
Do you believe that the horoscope determines the horoscope?

Recently, I often see some constellation horoscopes and other videos posted by horoscope bloggers on the Internet, saying what constellations will be in the next week, there will be peach blossom luck, there will be no connection with peach blossoms and so on. Are these things really that accurate? Or is there something in the dark that is driving all this?

Do you believe that the horoscope determines the horoscope?

1. What is a constellation?

Zodiac signs, also known as zodiac signs, are Western astrology that uses twelve sectors of the zodiac belt as the corresponding astronomical zodiac signs, known in English as Twelve Constellations. After the International Astronomical Union regulated the constellation boundaries in 1928, there were 13 constellations in the ecliptic, but due to precession, the constellations and zodiac signs of the 21st century were inconsistent with astrology.

Do you believe that the horoscope determines the horoscope?

Second, how is the horoscope calculated?

In ancient times, there were special stargazers to observe the stars, which deduced which person would harm the emperor, and what major events would happen to the emperor today. Today's astrology belongs to statistics, and its horoscope is a statistic made by observing the personality of many people or the situation of most people, and thus deriving the personality and horoscope of other people with the same constellation. That is to say, this constellation horoscope is only the result of big data, using scientific methods to deduce unscientific results.

Do you believe that the horoscope determines the horoscope?

Third, there is no scientific basis for constellation predictions

As mentioned above, the scientific method is used to deduce unscientific results. Why is it not scientific? The horoscope is only a guess about the situation of others based on the situation of most people, that is, it is only a guess, not very certain. For example, it says that Libra is gentle, but there are also more grumpy in Libra, which only represents most of them, not all. Again, in a certain week, Scorpio will have a week of peach blossoms, but if Scorpio people don't go out for a week, then where is the peach blossom? So it is definitely wrong to say that it uses scientific statistical methods to deduce unscientific results!

Do you believe that the horoscope determines the horoscope?

Why do people believe in constellations?

Since the constellation is not very accurate, why do so many people still believe in it? Because most of the constellations are vague words, the key depends on how you understand them. Because it is based on the personality of most people, and some people who do not belong to these personalities will develop towards these results as the goal, and eventually they will become people of this personality. At this time, they will think that the sign is so consistent with themselves, it is so accurate, so they will begin to believe in the sign. But in fact, the constellations are unfounded.

Fifth, the constellation is just a game that does not have to be taken seriously

Horoscopes are just an entertaining project, there is no belief or disbelief, there is no good or bad, just do not refer to all the constellations when considering related issues.

The constellation as an external thing does not determine what we should do right. Therefore, we should actively improve ourselves and not be affected by the constellations, after all, the fate is in our own hands.

Editor-in-charge: Liu Ziteng

Tong Zhaojing, a national second-level psychological counselor, doctor, postdoctoral fellow, associate professor, master tutor, has long been engaged in mental health education, psychological disorder treatment, counseling and counseling, group training and lectures of universities, primary and secondary schools, enterprises and institutions.

Make progress with heart and grow happily

Focus: Innovation and psychological growth

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