
Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

author:A little entertainment

Recently, the popular actress Li Yitong encountered an unexpected episode when filming the new drama "A Dream of Books".

Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

A huge centipede suddenly climbed on her legs, and Li Yitong, who was engrossed in the role, didn't know it and continued to immerse himself in the plot. This thrilling moment was captured by sharp-eyed fans and reminded loudly, so that the accident was quickly resolved.

Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

It is understood that Li Yitong was wearing a gorgeous costume at that time and was standing on the roof to shoot an important scene. The rooftop shooting environment was already complicated, and the wide sleeves of the period costume made it impossible for her to immediately notice the uninvited guest on her legs. The exclamations of the fans caught the attention of the staff, but they were also unsure of what was going on for a while, until someone saw the centipede crawling on Li Yitong's legs.

Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

This centipede is not only huge, but also moves quickly, and was once covered by Li Yitong's large sleeves in ancient costumes. When it showed its head again, it began to march on her other sleeve. The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense, and the staff quickly stepped forward and carefully helped Li Yitong deal with this unexpected situation. After some twists and turns, the centipede was finally shaken off and disappeared from sight.

Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

It is worth mentioning that this scene was filmed on the rooftop, and if Li Yitong panicked because of the sudden appearance of the centipede, the consequences would be unimaginable. Fortunately, the timely reminders of the fans and the prompt response of the staff worked together to defuse this potential crisis.

Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

Afterwards, Li Yitong posted on social media that he was actually very afraid of centipedes, and if he saw it at that time, he was afraid that he would faint. She sincerely thanked the fans for their careful observation and timely reminders, and also thanked the staff for their prompt handling. This sincere statement has won the praise and support of a large number of fans.

Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

Although this episode is thrilling, it also shows Li Yitong's professionalism and on-site adaptability from the side.

Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

Her ability to stay calm and focus on filming in the face of sudden surprises is admirable. At the same time, this also reminds practitioners in the film and television industry that more attention should be paid to the safety and security of actors during the filming process.

Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

Li Yitong's experience also sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people think that this is an episode that actors will inevitably encounter during the filming process, but Li Yitong's calm response shows her professionalism; Some people also said that such an unexpected situation should attract the attention of the crew and strengthen the safety management measures on site.

Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

In any case, this vignette has become an unforgettable memory during the filming of "A Dream of Books". I believe that in the future, Li Yitong and the crew members will pay more attention to safety details and present more exciting episodes for the audience.

Li Yitong crawled a big centipede on his leg during filming, and after being reminded by fans, he hugged his fists and thanked him for being super calm

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