
China's layout in the Middle East has been successful, and the United States has panicked and urgently shouted to Israel to turn off the fire!

author:Chengcheng topic station

Recently, the situation in the Middle East has changed dramatically, and an unprecedented diplomatic chess game is quietly unfolding.

The United States, a country that has long played a key role in the Middle East, is trying to win over Saudi Arabia to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, even sending "commitments" to nuclear technology transfer and security protection.

China's layout in the Middle East has been successful, and the United States has panicked and urgently shouted to Israel to turn off the fire!

Surprisingly, however, Saudi Arabia did not turn to China for military cooperation, as the United States had hoped.

What is the mystery behind this move?

How will the United States respond to this sudden change?

How will the future of the Middle East evolve?

Let's demystify this diplomatic storm.

As the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues to escalate, the situation in the Middle East has become increasingly tense.

The United States, as a country that has long exerted important influence in the Middle East, naturally does not want to see the region plunge into chaos.

In order to safeguard its interests in the Middle East, the United States began to actively woo Saudi Arabia and Israel to establish diplomatic relations, in an attempt to break up the anti-Israel alliance in the Middle East through this move.

For this reason, the United States has even put forward a "commitment" to Saudi Arabia on the transfer of nuclear energy technology and security protection, in order to show that it attaches importance to Saudi Arabia and its intention to win over Saudi Arabia.

However, what is surprising is that Saudi Arabia has not accepted this "temptation" as the United States hoped.

On the contrary, Saudi Defense Minister Khalid recently visited China and had in-depth discussions with the Chinese side on friendly and cooperative relations between the armed forces of the two countries.

The move undoubtedly sends a clear signal to the outside world: Saudi Arabia is seeking military cooperation with China to strengthen its position in the Middle East.

This sudden turn of events caught the United States off guard.

After all, Saudi Arabia has always been one of America's most important allies in the Middle East.

China's layout in the Middle East has been successful, and the United States has panicked and urgently shouted to Israel to turn off the fire!

The reason why the United States sees it as a key target is because Saudi Arabia is relatively moderate and influential among Arab countries.

What's more, Saudi Arabia has long relied heavily on U.S. commitments to protect and is therefore considered unlikely to "betray" the U.S.

However, the facts slapped the United States in the face.

So why did Saudi Arabia make such a choice? The reasons behind this are actually not complicated.

As China's standing on the international stage continues to grow, so does its influence in the Middle East.

At the same time, China's foreign policy in the Middle East is also in the spotlight.

Rather than making Arab countries dependent on China for security by selling weapons or stationing troops in the Middle East, China will provide security guarantees for countries in a more desirable way.

Last year, China successfully brokered the establishment of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which led to the resumption of diplomatic relations with Iran in Arab countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt.

This series of diplomatic achievements directly contributed to the end of the civil war in Yemen, the ceasefire agreement between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis, and the rejoining of Syria into the Arab League.

China's series of measures has undoubtedly given hope to countries in the Middle East.

They realized that cooperation with China would not only provide security guarantees, but also promote peace and stability in the region.

By contrast, U.S. policy in the Middle East is increasingly unpopular.

The U.S. has tried to isolate Iran and counter China's influence in the Middle East by co-opting allies such as Saudi Arabia, but this strategy has not had the desired effect.

China's layout in the Middle East has been successful, and the United States has panicked and urgently shouted to Israel to turn off the fire!

On the contrary, the United States' approach has made countries in the Middle East feel uneasy and worried.

For the United States, the "betrayal" of the Saudis is undoubtedly an unacceptable result.

After all, the position of the United States in the Middle East has already been seriously challenged.

In order to salvage this unfavorable situation, the United States began to take a series of emergency measures.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently warned the Israeli defense minister not to go to war against Lebanon, according to Shangguan News.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly complained about the lack of U.S. military aid and accused the Biden administration of "recently withholding weapons and ammunition supplied to Israel."

Obviously, the Arab countries of the Middle East have stepped up their cooperation with China in the military field, which makes the United States extremely uneasy.

The Biden administration warned the Israeli army at this time "not to escalate the situation" and even took extreme measures to withhold weapons and ammunition supplied to Israel.

This series of moves by the United States is undoubtedly a "death order" to Israel, demanding that it stop its military operations in Gaza, let alone use it against Lebanon.

However, these measures by the United States have not been able to restore its position in the Middle East.

On the contrary, this series of moves has made the countries in the Middle East see the true face of the United States more clearly.

They realized that the United States was not a reliable friend and ally.

On the contrary, the United States will only go out of its way to the expense of others for its own sake.

At the same time, China's position in the Middle East is growing.

China's layout in the Middle East has been successful, and the United States has panicked and urgently shouted to Israel to turn off the fire!

More and more Middle Eastern countries are beginning to seek cooperation and friendship with China.

They realized that cooperation with China would not only provide security and economic development opportunities, but also promote peace and stability in the region.

By contrast, the United States is increasingly isolated and marginalized in the Middle East.

So, how will the future of the Middle East evolve?

Judging by the current situation, the countries of the Middle East are gradually getting rid of the control and influence of the United States.

They began to seek a more autonomous and independent foreign policy and development path.

At the same time, China's influence in the Middle East will continue to grow.

In the future, countries in the Middle East will pay more attention to cooperation and friendship with China and jointly promote regional peace and development.

Of course, this process will not be smooth sailing.

After all, the history and cultural context of the Middle East is extremely complex and diverse.

There are many differences and contradictions between different countries.

China's layout in the Middle East has been successful, and the United States has panicked and urgently shouted to Israel to turn off the fire!

However, as long as we adhere to the principles of peace, cooperation and win-win results, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges and jointly create a better future.

To sum up, there is a profound mystery behind the sudden change in the situation in the Middle East.

The "betrayal" of the Saudis is only the tip of the iceberg.

In the future, countries in the Middle East will pay more attention to independent foreign policies and development paths.

China's influence in the Middle East will continue to grow.

This change will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the global landscape.

Let's wait and see what happens.

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