
[100 days of summer training] Day 5: aerobic jogging, running to work, add a chicken leg to yourself! Today is the day of the college entrance examination, with a distance of 19 kilometers 530 speed for students

author:Brother Chi who runs hard

[100 days of summer training] Day 5: aerobic jogging, running to work, add a chicken leg to yourself! Today is the day of the college entrance examination, and I cheer for the students with a distance of 19 kilometers and a speed of 530. There are many big exams in life, and the college entrance examination is just the beginning.

Continue to run in the crisp June morning, do not forget the original intention, run healthily, slow is fast, uniform speed is king, return to yourself, thank you for being with you all the way! @老酒兄

#夏练三伏开跑啦# #分享晨跑经历# #晨跑打卡20k# #坚持晨慢跑打卡# #认真跑步的一周# #爱运动, love to run# #分享跑步随想# #治愈#

[100 days of summer training] Day 5: aerobic jogging, running to work, add a chicken leg to yourself! Today is the day of the college entrance examination, with a distance of 19 kilometers 530 speed for students
[100 days of summer training] Day 5: aerobic jogging, running to work, add a chicken leg to yourself! Today is the day of the college entrance examination, with a distance of 19 kilometers 530 speed for students
[100 days of summer training] Day 5: aerobic jogging, running to work, add a chicken leg to yourself! Today is the day of the college entrance examination, with a distance of 19 kilometers 530 speed for students

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