
"The Deadly Trap of Everyday Ingredients: Food Risks You Need to Be Aware of"

author:Unique and enjoyable popular science

In our daily diet, there are some foods that seem harmless, but they hide deadly dangers. The toxins and dangerous substances in these foods, when ingested in excess or not handled properly, can cause serious health problems and even lead to death. This article will reveal these deadly pitfalls hidden in common foods to help you recognize and avoid these dangers.

"The Deadly Trap of Everyday Ingredients: Food Risks You Need to Be Aware of"

First, let's talk about lychee. Lychee is a delicious tropical fruit, but excessive consumption can lead to lychee disease. Eating large amounts of lychee on an empty stomach can trigger symptoms of hypoglycemia, and in severe cases, it can even lead to coma and death. According to statistics, in the First People's Hospital of Qinzhou City, Guangxi Province alone, there are 71 cases of lychee disease in children every year, of whom 10 die. Therefore, children must consume lychee in moderation.

"The Deadly Trap of Everyday Ingredients: Food Risks You Need to Be Aware of"

Apples, a common fruit, are also highly toxic. Apples, also known as apple cores, contain a highly toxic substance called amygdalin. This substance can be converted into highly toxic hydride in the human body, which can seriously impair the blood's ability to carry oxygen, and even lead to death by suffocation. While it will not hurt to consume apples normally, never consume apple cores.

"The Deadly Trap of Everyday Ingredients: Food Risks You Need to Be Aware of"

Sugarcane is also a food that is prone to mold growth after the Qingming Festival. Red heart sugarcane contains a mold called Phosphorium nosporum that produces trinitropropionic acid toxin. Excessive intake can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, incontinence, and even death from respiratory failure. Even if you seek medical attention in time, there is a possibility that there will be sequelae.

"The Deadly Trap of Everyday Ingredients: Food Risks You Need to Be Aware of"

Nutmeg, an ingredient often used as a spice, contains myristic ether, a neurological substance that can cause epilepsy. Adults who consume more than two scoops at a time can cause seizures and, in severe cases, even the nervous system and organ failure.

Liangpi, a popular summer snack, has also been associated with food poisoning. Stale rice milk or cold skin left overnight may produce rice fermented acid toxin, which can cause food poisoning and even be fatal. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the cold skin is fresh and safe when consuming it.

"The Deadly Trap of Everyday Ingredients: Food Risks You Need to Be Aware of"

Fungus is a common ingredient in home-cooked dishes, but it can be one of the most poisonous home-cooked dishes. The fungus that has been soaked for too long is prone to the growth of rice fermentation bacteria and produces deadly toxins. Fungus that has been soaked overnight or for too long can cause food poisoning, leading to liver failure and even death. Therefore, the time for soaking the fungus should be as short as possible, and the overnight fungus should be avoided.

"The Deadly Trap of Everyday Ingredients: Food Risks You Need to Be Aware of"

Cashews are an expensive fruit that contains deadly sapaphenol toxins. Contact with cashew nut shells or sap may cause rashes, itching, and stinging. It can be fatal when ingested. Therefore, picking and processing cashew nuts is a very dangerous job.

"The Deadly Trap of Everyday Ingredients: Food Risks You Need to Be Aware of"

Soy milk is known as the national breakfast, but it contains deadly saponins and trypsin inhibitors. Uncooked soy milk can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing symptoms of nausea, vomiting and difficulty breathing. Only cooking soy milk can eliminate these risks.

In short, these foods, while common and delicious, hide a deadly danger. Understanding the toxins and dangerous substances in these foods, and handling and eating them correctly is key to safeguarding our health. At the same time, it is also necessary to remind everyone to pay attention to food safety issues and avoid health problems caused by eating unclean or improperly handled food.

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