
The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized deputies to the people's congresses at the city and district levels to carry out research and investigation on the construction of educational highlands

author:Baiyun Obo released

The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized deputies to the people's congresses at the city and district levels to carry out research and investigation on the construction of educational highlands
The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized deputies to the people's congresses at the city and district levels to carry out research and investigation on the construction of educational highlands

In order to promote the implementation of the "Implementation Opinions on Building an Educational Highland and Accelerating the Construction of a Strong Education City" by the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and the "Implementation Plan for Building an Educational Highland to Comprehensively Promote the High-quality Development of Education" of the District Party Committee and District Government, and to fully understand the development of the work of building an educational highland in our district, on June 18, the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives of the municipal and district people's congresses to carry out research on the construction of educational highlands. Zhang Hesheng, Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Bai Yonggang, Member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Deputy Head of the Government, Fei Baorong and Yang Eryan, Deputy Directors of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, 6 representatives of the Municipal and District People's Congresses in the education sector, the Education, Science, Culture and Health Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, the Elected Joint Working Committee, the District Government Office, the Education Bureau and the heads of various schools (kindergartens) participated in the investigation.

The research team successively went to the District Iron Mine Kindergarten, the District No. 1 Primary School, and the Bao 18 Middle School to conduct field investigations, and listened to the introduction of the person in charge of the school (park) on the basic situation of the school (park), the characteristics of running the school, the construction of the teacher team, and the campus culture.

After the investigation, Fei Baorong presided over a symposium and listened to the report of the person in charge of the District Education Bureau on the work of building an educational highland in our district.

Zhang Hesheng pointed out in his speech at the research symposium that in the next step, the district government should carefully sort out the existing problems and difficulties in combination with the opinions and suggestions put forward by the deputies of the National People's Congress in this survey, continue to make efforts, and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of education. First, we will continue to improve the education and teaching environment. In-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on education, the government and relevant departments should establish the idea that education is to promote the high-quality development of the regional economy and society, solve the expectations and development needs of people's livelihood, and continue to enhance the attractiveness of the region. We must give full support and sincere service, make overall plans for all types of education at all levels, and form a strong joint force to accelerate the high-quality development of education. Second, focusing on improving the quality of education and teaching, we should do a good job in the construction of the three teams. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the team of principals, conscientiously implement the principal responsibility system, take "strong politics, noble morality, superb professionalism, and courage to take responsibility" as the criteria for selecting and appointing principals, and strive to build a team of educator-type principals who are responsible, responsible, and emotional. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the teaching team, always regard the teaching team as the first resource for educational development, further improve the teacher professional development standard system, training system, and training system, comprehensively improve the teacher's moral style and professional quality, make every effort to do a good job in the logistics support of the teacher team, and strive to solve the worries of teachers, so that teachers can devote their main energy to teaching without distraction, and ensure the professional and stable development of the teacher talent team. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the teaching and research team, combine full-time and part-time teaching and research personnel, create a teaching and research team composed of full-time and part-time teaching and research personnel and teachers, and lead teachers to be willing to study and take the initiative to ensure the normalization and standardization of teaching and research activities, and promote the continuous improvement of education quality. The third is to give prominence to education with special characteristics. Combined with the actual situation of Baiyun Obo area, we will continue to promote the reform of small-class education and teaching, and continuously improve the quality of education and teaching. Fourth, fully implement the party's education policy and implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people. Strengthen the all-round cultivation of students' "morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics, and labor". Develop quality education, strengthen and improve school physical education, aesthetic education, and labor education in the new era, and at the same time, put mental health work in a more prominent position, and promote the all-round development of students' morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. Fifth, strengthen campus security. We should pay close attention to campus safety work, establish and improve campus safety management mechanisms, carry out campus safety hazard investigation on a regular basis, and build a solid campus security defense line.

Contribution and review: District People's Congress Office

Editor-in-chief: Zhang Xin

Editor: Wu Xiaoya

Editor-in-charge: House Xuan

Editor: Xing Tian


The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized deputies to the people's congresses at the city and district levels to carry out research and investigation on the construction of educational highlands
The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized deputies to the people's congresses at the city and district levels to carry out research and investigation on the construction of educational highlands

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