
Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

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2024-06-01 21:08Posted in Hebei Sports Creator

Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

At 19:30 on June 1, Beijing time, the Chinese women's volleyball team played against the third opponent of the Macao station, the Thai team. As a result, the Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the opponent 3-0. The scores in the three games were: 25-23, 25-17, 25-18. Here's a look at the competition:

Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

Chinese women's volleyball starting lineup:

Main attack: Zhu Ting, Li Yingying

Secondary attack: Yuan Xinyue, Wang Yuanyuan

Second setter: Diao Linyu

Answer: Gong Xiangyu

Free man: Wang Mengjie

In the game against Thailand, the biggest change was that Cai Bin finally let Zhu Ting start. In the last game with the Japanese team, Cai Bin successively sent Wang Yunrui, Wu Mengjie, Zhang Changning, and Zhu Ting to the opposite corner of Li Yingying. After Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning returned to the team, they did not have much run-in with the team, which also caused some confusion in the offensive and defensive rhythm of the Chinese team on the field. In this game, Cai Bin sent Zhu Ting to the first place and partnered with Li Yingying, at least to ensure that the Chinese team had two strong attack points on the field.

Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

Contest process:

After the start of the game, the rhythm of the Chinese women's volleyball team was not bad. Zhu Ting and Li Yingying's high-point attacks can tear apart the Thai team's defense. After Zhu Ting came on the court, she did reflect the advantages of the net in attack. However, in the middle of the game, Thailand's running attack came out, coupled with the fact that the opponent had a similar style to the Japanese team, and the ground defense was very strong, and the Thai women's volleyball team once tied the score. At the end of the game, the key points were contested, Li Yingying made a strong attack at the No. 4 position, and the Chinese women's volleyball team took the lead in winning the first game 25-23. In the first game, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying each scored 7 points.

Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

In the second game, the Chinese women's volleyball team gradually found its sense and basically controlled the situation on the court. Zhu Ting also slowly integrated into the team's tactics. The fly in the ointment is that the Chinese women's volleyball team did not perform very well in blocking the net. After the first pass was stabilized, Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan's two auxiliary attack fastballs also provided enough offensive firepower. Unlike the Japanese team, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying added a lot of hanging balls in the game against the Thai women's volleyball team. Under the combination of hanging and hanging, Thailand's defensive formation was also disrupted. 25-17 The Chinese women's volleyball team won the second game.

Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

In the third game, the Chinese women's volleyball team blossomed more, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying were strong offensive, Wang Mengjie's defense was also very good, and the entire offensive and defensive rhythm was much smoother. For Zhu Ting's use, Cai Bin did use it too late. Zhu Ting herself said that she had recovered from her wrist injury, and in the training in Macau, Zhu Ting integrated into the team very quickly. Give her more time and the Chinese team should perform better than it does now. In the end, the 25-18 Chinese women's volleyball team locked up the victory.

Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

Technical Analysis:

Against the "Little Kuailing" team, the Chinese women's volleyball team exposed the same problem: the blocking net is too bad! Whether it is blocking Japan or Thailand, the Chinese women's volleyball team failed to reflect the advantage of height at the net. Yuan Xinyue didn't score a point in the game against Japan; In the battle with Thailand, the Chinese women's volleyball team only scored 1 point in the first game. We can't keep up with the opponent's ball, but for the adjustment of the attack, the Chinese women's volleyball team still can't stop it. Li Ying also mentioned in the commentary: "We jumped too early, gave too many hands, and were always borrowed by the other party to score." ”

Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

Diao Linyu's pass is too far behind the setter of Japan and Thailand. Even though Japan and Thailand have good ground defense, as long as they pass the ball high and stand firmly, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying are still very strong in their ability to play the ball. The reason why we can't beat our opponents in multi-board attacks is that Diao Linyu is not at the same level as Japan and Thailand's setters in terms of passing quality. Li Ying also reminded repeatedly in the commentary: "The ball that Diao Linyu gives to the attacker must have a ball head and stand up!" In addition, the Chinese women's volleyball team has had many problems of unclear defensive areas in this World League. The opponent slapped the heart or dropped the ball, and all the players on the field went directly to save the ball, but no one could prevent it.

Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

Compared with the peak, Zhu Ting's decisive attack was not so violent. But now she has a lot of techniques, experience, and changes, and she can still score points. After defeating the Thai women's volleyball team, the Chinese women's volleyball team will next face the last opponent and the strongest opponent in Macau, which is the Italian women's volleyball team. I hope Cai Bin can insist on letting Zhu Ting start, no matter whether the game wins or loses, at least give Zhu Ting more opportunities to run in with the team!

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  • Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable
  • Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable
  • Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable
  • Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable
  • Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable
  • Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable
  • Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable
  • Match Point | The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, Zhu Tingjin started, and Li Yingying was unstoppable

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