
In 2020, Kang Hui paused for 2 seconds in the live broadcast of "News Network" to adjust his headphones, which scared the leaders of CCTV into a cold sweat, but also


In 2020, Kang Hui paused for 2 seconds in the live broadcast of "News Network" to adjust his headphones, which scared the leaders of CCTV into a cold sweat, but it was this action that made Kang Hui a well-deserved host of CCTV "First Brother".

Kang Hui, a senior host of CCTV, is deeply loved by the audience for his rigorous and professional news style. He has been in the industry for many years, and he is a model for this industry.

On this day, Kang Hui was making final preparations for the evening news live broadcast that night. He went to a familiar studio and checked the lights, microphones, and monitors to make sure everything was ready.

Kang Hui carefully reviewed Xi the manuscript and carefully marked the key points for quick access. He mentally simulates the situation he may encounter and prepares a plan for coping. The staff was well organized, nervous and quiet in rehearsing the process.

The day's news task was arduous, with the content covering major events at home and abroad, and the number of words exceeded 10,000. It may be a huge challenge for other anchors, but for Kang Hui's professionalism, it is handy.

He read the newspaper word by word, with just the right speed and intonation, both rigorous and fluent. At the same time, his body language is harmonious and natural, and his demeanor is calm. In the final sprint, Kang Hui carefully checked the content of the text, refining the angle and wording again and again.

Just as I was about to enter the camera, a small episode happened. Kang Hui's headphones accidentally fell off when he adjusted his sitting position. The staff was busy finalizing the final details and did not immediately notice the problem.

But Kang Hui reacted immediately the moment the earphones fell. He quickly reached out and stabilized the headphone cable to prevent it from tearing the device. He then calmly picked up the headphones, plugged them back in, and signaled to the crew that everything was OK and that they were ready to go live.

This episode did not affect Kang Hui's state. When the red light came on, he began to scan the computer monitor regularly, speaking at the same pace and tone as usual. Kang Hui's posture of reading the newspaper was calm and confident, and he told the major news.

In the 22-minute high-intensity recitation, Kang Hui always maintained a high degree of concentration and did not slack off. Finally, he finished the news broadcast, breathed a sigh of relief, and wiped the fine beads of sweat from his forehead.

After the live broadcast of the day, Kang Hui carefully reviewed and summarized the lessons learned this time. For the headphone plug that accidentally fell off, he reflected on whether it was not carefully checked.

He studies how to prevent similar problems from recurring. At the same time, he encouraged staff to also strengthen equipment maintenance and self-inspection. This rigorous work style and enterprising professionalism are admirable.

After many years of working the front line of news, Kang Hui has seen a lot of information and has already practiced a calm and calm way of doing things. In the face of major emergencies, he can maintain rational analysis and make correct judgments.

Even a small mistake in the live broadcast will not make him panic or chagrin. This is based on solid basic skills and rich practical experience.

I remember that there was a major news break, and Kang Hui was broadcasting another manuscript live. He was agile and decisive in his decision, compiling breaking news into his manuscript and reporting it for 40 minutes continuously.

The whole process is smooth and unhurried. Afterwards, the leaders and the audience spoke highly of it. This shows Kang Hui's excellent dedication and professionalism.

Kang Hui has devoted himself to journalism for more than 30 years, and has never stopped learning Xi and progressing. However, in the prime of life, he is still passionate about journalism and treats his audience as a confidant.

Kang Hui often told his young colleagues that people who do news are like plowing the fields, and there can be no slackness. He always urges everyone to go to bed early and get up early, and exercise diligently. He is also constantly learning new skills Xi motivated like a college student.

It can be said that Kang Hui devoted himself to this cause with his whole heart. He has a high sense of responsibility for both his family and his audience. A reporter friend said with a smile that Kang Hui is like a loving father, sincere to the audience and clear the news.

He is rigorous and introverted without lack of warmth, and has won praise from all parties. Now in his prime of life, he is still constantly improving himself and striding towards the goal of being a journalistic elite.

In 2020, Kang Hui paused for 2 seconds in the live broadcast of "News Network" to adjust his headphones, which scared the leaders of CCTV into a cold sweat, but also
In 2020, Kang Hui paused for 2 seconds in the live broadcast of "News Network" to adjust his headphones, which scared the leaders of CCTV into a cold sweat, but also
In 2020, Kang Hui paused for 2 seconds in the live broadcast of "News Network" to adjust his headphones, which scared the leaders of CCTV into a cold sweat, but also

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