
Domestic GPZ111A minesweeper live-fire exercise, how strong is a modern minefield sweeper?

author:Ancient relics

The domestically produced GPZ111A comprehensive wheeled minesweeper, its live-fire training, rocket blasting, rutting plow, and microwave minesweeping, which is a combination of "three sweeps and one pass", are eye-catching. The whole process of live-fire training was demonstrated. If we want to say how powerful this minesweeper is, we must first understand its high-tech equipment of "three sweeps and one pass". Are these high-tech gadgets really reliable?

Domestic GPZ111A minesweeper live-fire exercise, how strong is a modern minefield sweeper?

Let's start with this rocket blasting minesweeper. It's very emotional to listen to, isn't it? Rocket blasting sounds like something out of a Hollywood blockbuster, and it's a real technology on minesweepers. The Rocket Blaster Minesweeper blows up a minefield by firing a rocket blaster. In this way, the minefield in front of it instantly became a safe zone. Think about it, the rockets are whizz by, the dust is flying, and the scene is comparable to a science fiction movie.


Let's talk about this rutted minesweeper. The name is a bit awkward, but the work is real. The principle of this thing is actually not complicated, it is like a big cleaning of the minefield. The rutted minesweeper uses a mechanical device to turn the mine out of the soil or simply crush it. It's like a tractor in our rural hometown, and it is not ambiguous to do the work. It's just that this minesweeper is doing a more dangerous job than a tractor.

Domestic GPZ111A minesweeper live-fire exercise, how strong is a modern minefield sweeper?

Then there are microwave minesweepers. This is the high-tech of the high-tech, and it sounds high-end. Microwave minesweepers detect underground minefields by emitting microwaves. Microwaves can penetrate the earth's surface, detect the location of mines, and then carry out precise mine clearance. To put it bluntly, this device is like a "clairvoyant eye" in a minefield, and everything is under control.

Domestic GPZ111A minesweeper live-fire exercise, how strong is a modern minefield sweeper?

Finally, there is the path marker. The purpose of this device is to mark a safe passage after the mine has been cleared. The troops or vehicles behind will know which way to go, so as not to stray into the minefield. It can be said that this device is the "guiding light" of the minesweeper.

Domestic GPZ111A minesweeper live-fire exercise, how strong is a modern minefield sweeper?

After reading these high-tech equipment, I can't help but sigh that modern technology is really powerful. When it comes to minesweeping, it's not just anyone who can do it. You may still remember the scenes in those war movies, where soldiers hold mine detectors and carefully detect mines in minefields. That kind of scene, just looking at it makes people sweat. With minesweepers like GPZ111A, minesweeping becomes efficient and safe. Rocket blasting sweep, rut plow, microwave sweep, ultimatum marking, a few steps to get done. It can be said that this minesweeper is the "minesweeper artifact" on the modern battlefield.

Domestic GPZ111A minesweeper live-fire exercise, how strong is a modern minefield sweeper?

There is still a gap between live-fire training and the real battlefield environment. On the real battlefield, the terrain is complicated, the enemy situation is unknown, and there is a question mark over whether the minesweeper can successfully complete the task as in the video. However, with such high-tech equipment, it is much better than bare-handed.

Domestic GPZ111A minesweeper live-fire exercise, how strong is a modern minefield sweeper?

Speaking of which, people can't help but think of some "small minesweepers" in our daily life. The sweeping robot at home also works very hard. It cannot be compared with a minesweeper, which is somewhat similar in principle. The robot vacuum cleaner detects the ground situation through sensors and then sweeps it. There will be no mines, but dealing with dust and garbage can be considered "minesweeping". There is no doubt that the development of modern technology has made our lives more convenient and safer.

Domestic GPZ111A minesweeper live-fire exercise, how strong is a modern minefield sweeper?

Returning to the GPZ111A minesweeper, in addition to the above-mentioned high-tech equipment, it also has strong protection performance. The hull is designed with high-strength armor to withstand explosions and shrapnel. It means that in the event of an emergency during the minesweeping mission, the occupants in the vehicle can also obtain effective protection. This is crucial for the task of mine clearance, which is inherently fraught with danger and uncertainty, and with such precautions, the safety of the mission is greatly enhanced.

Domestic GPZ111A minesweeper live-fire exercise, how strong is a modern minefield sweeper?

GPZ111A minesweeper is also equipped with an advanced communications and command system. Through these systems, the minesweeper is able to maintain contact with the command center in real time and obtain the latest mission instructions and intelligence information. At the same time, the command center can also grasp the situation of the minefield in real time through the feedback of the minesweeper and make corresponding decisions. This information-based combat mode has greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of mine-sweeping tasks.

Domestic GPZ111A minesweeper live-fire exercise, how strong is a modern minefield sweeper?

Although the task of minesweeping may seem distant, it is closely related to our lives. Mine clearance is an important task, both in war and peacetime. Honor them by learning about these high-tech gears!

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