
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level The First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company: Temper the original intention of art and shoulder the responsibility

author:Cultural Tourism China Headlines

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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the grassroots level is the foothold of all work. The foundation of the Communist Party of China lies in the people, its blood lies in the people, and its strength lies in the people. On the new journey of promoting Chinese-style modernization, Communist Party members have kept in mind their original aspirations and missions, strengthened their ideals and beliefs, practiced the party's purpose, always maintained flesh-and-blood ties with the people, always wanted to be together with the people, worked together, and shared weal and woe with the people.

This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. This newspaper has set up a special column of "The Party Flag Flying High on the Front Line of the Grassroots" to report in depth on the deeds of the grassroots party organizations and party members and cadres in the cultural and tourism system focusing on the central tasks of the party and the state, promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism, and working hard in their respective posts, making outstanding contributions, playing the role of a fighting fortress, and showing a good image.

"I can't count my cousins...... all have a red heart" The familiar melody sounded, and the fans in the audience couldn't help but sing along softly. This long-standing classic "Red Lantern" has been passed down for more than half a century with the memories of several generations, and it still radiates inspiring power and nourishes opera people on and off the stage.

As a national art troupe, the National Peking Opera Company continues to strengthen its theoretical armament, consolidate the foundation of faith, adhere to the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional Chinese culture with high-quality party building, normalize and institutionalize the in-depth integration of party building and business work, and strengthen its original intention of performing arts, improve its work style, and practice the effectiveness of theme education achievements in various performances and major task activities. In September 2023, the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company was awarded the "Top Four" Party Branch of the Central Committee and State Organs.

Cohesion and cohesion, everyone sings "stage play"

"I am the sword, I am the spark, I want to live like the light of lightning, I want to die like the speed of a comet!" On May 10, in front of the Martyrs Monument in Taoranting Park in Beijing, all the party members of the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company stood solemnly and listened carefully to the young party members of the branch explaining the revolutionary deeds of the martyr Gao Junyu, remembering the revolutionary martyrs, inheriting the red gene, and absorbing the spiritual strength to move forward bravely.

On June 24th, during the performance in Nanjing, Jiangsu, the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company and the Party Branch of the Nanjing Peking Opera Troupe carried out joint learning and joint construction activities with the theme of "Adhering to the Guidance of Party Building and Continuing the Rhyme of Jinling". The two party branches deeply studied the core content of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" - the six disciplines, further enhanced political awareness, and exchanged and discussed around the "deep integration of party building guidance and business work", collided with ideological sparks, and promoted win-win cooperation.

The various themed party days and joint study activities are important ways for the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company to strengthen theoretical learning and continue to promote the normalization and long-term effect of Party history learning and education.

In recent years, the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company has strictly implemented the organizational life system of "three meetings and one lesson" and democratic evaluation of party members, continued to improve the three-in-one theoretical learning mechanism of "party branch, party group and party member", firmly supported the "two establishments" and resolutely achieved the "two maintenances", and took the study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a daily compulsory course, and deeply understood the party's theory, line, principles and policies and major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee.

The branch took advantage of the interval between performances to organize party members and performers of the branch to study and visit the former residence of Comrade Mao Zedong and the former site of the General Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and other patriotic education bases; Innovate the content and form of "ideological and political courses", and jointly build them with the party branches of brother units; Organize the viewing of warning education films from time to time to build a strong ideological line of defense; Organize party members to participate in the study of internal party laws and regulations documents and online learning competitions...... It has formed a theoretical learning idea of "seeing the seams and inserting needles in time, scientific arrangement, gathering parts for integration in content, seeking refinement and effectiveness, and keeping integrity and innovation in methods, improving quality and efficiency". Theoretical learning has changed from the party branch secretary singing a "one-man show" to a "stage play" by everyone, and constantly promoting the theme education to be deeper and more practical.

Bacon casts the soul to promote learning and educate talents

"'Although there is no mountain barrier on Pingchuan, the people are an iron wall that cannot be broken', we must be like 'Zhao Yonggang', do everything for the people, closely rely on the people, and continue to benefit the people." During the rehearsal period, Li Guang, a veteran artist and party member of the theater, talked about the history of the party and the original intention for the cast and crew around the creation and performance of the play "Battle on the Plains", and a vivid theme party class was launched.

