
Inheriting the Torch and Lighting Up the Future - 2024 Campus Art Festival and After-school Service Achievement Exhibition of Anju Primary School

author:Sichuan Minsheng Network

The most beautiful April day in the world, the spring flowers show a new look. In this day of spring and glory, in order to carry forward the main theme of the times, enrich the campus cultural life of teachers and students, and show the cultural heritage of the school and the achievements of students' quality education, on April 26, the "Inheriting the Torch and Lighting the Future" Campus Culture and Art Festival of Anju Primary School was in full swing. All teachers, students and parent representatives gathered together to share this wonderful moment.

Inheriting the Torch and Lighting Up the Future - 2024 Campus Art Festival and After-school Service Achievement Exhibition of Anju Primary School

The art festival and the campus achievement exhibition showed the cultural connotation and development achievements of Anju with three chapters: "Praise for the Inheritance of the Prosperous Age", "Acura Pilot and Continuous Struggle" and "Forge Ahead, Pursue Dreams and Pilot".

Inheriting the Torch and Lighting Up the Future - 2024 Campus Art Festival and After-school Service Achievement Exhibition of Anju Primary School

The campus culture and art festival is an important part of the construction of campus culture, a big stage for teachers and students to show their literary and artistic style and highlight their personality charm, and an important starting point for the school to educate people with culture and aesthetics. With the theme of "Inheriting the Torch and Lighting the Future", the art show of this art festival is rich in types of programs and original works, which highlights the feelings of the family and country of Anju Elementary School of loving the party and the country, loving the school and honoring the school, and showing the vigorous and enterprising spirit of Anju Elementary School. The students were nourished by truth, goodness and beauty in the exchange with art, improved their aesthetic cultivation in the collision with art, and showed their youthful demeanor in the resonance of art!

Inheriting the Torch and Lighting Up the Future - 2024 Campus Art Festival and After-school Service Achievement Exhibition of Anju Primary School
Inheriting the Torch and Lighting Up the Future - 2024 Campus Art Festival and After-school Service Achievement Exhibition of Anju Primary School
Inheriting the Torch and Lighting Up the Future - 2024 Campus Art Festival and After-school Service Achievement Exhibition of Anju Primary School

In the future, under the guidance of the fundamental task of "cultivating people with virtue", Anju Primary School will adhere to the simultaneous development of five educations, strive to improve the quality of campus culture, and create characteristics and highlights for the high-quality development and high quality of the school with the construction of campus culture.

Inheriting the Torch and Lighting Up the Future - 2024 Campus Art Festival and After-school Service Achievement Exhibition of Anju Primary School
Inheriting the Torch and Lighting Up the Future - 2024 Campus Art Festival and After-school Service Achievement Exhibition of Anju Primary School

The No. 1 Primary School of Anju District, Suining City (formerly Anju Primary School) was founded in 1914 and has a history of 110 years. The school is located at No. 69, Zhengdong Street, Zhengdong Community, Rougang Office, Anju District, Suining City, which is a modern urban primary school planned by the Anju District Party Committee and District Government in September 2007 according to the educational development needs of Anju City, with 61 teaching classes, more than 3,100 students and more than 200 teaching staff.

Inheriting the Torch and Lighting Up the Future - 2024 Campus Art Festival and After-school Service Achievement Exhibition of Anju Primary School
Inheriting the Torch and Lighting Up the Future - 2024 Campus Art Festival and After-school Service Achievement Exhibition of Anju Primary School

The school implements Mr. Tao Xingzhi's concept of "life education", takes "unity of action and knowledge, and goodness" as the school motto, and "let every life thrive and bloom" as the educational goal, adheres to the "five educations" at the same time, and comprehensively implements quality education. It has successively won the honorary titles of "National Football Demonstration School", "National Excellent Organization Unit of Scientific Investigation", "National Primary and Secondary School Sunshine Sports Outstanding A Case", "Sichuan Modern Education Technology Demonstration School", "Sichuan Sunshine Sports Demonstration School", "Sichuan Provincial Demonstration School of Law-based Governance", "Sichuan Civilized Campus", "Suining Advanced Unit of Liangji Work", "Suining Advanced Collective for Top-notch Innovative Talent Training", "Suining Advanced Collective for Education Work" and other honorary titles. The teaching quality of the school ranks first among similar schools in Anju District, and has won the first prize in the comprehensive assessment of Anju District for 14 consecutive years, which has been highly recognized and trusted by parents and society. (Duan Min/Deng Hongbo Source: Anju Elementary School)

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