
2024 College Entrance Examination 500 points can be applied to which universities can be applied to List of colleges and universities that can be entered with a score of about 500

author:The world of small candies

  The 2024 college entrance examination will score about 500 points, which is quite good. In some provinces, this score may have reached the first line, and you can choose to apply for some good undergraduate colleges. However, in some provinces where the college entrance examination is highly competitive, you may only be able to choose two or junior colleges.

2024 College Entrance Examination 500 points can be applied to which universities can be applied to List of colleges and universities that can be entered with a score of about 500

  Specifically, this score is at the upper middle level in both the liberal arts and sciences. If you want to apply for a university, you can refer to the local score cut-off in recent years to see if your score is within the admission range. other

  A score of 500 in the college entrance examination is a very good score and can provide you with some good options. It is recommended that you carefully study the professional settings, teaching quality, employment situation and other information of each school, and consider your own interests and career plans when filling in the application, so that it is easier to find a suitable school and major.

  500 points in the 2024 college entrance examination can be reported: Yangzhou Vocational University, Hetao College, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hunan University of Engineering, etc.

  The list of universities that can apply for the 2024 college entrance examination with a score of about 500 is for reference only. In the past, the cut-off score of 500 for admission to these institutions was similar to or slightly lower, covering different regions and majors.

  Suzhou Institute of Technology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology: Located in Jiangsu Province, the school focuses on science and engineering education and focuses on the cultivation of applied talents.

  Chongqing University of International Business and Economics: Located in Chongqing, this college focuses on economics and trade, and is suitable for candidates who are interested in economics.

  College of Arts and Sciences, Hubei Normal University: Located in Hubei Province, the school offers a rich teacher education program for candidates who want to pursue a career in education in the future.

  School of Clinical Medicine, Anhui Medical University: This school has strong strength in the field of medical education and is suitable for candidates who are interested in medicine.

  Hunan University of Science and Technology: Located in Hunan Province, this college offers education in a variety of majors including science and technology, engineering, etc., and is suitable for candidates who are interested in the field of science and technology.

  Wenhua College: Located in Hubei Province, Wenhua College focuses on liberal arts education, providing education in multiple majors including literature and history.

  Qilu Medical College: The college has good teaching resources in medical education, which is suitable for candidates who are interested in medicine.

  Nanjing University of Finance and Economics Hongshan College: Located in Jiangsu Province, this college focuses on finance and economics majors and cultivates economic and management talents.

  Zhengzhou University of Finance and Economics: Located in Henan Province, the school focuses on financial education and is suitable for students who want to develop in the financial field.

  Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology: Located in Henan Province, this college focuses on science and technology education, which is suitable for candidates who are interested in science and technology majors.

province Name of institution batch discipline attribute
Jiangsu Yangzhou Vocational University Parallel admission for a period of time synthesis Public
Chongqing Chongqing Vocational College of Urban Management Parallel admission for a period of time synthesis Public
Jiangsu Guangling College, Yangzhou University The second batch of undergraduates liberal arts Private
Jiangsu Jiangsu Institute of Technology Undergraduate batch Physics class Public
Fujian Ningde Vocational and Technical College Parallel admission for a period of time synthesis Public
Shanxi Shanxi University of Media and Communication Undergraduate batch Historical class Public
Tianjin Tianjin University of Science and Technology A batch of undergraduates liberal arts Public
chekiang Huzhou Normal University Undergraduate batch Historical class Public
chekiang Taizhou University Undergraduate batch Historical class Public
Hunan Hunan University of Engineering Parallel admission to the second stage synthesis Public
Liaoning Dalian University for Nationalities Special plan approval liberal arts Public
Shandong Shandong First Medical University Section A of the first batch of undergraduates science Public
chekiang Ningbo University Section A of the first batch of undergraduates science Public
Beijing Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology The second batch of undergraduates science Public
Beijing Beijing City University Undergraduate batch Physics class Private
Jiangxi Pingxiang College Undergraduate batch Physics class Public
Sichuan Chengdu Institute of Technology The second batch of undergraduates science Public
吉林 Changchun University of Technology Undergraduate batch Physics class Public
Jiangxi East China University of Technology The second batch of undergraduate students and the preparatory department science Public
Henan Henan Kaifeng Institute of Science and Technology Media The second batch of undergraduates liberal arts Private
Shandong Shandong Jiaotong University Undergraduate early approval liberal arts Public

  500 points in the college entrance examination in Shandong Neng University

Name of institution batch discipline attribute
Shandong First Medical University Section A of the first batch of undergraduates science Public
Shandong Jiaotong University Undergraduate early approval liberal arts Public
Shandong Aeronautical University Undergraduate batch Physics class Public
Binzhou Medical College Undergraduate batch synthesis Public
Qingdao Agricultural University Undergraduate batch Physics class Public
Linyi University The second batch of undergraduates liberal arts Public
Linyi University The second batch of undergraduates liberal arts Public
Shandong University of Technology Undergraduate batch Historical class Public
Shandong University of Political Science and Law The second batch of undergraduates science Public

  A score of 500 in the college entrance examination is in Jiangsu Neng University

Name of institution batch discipline attribute
Yangzhou Vocational University Parallel admission for a period of time synthesis Public
Guangling College, Yangzhou University The second batch of undergraduates liberal arts Private
Jiangsu Institute of Technology Undergraduate batch Physics class Public
Nanjing Normal University of Special Education Undergraduate batch Physics class Public
Army Engineering University The second batch of undergraduate students and the preparatory department science Public
Jiangsu University Section A of the first batch of undergraduates science Public
Suqian University The second batch of undergraduates science Public
Nanjing Audit University, School of Golden Audit The second batch of undergraduates liberal arts Private

  500 points in the college entrance examination in Zhejiang can be the university

Name of institution batch discipline attribute
Huzhou Normal University Undergraduate batch Historical class Public
Taizhou University Undergraduate batch Historical class Public
Ningbo University Section A of the first batch of undergraduates science Public
Wenzhou Institute of Technology The second batch of undergraduates science Public
Shaoxing University of Arts and Sciences The second batch of undergraduates science Public
Hangzhou Dianzi University A batch of undergraduates liberal arts Public
Zhejiang Normal University Section B is approved in advance for the undergraduate liberal arts Public

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