
Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"This cucumber is so crisp and refreshing!" Li Kangao nibbled on the cucumber he had just taken out of the refrigerator, his eyes full of summer satisfaction. This summer was unusually hot, and Li Kangao had to eat cucumbers almost every day to quench his thirst and cool down.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

Li Kangao's daily work pressure is not small, and his diet has become casual, often dealing with fast food, no, his stomach has been a little uncomfortable recently.

One day, on the weekend, Li Kangao and several old friends made an appointment to go to the suburbs, and under the scorching sun, they walked and chatted, and Li Kangao couldn't help mentioning his gastrointestinal problems.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

A doctor friend frowned after hearing this, "You have a bad stomach and still eat so many cucumbers?" Although cucumbers are refreshing, they may not be suitable for some people with a bad stomach. ”

Li Kangao was shocked, this was the first time he had heard that cucumbers would affect gastrointestinal health. "So what should I do?" He asked, a little confused.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

A friend advised Li Kangao: "It's best to go to the hospital for a physical examination and see the specific situation before deciding." Li Kengao felt that the suggestion made sense and decided to go to the hospital on Monday. When he arrived at the hospital, Li Kangao did an examination according to the doctor's instructions, including gastroscopy, blood routine, etc.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

The results of the examination showed that there was a slight inflammation of the gastric mucosa of Li Kangao, and the doctor explained that this may be caused by improper eating habits, because cucumber contains a certain amount of oxalic acid, which has a certain irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, especially if you have an inflamed stomach, it should be avoided.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

When discussing the possible negative effects of cucumbers on people with poor gastrointestinal function, most people may intuitively assume that cucumbers are harmless to anyone due to their high moisture and low energy properties. However, from a deeper medical point of view, cucumbers do have some hidden dangers that may affect people with sensitive stomachs.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

Cucumbers are high in fiber, and for normal people, a moderate amount of fiber helps promote intestinal peristalsis and aid digestion. However, for those who already have gastrointestinal problems such as inflammation or are prone to stomach pain and bloating, these fibers are not only difficult to be completely broken down, but may also form large physical irritants in the intestines, causing abdominal pain or aggravating existing inflammation.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

The amount of oxalic acid in cucumbers should not be ignored because, although oxalic acid is a common organic acid found in most plant foods, foods high in oxalic acid may affect the intestinal absorption of other important minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

Especially in cases of poor gastrointestinal function, excessive oxalic acid intake may lead to less efficient absorption of these minerals, which can affect the body's overall nutritional balance.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

Further, the cold characteristics of cucumbers are also a noteworthy aspect. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, cucumber is a cool food, which can clear away heat and detoxify, and is very suitable for the body with heat and need to cool and relieve heat.

However, for people who are cold or have chronic gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis and gastric ulcers, excessive consumption of cucumbers may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, such as cold stomach pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, which will aggravate their condition.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

Cucumbers often require longer transportation and storage times in consumer markets, which inevitably involves the use of pesticides and preservatives.

For people with sensitive stomachs, these chemicals may cause additional burden on the intestines and even trigger allergic reactions, affecting the health of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

Let's talk about the raw food problem of cucumbers. Raw cucumbers are refreshing and delicious, and are a great treat in summer. However, eating raw food also means that more microbes and parasites may be brought in, which undoubtedly increases the risk of intestinal infections for people with weak gastrointestinal function.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

What we can't ignore is the saturation of cucumbers. Although it can provide a brief feeling of satiety, it does not provide high energy, and cucumber is not an ideal choice for people who need long-term satiety or high energy support.

This may require more careful planning of their diet to avoid nutrient deficiencies for those who need to tightly control their diet to maintain gastrointestinal health.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

For those who have poor gastrointestinal function, it is especially important to choose the right vegetables. Today we're going to talk about 3 vegetables that you may not have noticed much before, but are especially good for the stomach.

We have to mention the carrots. Carrots are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which are extremely beneficial for gastrointestinal health. Soluble fiber forms a gelatinous substance in the intestines that helps to relieve excess stomach acid while reducing mechanical irritation of the stomach, making it a gentle stomach care option for patients with stomach ulcers or gastritis.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

Insoluble fiber helps to speed up the movement of food in the intestines and prevent constipation, which can effectively reduce the burden on the intestines and avoid overwork of the digestive system for people with poor gastrointestinal function.

Its red cabbage is also a good choice. Purple cabbage is rich in vitamin C and sulfide, both of which have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

Sulfide, in particular, has been shown to reduce intestinal inflammation, making purple cabbage an ideal dietary option for people with irritable bowel syndrome or other inflammatory bowel diseases. In addition, the antioxidants in purple cabbage can also help fight free radicals and protect the gastrointestinal mucosa from further damage.

Let's take a look at the potatoes. Potatoes may be misunderstood by many people as a representation of high sugar content, but in fact, eating some potatoes in moderation is good for the stomach. The starch in potatoes is easy to digest and can provide a quick source of energy, reducing the burden on the stomach and intestines.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

Potatoes also contain vitamin B6 and potassium, both of which are essential for maintaining nerve and muscle function, including those that control bowel movements.

These vegetable choices, although they may be overlooked in daily life, have a unique effect on maintaining and restoring gastrointestinal health. With a reasonable dietary adjustment, the addition of these vegetables can not only reduce gastrointestinal discomfort, but also improve the health of the entire digestive system in the long run.

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

It is important that the intake of each food is not excessive, and the key is balance and moderation. After understanding the characteristics of each vegetable, eating it in moderation according to your own health condition is the wisdom of health.

(The above names are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about not being able to eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables


[1] Huang Haiqun. Research status of diet-related quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Modern Medicine and Health, 2024-06-15

Can't eat cucumbers with a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, eat more of 3 kinds of vegetables

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