
In the next ten days, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 place to go less, 2 to eat less, 3 not to do, smoothly into the ambush day

author:North Drift Kitchen


As summer approaches, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and with more than a dozen days to go, we are about to enter the hottest time of the year - dog days. During this time, the weather is not only very hot, but also very humid. Many people feel very uncomfortable when it comes to dog days.

In the next ten days, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 place to go less, 2 to eat less, 3 not to do, smoothly into the ambush day

Hot weather is more likely to cause the body to sweat more, blood viscosity increases, and blood circulation slows down. For middle-aged and elderly people, it will also increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In addition, high temperature will also speed up the body's metabolism, consume more energy and water, and cause a certain burden on the body functions of middle-aged and elderly people. Therefore, for middle-aged and elderly people, it is necessary to pay more attention and do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling down.

In the next ten days, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 place to go less, 2 to eat less, 3 not to do, smoothly into the ambush day

In the next ten days, how should middle-aged and elderly people adjust their lifestyles, it is recommended to "go less in 1 place, eat less in 2 places, and do nothing in 3 things", and smoothly enter the ambush day.

1. Go less: Avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods

Many middle-aged and elderly people have the habit of exercising every day, but in hot weather, it is recommended to avoid outdoor activities as much as possible. Otherwise, it is easy to cause heat stroke, heat stroke and other dangerous situations. Especially for middle-aged and elderly friends, because their own functions are relatively weak, they should pay more attention when it is hot.

In the next ten days, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 place to go less, 2 to eat less, 3 not to do, smoothly into the ambush day

Therefore, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly friends try to minimize outdoor activities during the hot period of 10 am to 4 pm in the next ten days. Try to choose to do outdoor activities in the early morning or late afternoon, when the temperature is relatively low, the skin feels more comfortable, and the air is relatively fresh, which is more conducive to health. At the same time, it is recommended to avoid staying in empty squares, roads, and other places for a long time to avoid heat stroke.

2. Eat less: control your diet and protect your stomach

1. Eat less cold drinks and cold food

When the weather is hot, many people like to eat cold drinks and cold food to cool down and relieve the heat. But these foods will cause a lot of burden on the stomach and intestines for our middle-aged and elderly friends. Compared with young people, the gastrointestinal function of middle-aged and elderly people is relatively weak, and excessive consumption of cold drinks and cold foods is more likely to lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms.

In the next ten days, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 place to go less, 2 to eat less, 3 not to do, smoothly into the ambush day

In addition, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly friends should also pay attention to their diet, eat more light and easy-to-digest food, and try to avoid excessive consumption of greasy, spicy and other irritating foods, so as not to increase the burden on the stomach. Like seasonal fruits and vegetables in summer, such as watermelon, winter melon, bitter gourd, loofah, etc., you can eat more in moderation, these foods not only have the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, but also provide sufficient nutrition for the body.

2. Eat less leftovers

We all know that when it's hot, some foods spoil easily. In particular, some leftovers, if they are not stored properly, are prone to bacterial growth. If people don't know at this time, they accidentally eat spoiled leftovers, then it is easy to have health problems.

In the next ten days, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 place to go less, 2 to eat less, 3 not to do, smoothly into the ambush day

For middle-aged and elderly friends, due to the relatively weak immunity of the body, they are more likely to be attacked by bacteria and cause health problems such as food poisoning. Therefore, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly friends eat less leftovers in summer and try to eat freshly made. If there are leftovers of food, be sure to store it in the refrigerator in time and consume it within a short time. Make sure the food has not spoiled before serving and reheats it well before eating.

In the next ten days, remind middle-aged and elderly friends to "3 things not to do"

1. Don't stay up late

In summer, the long days and short nights, coupled with the hot and humid weather, can reduce the quality of people's sleep at this time. Some friends seem to be sleepy in the early hours of the morning, but they are awakened by the slightest movement. Especially for middle-aged and elderly friends, the quality of sleep is relatively poor, and it is easier to fall asleep at this time.

In the next ten days, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 place to go less, 2 to eat less, 3 not to do, smoothly into the ambush day

However, staying up late for a long time will lead to problems such as decreased immunity and endocrine disorders, which in turn will affect physical health. Therefore, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly friends should maintain good work and rest habits when it is hot in summer. Try to maintain a good habit of going to bed early and waking up early to avoid staying up late or not getting enough sleep.

In addition, the editor here shares with you that you can soak your feet more before going to bed, or drink some warm milk in moderation, which is also helpful for improving sleep quality.

2. Do not blow the air conditioner for a long time

Now that the weather is hot, many people like to sit at home all day without going out, and then watch the TV blowing the air conditioner, and then pair it with a cold drink, thinking that this will be able to get through the hot day smoothly. But as everyone knows, blowing air conditioners at home for a long time also has a certain impact on our health.

In the next ten days, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 place to go less, 2 to eat less, 3 not to do, smoothly into the ambush day

Blowing the air conditioner for a long time can easily lead to "air conditioning disease" in the body. Symptoms such as headache, fatigue, and joint pain. Especially for our middle-aged and elderly friends, their body's adaptability is relatively poor, and if the air conditioner is blown for a long time at this time, then it is more likely to have health problems. It has even been reported on the Internet before that facial hemiplegia is caused by blowing the air conditioner for a long time at night. Therefore, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly friends should use air conditioners reasonably in summer and avoid blowing air conditioners for a long time.

3. Do not spray mosquito repellent drugs at will

In summer, the weather is hot and there are many mosquitoes. Especially when you sleep at night, if you don't pay attention to it, you will be easily bitten by mosquitoes. So many people will spray some mosquito repellent drugs before falling asleep. Or use mosquito coils directly to help repel insects.

In the next ten days, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 place to go less, 2 to eat less, 3 not to do, smoothly into the ambush day

However, mosquito repellent drugs often contain chemical ingredients that can be harmful to human health if used inappropriately or in excess. Especially for elderly friends, or special groups such as children and pregnant women, it needs to be used with caution.

And it has also been reported on the Internet before that some elderly people lit mosquito coils when they slept at night, but forgot about them in the middle of the night and did not deal with them properly. Causing mosquito coils to ignite flammable materials in the home. Imagine it, it's also very scary.

In the next ten days, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 place to go less, 2 to eat less, 3 not to do, smoothly into the ambush day

Finally, I would like to remind middle-aged and elderly friends that the temperature is high and the weather is hot and humid in summer, so it is recommended that you supplement some watered food, vegetables and fruits every day. At the same time, when exercising, it is also necessary to replenish water in time to avoid problems such as dehydration and heat stroke.

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