
Cai Bin moved really! The Chinese women's volleyball team has undergone great changes, Zhou Pageong + 2 Olympic champions have not been selected, and 3 newcomers have taken the position

Since Cai Bin took office as the manager of the Chinese women's volleyball team, he seamlessly began the preparation of the first training of the national team this year, recently, Cai Bin is selecting his assistant coaching team, after the coaching team is determined, the first phase of the Chinese women's volleyball team player training list will also be released, after the volleyball association has announced the 71-person women's volleyball talent pool, Cai Bin in the future in the competition The scope of materials selected is limited to these 71 fairies.

Cai Bin moved really! The Chinese women's volleyball team has undergone great changes, Zhou Pageong + 2 Olympic champions have not been selected, and 3 newcomers have taken the position

This also means that the talent pool of the Chinese Volleyball Association this time provides an extremely rich selection range for the new coach Cai Bin. In 2022, Cai Bin will lead the Chinese team to the National League, the World Championships and the Asian Games, and these 71 players are likely to be favored by Cai Bin and thus get the opportunity to play for the national team. On the contrary, not entering the talent pool of these 71 people means that they have no chance with the national team in advance, including Zhou Pageong from the Jiangsu women's volleyball team, which should be known to be a love general pulled up by Cai Bin.

In addition to Zhou Pagetong, there are 2 players who have followed the Chinese women's volleyball team to win the Olympic Championship, they are Lin Li and Liu Xiaotong. You know, the veteran Yan Ni has chosen to retire at the Tokyo Olympic Games, so it is understandable that she was not selected, but Lin Li and Liu Xiaotong did not explicitly state that they wanted to quit the national team, and their failure still made many fans regret. However, now Liu Xiaotong has been working as a coach in the Beijing women's volleyball team, and Lin Li was injured and was all absent from the league last season, perhaps because of these reasons, the volleyball association did not arrange them into the talent pool.

Cai Bin moved really! The Chinese women's volleyball team has undergone great changes, Zhou Pageong + 2 Olympic champions have not been selected, and 3 newcomers have taken the position

As Olympic champions, although their experience is currently scarce in the Chinese women's volleyball team, the survival of the fittest is always a cruel reality of competitive sports, they have reached the age of 30, energy and physical fitness are not as good as before, so it is inevitable to withdraw from the center stage of the national team. Not to mention that the head coach of Zhuge Cai Bin has always been known for cultivating young players, she is very experienced in tapping the potential of new talents, and in this Paris Olympic cycle, the selection of new talents is what Cai Bin needs to complete the most. Because of this, Wu Mengjie, Wan Ziyue, Wang Yifan, Zhuang Shanyu and other players who performed well in the league last year have entered the 71-man talent pool this time, which is enough to see Cai Bin's trust in them.

Now the Chinese women's volleyball team is facing a critical reconstruction period, for Cai Bin, the first thing to do is to revitalize the team's mental outlook, while starting from the basic skills, re-formulating more stringent training and management requirements, and strengthening the cohesion of the team. In addition, Cai Bin must speed up the cultivation of young players, so he must also be very aware of the pressure on his body, for him, how to quickly establish the prestige in the team, for him to carry out daily work has far-reaching significance, after all, Lang Ping has been in the team for 8 years, the players for her can be described as the leader, Cai Bin as a newcomer must quickly take the position.

Cai Bin moved really! The Chinese women's volleyball team has undergone great changes, Zhou Pageong + 2 Olympic champions have not been selected, and 3 newcomers have taken the position

However, according to the selection criteria of previous managers, Cai Bin will certainly trust the players from the Jiangsu women's volleyball team more, Xiang Zhang Changning and Gong Xiangyu will definitely become the absolute main force, and Ni Feifan, Wan Ziyue, Diao Linyu, the three Jiangsu players are very likely to usher in rebirth, looking forward to Cai Bin can quickly gain a foothold in the national team, select the most useful group of players for the team, so as to lead the Chinese women's volleyball team to return to the majesty that Lang Ping expects as soon as possible.

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