
In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

author:Nanjing tells stories

On December 25, 1998, many people came to Beijing from all over the country and even abroad. Because the day after that, it was Chairman Mao's 105th birthday.

The crowd of people lined up early, and some staff found that there was an old couple waiting quietly in the procession, slowly walking forward with the crowd from time to time, and the old woman in it was very similar to Chairman Mao's youngest daughter Li Ne.

So the staff walked over and asked her: "Excuse me, are you Comrade Li Ne?" The old woman smiled and nodded.

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

The staff immediately said that a special passage could be arranged so that she could enter directly without queuing.

Li Ne smiled and said, "You're busy, I'm just coming to see Dad, I should line up normally." ”

Chairman Mao has always taught his children not to be special outside just because he is Mao Zedong's child. This kind of thing is queuing, Li Ne has developed a habit since he was a child.

As Chairman Mao's youngest daughter, Li Ne should be regarded as the one who has been "favored" by his father the most among all Chairman Mao's children. Due to the war, Mao Anying, Mao Anqing, and Li Min were not by their father's side in their formative years. And Li Ne grew up on Chairman Mao's back. Li Ne remembered that Chairman Mao would call her "my good doll" when he coaxed her to sleep, and Li Ne would mischievously say "my little father".

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

However, no matter how much he loved his daughter, Chairman Mao did not allow his daughter to be special or arrogant.

In 1947, Hu Zongnan led his troops to fiercely attack the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo border area, although the final ambition failed to succeed, and even his division commander Liao Ang was captured by our army, but this battle led to a shortage of food in northern Shaanxi.

The more special the circumstances, the less Chairman Mao will let his daughter be special. When both the troops and the local people were facing the problem of eating, Chairman Mao said to the nanny who was in charge of taking care of Li Ne: "Starting today, you will take Li Ne to the big canteen to eat." ”

At that time, the big canteen served two meals a day, all boiled black beans. Eating too much loves flatulence, and it is not easy for adults to digest. Chairman Mao's chief guard, Li Yinqiao, said distressedly: "The child is only 7 years old and is growing his body, how can he eat this?" ”

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

Chairman Mao said: "The dolls of the villagers eat black beans and grow strong all the same, why can't my Mao Zedong's daughter eat them?" ”

Starting the next day, every time the big canteen was opened, Li Ne lined up obediently with a small enamel bowl. Some fighters saw her young age and asked her to line up in front of them, but she resolutely did not cut in line.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Ne was admitted to the High School Attached to Beijing Normal University. When other children report to school, they are all led by their parents, and Chairman Mao sent his secretary and health doctor Wang Hebin to be a "parent".

Wang Hebin did not "complete the task", he made a trip to school and came back with a registration form. He knew that Chairman Mao taught Li Ne not to say that he was Mao Zedong's child outside. But I don't know how to fill in the "Parent's Name" column on the registration form.

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

Chairman Mao said with a smile: "The children you bring will fill in the parent column!" In this way, in Li Ne's reading career, teachers and classmates did not know that she was Chairman Mao's daughter. When she returned to her home in Zhongnanhai during the holidays, she lined up to go to the canteen to eat, and at school, she participated in labor like the children of workers and peasants, dressed plainly, lived in bunk beds, and took the bus.

As the daughter of Chairman Mao, Li Ne loved to read under the influence of her father, and often exchanged reading experiences with her father. We can see this from Chairman Mao's letter to Li Ne:

"Li Ne:

Are you cured? Miss you. It is necessary to read shallow and close books, from shallow to deep, and slowly accumulate. Read less of the tomes, and gradually read more in ten or eight years, and you will definitely be able to get through the knowledge. I'm very good. Reading books and climbing mountains every day. I read economics. I was determined to get through this science. It's cold, be good at maintenance, don't get a cold again - father"

A short letter, half of which is the father's concern for his daughter, and half of the father's spiritual nurturing of his daughter.

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

Chairman Mao was familiar with history all his life, and Li Ne, under the influence of his father, was also interested in classical literature and history, and in 1959, Li Ne was admitted to the Department of History of Peking University.

During the three years of natural disasters, Li Ne ate in the cafeteria with her classmates at school, and at that time everyone had a monthly ration limit, which was also reduced because of the shortage of food. When he was in college, he was the age when he could eat, and Li Ne, who had not eaten enough for a long time, soon had a haggard face and a sallow face.

Chairman Mao's guard Yin Jingshan once passed by Peking University, went to see Li Ne by the way, found Li Ne like this, and asked her if she was sick. Li Ne said, "Uncle Yin, I'm just too hungry......."

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

Yin Jingshan reported the situation to Li Yinqiao. Li Yinqiao's wife, Han Guixin, is Chairman Mao's caregiver, and she grew up watching Li Ne in northern Shaanxi. She remembered that Li Ne had a time when she was a child and finally ate fish, and she was very reluctant, but she had to feed it to Han Guixin: "Auntie doesn't eat it, and I don't eat it either." Han Guixin felt sorry for Li Ne and felt that this child had been suffering with adults since he was a child.

Han Guixin bought a pack of biscuits, you know, during that period, biscuits were regarded as precious nutrients. Han Guixin was reluctant to let her child eat a piece, and directly asked Li Yinqiao to send it to Li Ne.

Chairman Mao soon learned about this and severely criticized Li Yinqiao for specialization. Li Yinqiao explained that many parents send food to their children at school. Chairman Mao said more seriously: "Others can send it, but my child is not allowed to give a biscuit!" ”

In fact, Chairman Mao did not allow his children to engage in specialization, and he also set an example. During that period, he set himself the principle of "three noes": no meat, no eggs, and no excessive ration of food.

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

But soon after, when Li Ne returned for the weekend, Chairman Mao instructed the cook: "More grain." ”

During the meal, Li Ne, who has always been educated, was in a hurry to send the meal to his mouth as soon as it was served, and he was so hot that he burst into tears. Chairman Mao smiled and said: "Slow down, what's the hurry", but he felt distressed in his heart.

While Li Ne was eating, Chairman Mao chatted with Li Ne, talking about reading, talking about his experience of starvation when he was young, and chatting so much that he couldn't care about moving chopsticks. Li Ne looked at her parents and said, "You don't all eat? I'm going to sweep them all! ”

Chairman Mao waved his hand: "Sweep!" Don't waste it! As everyone knows, Li Ne didn't even have wild vegetable leaves left after eating, and finally had to use the soup to rinse the bowl and drink it, saying that this would not waste oil and water.

Li Ne didn't know that her father didn't allow her to be specialized, but at home, her father gave her his rations in order to keep her fed.

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

In 1976, the great leader Chairman Mao passed away, leaving no inheritance to his children, but leaving more than 1 million yuan of manuscript fees to the state.

Mao Anqing, Li Min and Li Ne, like all laborers in the country, live on their own wages.

In 1998, Li Ne and her husband Wang Jingqing were recognized by the staff at the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, and when the staff offered to provide a "special passage", Li Ne replied: "I just came to see my father."

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

Subsequently, the two elderly men entered with the procession and joined the flow of people who paid their respects to the chairman's remains. No one knew that one of them was none other than Chairman Mao's daughter.

Queuing up to enter, merging into the people, and not engaging in specialization, such noble qualities are the precious legacy left by Chairman Mao to his daughter.



2019-12-06 09:00 Source: Study Times, Mao Zedong's diet two or three things

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

2021-06-19 10:22 Source: CCTV News 100 Episodes of Micro Records Red Archive丨Mao Zedong educates his children like this

In 98, Li Ne lined up to pay homage to the chairman, and the staff recognized him at a glance, Li: I just came to see my father

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