
Since Dong Yuhui left Dongfang Selection, the traffic in the live broadcast room of Dongfang Selection has plummeted, and on the first day of Xiao Sun's comeback, the audience's curiosity has been troubled, and it has only reached 100,000+, and I really think that every one

author:Sports-loving chubby 888

Since Dong Yuhui left Dongfang Selection, the traffic in the live broadcast room of Dongfang Selection has plummeted, and on the first day of Xiao Sun's comeback, the audience's curiosity has been troubled, and it has only reached 100,000+, and I really think everyone is Dong Yuhui!

Leaving Dong Yuhui, the number of people online in prime time these days is only 20,000+, and the sales are also declining seriously, although the remaining anchors are highly educated, but they do not have Yuhui's profound cultural literacy, and they can't attract the audience's like, Dong Yuhui's explosion is that his profound culture has won a large number of netizens with cultural feelings, all, Dong Yuhui is irreplaceable. This is not something that can be replaced by a person with a high degree of education.

I don't know if the people who shouted that the small composition was a small compilation before, can still be tough now, and have the ability to continue to write small compositions, so that these highly educated talents can miss it and see if it can become popular?#Live broadcast top Dong Yuhui# #Yu Minhong and Xiao Yang Ge# #Liu Yingjie became popular# #Live broadcast with goods dispute# #Hot search list highlight topic# #董宇辉式的网红#

Since Dong Yuhui left Dongfang Selection, the traffic in the live broadcast room of Dongfang Selection has plummeted, and on the first day of Xiao Sun's comeback, the audience's curiosity has been troubled, and it has only reached 100,000+, and I really think that every one
Since Dong Yuhui left Dongfang Selection, the traffic in the live broadcast room of Dongfang Selection has plummeted, and on the first day of Xiao Sun's comeback, the audience's curiosity has been troubled, and it has only reached 100,000+, and I really think that every one
Since Dong Yuhui left Dongfang Selection, the traffic in the live broadcast room of Dongfang Selection has plummeted, and on the first day of Xiao Sun's comeback, the audience's curiosity has been troubled, and it has only reached 100,000+, and I really think that every one

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