
The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has approved that the UHD Key Laboratory is coming [with UHD video industry market trends]

author:Qianzhan Network
The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has approved that the UHD Key Laboratory is coming [with UHD video industry market trends]


On December 25, according to the official website of the State Administration of Radio and Television, the State Administration of Radio and Television approved the establishment of the "Key Laboratory of UHD Technology Innovation and Application of the State Administration of Radio and Television" in Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

According to the announcement, the laboratory will focus on the ultra-high-definition industry chain, carry out key basic technological innovation and application demonstration of the whole chain in the fields of content production, transmission and distribution, and terminal presentation, so as to provide important technical support for promoting the upgrading of the end-to-end industrial chain of ultra-high-definition and promoting the research and development and industrial application of ultra-high-definition original technology.

At present, the mainland attaches great importance to the ultra-high-definition video industry, and the national and local governments have intensively introduced plans and policies around ultra-high-definition video. On December 15, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the High-quality Development of the Audiovisual Electronics Industry", which proposes to implement the 4K/8K ultra-high-definition home action, accelerate the mature implementation of 4K/8K ultra-high-definition technology, and encourage 4K/8K TVs, laser TVs, virtual reality terminals and other products to enter the home.


According to the Guidelines for the Construction of Ultra-HD Video Standard System (2020 Edition), ultra-high-definition video is a new generation of video with 4K (3840×2160 pixels) or 8K (7680×4320 pixels) resolution, which meets the technical requirements of high frame rate, high bit depth, wide color gamut, and high dynamic range.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has approved that the UHD Key Laboratory is coming [with UHD video industry market trends]

The scale of the development of the national ultra-high-definition video industry

According to the data released by CCID, the total scale of the ultra-high-definition video industry in mainland China has reached 1.8 trillion yuan, of which the direct sales revenue of the core link of ultra-high-definition video exceeds 810 billion yuan, the scale of industry application exceeds 980 billion yuan, the direct sales revenue of hardware is about 90 billion yuan, and the solution and integration solutions exceed 890 billion yuan. According to the national ultra-high-definition video industry plan, the overall scale of the mainland's ultra-high-definition video industry plan will exceed four trillion yuan in 2022.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has approved that the UHD Key Laboratory is coming [with UHD video industry market trends]

The market size will exceed 4 trillion yuan, and Guangdong Province has the highest planned scale

In the context of the integrated development of 5G and ultra-high-definition, the demand for downstream applications is expected to explode, and the prospect of the ultra-high-definition video industry is considerable. According to the national ultra-high-definition video industry plan, the overall scale of the mainland's ultra-high-definition video industry plan will exceed 4 trillion in 2022, and the number of ultra-high-definition video users will reach 200 million.

In addition to the national level, various provinces and cities have also formulated differentiated local UHD video industry development action plans. Among them, Guangdong Province has the highest planning scale, and the Guangdong Provincial Action Plan points out that by 2022, the overall scale of the province's ultra-high-definition video industry will exceed 800 billion yuan, and three world-class ultra-high-definition video industry clusters will be built. It has launched more than 4 4K UHD TV channels and more than 8 sets of 4K UHD TV channel transmission services, with 23 million 4K users.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has approved that the UHD Key Laboratory is coming [with UHD video industry market trends]

The development prospect of Shenzhen's ultra-high-definition video display industry

According to the "Action Plan for Cultivating and Developing Ultra-high-Definition Video Display Industry Clusters in Shenzhen (2022-2025)" issued by the Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission in June 2022, by 2025, an industrial ecosystem with leading scale, innovation-led and optimized structure will be formed, and a characteristic industrial agglomeration area with collaborative innovation and linkage development will be built, and the agglomeration effect will gradually emerge, creating a globally competitive ultra-high-definition video display industry cluster, of which the main business income of the ultra-high-definition video display industry will exceed 450 billion yuan.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has approved that the UHD Key Laboratory is coming [with UHD video industry market trends]

Zhang Li, president of the China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute, said that the audio-visual industry represented by ultra-high-definition video is triggering a new round of cluster innovation breakthroughs in the field of information technology, and has become an important "bull's nose" for deepening supply-side structural reform, expanding the domestic demand market, promoting consumption upgrading, and cultivating new momentum for economic growth. Zhang Li believes that China's ultra-high-definition video industry has achieved fruitful technological innovation and application demonstration results, which is triggering a new round of cluster innovation breakthroughs in the field of information technology and becoming the key to cultivating new momentum for economic growth.

Prospective Economist APP Information Group

For more research and analysis of this industry, please refer to the "Market Prospect and Investment Planning Analysis Report of China's 4K/8K UHD TV Industry" by Qianzhan Industry Research Institute

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