was on a tour of the field at the time, so he ordered his princes to return to Beijing to visit. On June 24 of that year, Fu quan died of illness at the age of fifty-one. After returning to Beijing, the Kangxi Emperor immediately came to mourn and wept bitterly in front of the spirit. After calming down, the Kangxi Emperor ordered Yushi Luozhan to build Fuquan's tomb and tombstone at Huanghua Mountain. In addition to the annual regular sacrifices, the specifications of the sacrifices have been added separately. After Fuquan's funeral was completed, Kangxi asked people to draw a picture of his home where he and Fuquan sat together under the tree to send mourning.

The Yongzheng Emperor and Yin Xiang the Prince of Yi

The Yongzheng Emperor was a famous iron-fisted emperor. Due to the relationship between the "Kowloon Conquest", yongzheng and several brothers have a very tense relationship. Soon after he took the throne, the brothers were imprisoned and imprisoned by his captivity. Even his own brother, the Fourteenth Master Yin Yu, could not escape this fate. But he and his thirteenth brother Yin Xiang are iron brothers who can't be better, and their feelings even go beyond brotherly feelings, and they can be regarded as confidants in life.

Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

There was a reason why the Yongzheng Emperor and Yin Xiang had a good relationship. When he was a child, Yin Xiang was clever and clever, and he was very favored by his father, the Kangxi Emperor, so he asked The Adult Yin Chan (that is, the Yongzheng Emperor) to teach Yin Xiang mathematics personally. The two brothers get along day and night, always discuss current affairs and exchange ideas, so they know each other very well. If Kangxi went on a tour and took the two brothers with him, the two would be inseparable; if he brought only one of them, there would be frequent correspondence between the brothers. Therefore, it can be seen that Yin Chan and Yin Xiang are real brothers.

What was even more rare was that Yin Xiang had no intention of taking the throne, which made him not be jealous of the deep Yin Chan. In fact, when it comes to personal feelings, the Kangxi Emperor's favorite is Yin Xiang. However, later Yin Xiang was involved in the case of the deposed prince and was imprisoned for a year, and has since fallen out of favor. After regaining his freedom, Yin Xiang firmly stood with the fourth brother, and the two advanced and retreated together, and finally laughed at the end in the struggle for power.

Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

For the support of his brothers, the Yongzheng Emperor repaid the favor. The day after his succession, he made Yin Xiang the Prince of Heshuoyi, the prime minister of the imperial court. Yin Xiang was also very grateful for the appreciation of the fourth brother, and worked for him without sleeping or eating. In the later years of Kangxi's life, there were many shortcomings, the national treasury was empty, and the local government treasuries were in serious deficit; the old cases of the backlog of yamen at all levels had no clue; the northwestern Dzungar Khanate had always been hostile to the Qing Dynasty, and in order to maintain military pressure, the army also needed a large amount of grain; plus the funeral of the Kangxi Emperor, the matters of the examination, the supervision of the construction office, and the related matters of foreign missionaries. Piece by piece, Yin Xiang personally inquired about it and handled it in an orderly manner. It can be said that the reason why the Yongzheng Emperor was able to sit firmly in the country was inseparable from Yin Xiang's efforts. Therefore, the Yongzheng Emperor would praise Yin Xiang, "Wang Shilai Wang Yi praises Shengping, and Wang Shi can rule the world." "The two brothers treated each other with sincerity and worked together to push Kang Yongqian's prosperity to the peak.

Yongzheng's favor for Yin Xiang is, of course, not just as simple as being crowned king. He once rewarded Yin Xiang with 230,000 taels of silver, and specially ordered Yin Xiang to take money directly from the national treasury for family use within six years. In terms of the number of leaders, Yongzheng sent many people to Yin Xiangjia, as well as 17 guards of various ranks. In terms of honor guards, Yongzheng also added two leopard tail guns and long knives to Yin Xiang. In the third year of Yongzheng, the emperor gave Yin Xiang another indicator of a county king, so that he could choose one of all his sons to be crowned. And Yin Xiang gave most of these rewards in resignation, and if he really couldn't quit, he minimized the number and never accepted them all.

Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

But no one is superman, and Yin Xiang's body is gradually exhausted under heavy work. After eight years of Yongzheng, Yin Xiang finally fell ill. But he was lying on his sickbed, still thinking about the project of curing the river, and people could not help but sigh that his sense of responsibility was so strong. The Yongzheng Emperor also felt sorry for this able minister, and constantly sent a doctor to diagnose and treat him, and ordered yin xiang to reduce the burden, and used his internal funds to set up an altar to pray for Yin xiang's blessing. But everything was in vain, and Yin Xiang died on the fourth day of May of this year.

The Qianlong Emperor and Prince Hongzhi

Compared with the two brothers in front, the reputation of the Qianlong Emperor and Hongzhi was much worse.

Hongzhi was the most lawless and absurd prince in the middle and early Qing Dynasty. He once had a dispute with the Minister of War, Ne, during the deliberations. Regardless of the royal decency, Hongzhi actually beat up Ne Qin in front of Manchu Wenwu. The Qianlong Emperor, on the other hand, watched his brother act arbitrarily and did not dissuade him at all. Afterwards, no punishment was made for Hongzhi.

Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

In addition to beating people, Hirohito's fanaticism for money is also unimaginable. After the Qianlong Emperor succeeded to the throne, he once gave the Yongzheng Emperor's private money and old residence property to Hongzhi. How many specifically, the history books did not mention, but I think it should not be too little. Coupled with Prince Hongzhi's FengLu, he should not be short of money to spend. However, Hongzhi was not satisfied at all, and once ordered someone to detain the "money truck" of the imperial court, which was equivalent to taking money from the national treasury. In addition, he was enthusiastic about his funeral, and every time he sat in the courtyard and drank heavily, he ordered his family to cry. Naturally, the prince and minister did not want to come to mourn, so Hongzhi received a lot of money.

Regarding his brother's absurdity, the Qianlong Emperor's attitude was to turn a blind eye and go with him. However, Hongzhi gradually became oblivious and began to be unruly to the Qianlong Emperor. During one of the imperial examinations, at noon, Hongzhi invited the Qianlong Emperor to go back to dinner. When the Qianlong Emperor did not allow it, Hongzhi muttered, "Is the emperor afraid that I will bribe these disciples?" This sentence is placed in someone else's place, but it is an absolute deceitful sin. But the Qianlong Emperor was silent and did not answer. The next day, Hongzhi also felt that he had gone too far, so he came to Qianlong to plead his guilt. Qianlong said, "If I had said a word yesterday, I'm afraid you would have been crushed to pieces!" "After saying that, I still indulge this little brother, and nothing has changed."

Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

There was a reason for Qianlong's indulgence in Hongzhi. Hongzhi grew up with Qianlong's birth mother, Concubine Xi Guifei, so the brothers had a deep affection. Coupled with the fact that after Qianlong succeeded to the throne, the other brothers had all died, and only Hongzhi was still alive, and he would certainly dote on this brother more.

But as far as Hongzhi is concerned, his nonsense is likely to be just a "self-defiling" tactic. The Yongzheng Emperor once commented on Hongzhi, believing that he was extremely intelligent and most similar to himself. Moreover, in the thirteenth year of Yongzheng, the imperial court set up the Miaojiang Affairs Office. At a young age, Hongzhi managed together with the Qianlong Emperor, which showed that his talent and potential were at least not under Qianlong. This is completely different from the state he showed during the Qianlong period.

Accustomed to the struggle between the emperors and brothers in history, is there a very good relationship? There are three cases in the Qing Dynasty

However, in any case, Hirohito's reputation for wanton behavior has been created. It can be said that as long as the Qianlong Emperor is still alive for one day, he can continue to act arbitrarily. However, in the thirty-fifth year of Qianlong, Hongzhi made a fool of himself. This year, he really experienced a funeral, but unfortunately he could not preside over it himself. The Qianlong Emperor did not express special sorrow, but gave him a nickname of "Gong". Perhaps for him, who was an older brother, Hiroshi's death was a relief.

In addition to these, several other emperors of the Qing Dynasty, as long as they have brothers, are okay with each other. The reason for this is that the Qing Dynasty's unique feudal monarchy and tradition of "secretly establishing reserves" should have played a great role. The kings of the Qing Dynasty only had titles and honorific titles, and they all lived in the capital, and did not go back to other places to "take the domain", so they would not have too strong private power. Once the throne was determined, the king of the clan had only a share of submission. After the secret reserve system is determined, each prince has no clear opponent, and can only desperately curry favor with his father and emperor, and naturally there will not be too many fratricidal dramas.

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