Literary and artistic undertakings are important undertakings of the party and the people, and the literary and artistic front is an important front of the party and the people. The First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company gives full play to the exemplary and leading role of well-known artists and party members, casts the soul of Bacon, keeps integrity and innovation, and leads talents with repertoire and transmits repertoire with talents.

In recent years, the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company has created and rehearsed repertoire such as "Xi'an Incident", "Yangmen Female General" and "Mu Guiying in Command". Among them, "Xi'an Incident" won the 14th "Five One Project" Award for Spiritual Civilization Construction and the 15th Wenhua Award. In 2022, the new historical drama "Natu Returns to the Song" won the outstanding repertoire of the 18th China Theatre Festival. At the same time, it has launched a number of "leading talents", "top-notch talents", "youth research classes" and "Qingjing Club" and other performance projects, so as to realize that old artists are in charge and pass on the torch, and new talents in Liyuan have emerged and inherited their art.

"This experience has given me a better understanding of the outstanding continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness and peace of Chinese civilization." Chen Xuzhi, a young party member who participated in "Natu Returns to Song", said.

The art of Peking Opera is a concentrated embodiment of the excellent traditional Chinese culture. For all the members of the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company, every refining of skills and creation and rehearsal is a valuable practice of in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Promote learning through performance and apply what you have learned. Under the organic integration of party building work and business work, the branch has formed a team of young performers and staff who have the courage to overcome difficulties, sharpen their original intentions and explore the true meaning of art, and have been awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Collective of National Culture and Tourism System" through outstanding performance in major tasks and performance activities such as the "Great Journey" in the centenary of the founding of the party, the New Year's opera party, etc.

Bravely take on the mission, the power of literature and art warms people's hearts

"Outwitting Tiger Mountain", "Plain Battle", "Red Lantern" ...... A series of red classics will vividly present the magnificent fiery practice, and the passionate artistic language will make the party history education more warm.

In order to let more people experience the charm of the quintessence of national art, over the years, the First Troupe of the National Peking Opera Company has sent Peking Opera art to military camps, campuses, communities, and fields, and toured all over the country. From 2019 to 2023, more than 500 performances will be performed, and practical research will be carried out in Qiantie Community, Xicheng District, Beijing, and Peking Opera knowledge lectures and Peking Opera singing demonstrations will be jointly held with the community to enrich the cultural life of community residents.

In many major political tasks, important performances and foreign cultural exchange activities, the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company gave full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, and set up temporary Party branches (Party groups) in the performance troupes. With the positive practice of "a party member is a banner", they carried forward the party's fine style and let the party flag fly high on the front line of the performance.

In order to keep up with the pace of the times, conform to the development of practice, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Peking Opera art, the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company is located in an innovative online theater. From 2021 to 2023, for three consecutive years, during the Spring Festival, with the theme of "Cloud Opera for the New Year", the classic drama "Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang" and "5G+4K+VR" will be broadcast at home and abroad, forming a multi-platform broadcast matrix, and the quintessential highlights of the country will continue to "swipe the screen".

At the 52nd Hong Kong Arts Festival, the Peking Opera version of "The Emperor's Flower", "Cosmic Edge", "Bringing Harmony", "Lost Street Pavilion, Empty City Strategy, Horse Cutting" and "Female Liberation" and other classic plays sang in Hong Kong. During the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival in 2023, a play "Hitting the Golden Bricks" witnessed the grand event of a troupe belonging to the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company visiting Taiwan 24 times in 30 years. The art of Peking Opera has built a sincere cultural bridge between the Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, allowing family affection to be warmly conveyed in the yellow rhyme.

Next, the First Party Branch of the National Peking Opera Company will build a solid brand building of the "top four" Party branches, strengthen theoretical arming, consolidate the foundation of faith, shoulder the responsibility, actively practice the "two combinations", bacon casts the soul, keeps integrity and innovation, and promotes the party building and business integration of the theater in the new era to achieve new achievements.

Editor-in-charge: Wu Yue

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