
Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

author:Steering wheel

The Chang'e-6 mission was a complete success, and the entire Chang'e-6 mission, which lasted 53 days, has been completely completed, and its lunar samples have been brought back to Earth.

This time, Chang'e-6 landed in Siziwangqi, Inner Mongolia, and of course, the mainland will start various studies on Chang'e-6 and process Chang'e-6 samples in the future.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

However, this mission also highlights the good achievements under the mainland's aerospace cooperation, and also increases the further expansion of China's space "circle of friends", so let's take a look at it in detail.

In 53 days, Chang'e-6 successfully returned, and the five countries were boiling

That's right, the mainland Chang'e-6 mission, the whole process of the mission is still long, a total of 53 days, which is more than one and a half times longer than the mainland Chang'e-5 mission. This also shows that this task is really not easy.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

Of course, this mission is mainly to sample the far side of the moon, and humans have previously conducted 10 lunar samples, all of which were on the front side. Therefore, the difficulty level of the far side of the moon has been increased suddenly, and if it was really very simple, other countries would have gone there a long time ago.

And the mainland this time created the history of sampling, exploration, research and other related to the far side of the moon, which is also to write the history of the development of the world's aerospace, which is something to be proud of.

This time, the Chang'e-6 lander and ascender combination, with the support of the Queqiao-2 relay satellite, successfully landed in the pre-selected landing area of the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the Moon.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

And the lunar samples in this area are very special, and it is also a place where human beings have long wanted to collect, but there is no way, no country can do it, and China is the first to do it, the main problem is the problem of the lunar relay star, so far China still "exists" the lunar relay star, and other countries also need the support of the mainland if they want to go to the far side of the moon.

Previously, including the United States, they applied for use, and the mainland also agreed, but I didn't see it, and it is unclear whether it will go in the future.

After the South Pole-Aitken Basin sample on the far side of the moon is obtained, it will solve many existing mysteries about the moon.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

For example, the rock composition of the samples collected by Chang'e-6 is more likely to be basalt-type material, and it is possible to see other material types ejected from other places.

These studies may explain the properties of samples excavated at deep levels in such a huge annular basin formed in the early days of the solar system.

It will make a great contribution to the study of the early evolution of the moon and even the early evolution history of the earth.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

How old the sample really is needs to be analyzed. However, its rock composition and formation age should be different from the samples collected by Chang'e-5, which needs to be further studied and analyzed.

Therefore, the first sample of the far side of the moon brought back by Chang'e-6 is of great value.

And there is nothing to say about the boiling of 5 countries, in addition to the mainland, there are 4 other countries, because the mainland Chang'e-6 brings 4 international payloads, namely the French Lunar Radon Detector, ESA/Sweden Lunar Surface Negative Ion Analyzer, Italian Laser Corner Reflector and Pakistan CubeSat and other four international cooperation payloads.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

The complete success of Chang'e-6 will definitely boil. There is a key point in this, and that is - the sharing of lunar samples.

That's right, the mainland announced - Chang'e-6 sample sharing

Indeed, at the beginning of June, when the mainland's Chang'e-6 successfully landed on the far side of the moon, because the director of ESA said that the successful landing of Chang'e-6 was a great achievement, ESA was very grateful and proud to be able to participate in it.

On the basis of equality, mutual benefit, peaceful use and inclusive development, the mainland is willing to carry out in-depth international exchanges and cooperation in space, share the fruits of development with other countries, and jointly explore the mysteries of the universe.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

Therefore, if we look at the issue of cooperation alone, at least the four countries that have carried out international cooperation with the mainland should be the first to consider the issue of sharing samples from the far side of the moon, that is, they may be the first to obtain lunar soil.

Of course, it's not that other countries can't take it, since the mainland says it's open, other countries around the world can also apply. But there are exceptions.

For example, the United States is a special example, NASA Administrator Nelson congratulated the success of the Chang'e-6 lunar program and said that the United States and China have carried out good cooperation in the fields including Mars exploration, and the two sides have many opportunities to eliminate conflicts and cooperate, and welcome increased space dialogue and cooperation with China.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

The mainland responded that China has always been open to space exchanges and cooperation with the United States, but the root cause of China-US space cooperation is that the "Wolf Clause" and other domestic laws of the United States have hindered normal exchanges and dialogues between the space agencies of the two countries.

If the US side really wants to promote exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States in the field of space, it should take practical measures to remove these obstacles.

Therefore, not all situations can be cooperated, and mainland cooperation must be established under the "real sense, friendly and cooperative" countries, similar to the United States, want to share, share Chang'e-6 lunar samples, the mainland has already responded clearly, and deal with its own problems.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

Of course, there are also some crusty friends who may say that there is no need to share it with other countries, when the mainland's aerospace strength was weak before, I didn't see anyone to help, and when it became stronger, it came, in fact, this is a bit extreme.

This is the way the mainland's aerospace route is, otherwise how can the mainland's aerospace circle of friends expand.

China's space circle of friends has reached more than 50 countries

According to the good news from the mainland, with the frequent spread of good news about Sino-foreign space cooperation, China's space "circle of friends" is constantly expanding.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

As of November 2023, China has signed more than 150 intergovernmental space cooperation agreements with more than 50 countries and international organizations.

China is committed to pooling the wisdom of all parties so that all countries in the world can participate in space exploration and share the achievements of space for the benefit of their people. Space exploration has a long cycle, high cost and high difficulty, and only when all countries work together to create an open and cooperative space "circle of friends" can mankind explore the universe further.

Chang'e-6 successfully returned in 53 days, 4 countries may take lunar soil first, and China's space circle has more than 50 countries

Therefore, only the larger the circle of friends, the more favorable the development of aerospace, because the breakthrough of mutual cooperation will be stronger, even if the aerospace country is weaker, it must also have its own development route, and there must be a certain advantage, otherwise it will never get up, now everyone should understand, right?

Therefore, we see that the mainland's Chang'e-7 has announced 7 more countries to cooperate, which is more than the 4-country cooperation of Chang'e-6, so if this trend continues, more countries will seek cooperation in the future, which is also absolutely good news.


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