
1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

Chat about the ball in the middle of the mountain

2024-05-30 05:45Published in Fujian

The second week of the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League has been fully launched, in the game of Macao, China, the Thai women's volleyball team defeated the Dominican women's volleyball team 3-1, ending a four-game losing streak, and the Brazilian women's volleyball team reversed Japan 3-2, sending the Japanese women's volleyball team to two consecutive defeats. In the United States, the Polish women's volleyball team defeated the Serbian women's volleyball team 3-1 and continued to be a dark horse, while the United States women's volleyball team defeated the Canadian women's volleyball team 3-1. The Chinese women's volleyball team sat at home to face the European powerhouse Dutch women's volleyball team, and finally defeated the Dutch women's volleyball team with a score of 3-1 and successfully took revenge.

1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

Chinese women's volleyball team 3-1 Dutch women's volleyball team

In the first game, the Chinese women's volleyball team came up 0-4 and was hit with the first timeout, and after the adjustment, the Chinese women's volleyball team still lagged behind and called the second timeout at 6-13. In the end, the Chinese women's volleyball team made a late effort but failed to catch up with the score, and finally lost 21-25.

1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

At the beginning of the second game, the Chinese women's volleyball team and the opponent's score were very tight, and the scores of the two sides rose alternately and could not close the gap, and the score once came to 13-13. The scores of the two sides were tight all the way to 20-20, and Gong Xiangyu scored consecutive points, and the Chinese women's volleyball team played a Dutch timeout 23-21. In the end, the Chinese women's volleyball team won the second game 25-23, and the score came to a 1-1 draw.

1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

At the beginning of the third game, the scores of the two sides continued to rise alternately, and the Netherlands called a timeout when the score reached 12-10. The Chinese women's volleyball team continued to score 3 points in a row, and the Netherlands called the second timeout 15-10. Subsequently, the Chinese women's volleyball team was continuously chased close to the score and called a timeout at 18-17. In the end, the Chinese women's volleyball team withstood the counterattack and won 25-23, and the score came to 2-1.

1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

The scene continued to be stalemate in the fourth game, and the Chinese women's volleyball team maintained a slight advantage until 14-12, and the Chinese team called a timeout at 16-15. The Dutch team continued to chase points, and at 19-19, the Chinese women's volleyball team called the second timeout. In the end, the Chinese team stabilized the situation and won the fourth game 25-21, defeating the Dutch women's volleyball team with a total score of 3-1.

1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

Poland women's volleyball team 3-1 Serbia women's volleyball team

The Polish women's volleyball team is a new first-class team in recent years, with a high degree of advantage, as well as offensive speed, and the strength of the whole team is still improving, in the first game, the Polish women's volleyball team won 4 consecutive victories, ranking first in the World Women's Volleyball League. The Serbian women's volleyball team is a traditional strong team in Europe, which has won the world championship, and because the Serbian women's volleyball team has won the Olympic ticket in advance, it did not send the strongest team in this year's World Women's Volleyball League.

1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

After the start of the game, the Polish women's volleyball team quickly entered the game, on the other hand, Serbia lacked an offensive core, and the Polish women's volleyball team soon won the first game with a score of 25-16. In the second game, Serbia's defense strengthened, seized the opportunity in the grasp of key points, and narrowly won 25-23 to pull back a game. In the third game, Poland stabilized its mentality, accelerated its attack, and easily won 25-18. In the 4th game, the Polish women's volleyball team seized the opportunity to win another game 25-22, thus defeating Serbia 3-1, and after winning 5 consecutive victories, it overtook the Brazilian women's volleyball team to the top of the list.

1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

Canada women's volleyball team 1-3 United States women's volleyball team

The U.S. women's volleyball team sat at home to face the neighboring Canadian women's volleyball team, the Canadian women's volleyball team defeated the Chinese women's volleyball team in the first leg, while the U.S. women's volleyball team was reversed by the Chinese women's volleyball team. The U.S. women's volleyball team won 2 wins and 2 losses in the first leg and is ranked 4th in the world. The Canadian women's volleyball team is ranked 9th in the world, with a record of 3 wins and 1 loss in the first week.

1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

At the beginning of the game, the two teams played very close in the first game, the score alternately led, and once scored 18 draws, and at the key point at the end of the game, the blocking of the American women's volleyball team played a role and won the first game 25-22. In the second game, the U.S. women's volleyball team continued the state of the first game and won with a score of 25-17. In the third game, the Canadian women's volleyball team narrowly won 25-23 to pull back a game. In the fourth game, the U.S. women's volleyball team won the game 25-20.

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  • 1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories
  • 1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories
  • 1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories
  • 1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories
  • 1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories
  • 1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories
  • 1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories
  • 1-3,3-1! The Chinese team reversed and ranked fourth, Zhu Ting made a comeback, the world champion was upset, and the dark horse won 5 consecutive victories

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