
CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

author:Look at Hainan

In October 1888, a magazine membership journal that emphasized quality, and the need for accurate and objective words and graphics was sent to 200 members at the time, and for a century, it has insisted on using photography to tell all kinds of fascinating stories in the world, and share scenes and discoveries in the unbounded world, it is "National Geographic". On the occasion of CR Land's 25th anniversary of Hainan, we joined hands with National Geographic, a century-old famous magazine, to take us on a tour of China and understand the story of Hainan in a visual feast.


Tracing National Geographic and discovering the most beautiful China

"There is nothing in the world, without its decisive moment, which, in a fraction of a second, while recognizing the meaning of the event, gives the event itself a properly perfect structure."

French photographer – Henri Cartier Ebreçon

When we retrace the history of National Geographic, we will find that since 1988, National Geographic has traveled all over the world, from continents to the depths of the oceans, from the landing on the moon to the Antarctic expedition, photographers have recorded new discoveries and countless adventure moments in history with their lenses.

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

In 1964, Jenny Goodall and "Flint" naturally touched

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

In 1969, astronauts walked on the moon

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

1987, off the coast of New Hanover Island

They also used a five-minute piece to make it one of the most famous cover photos in National Geographic history;

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

June 1985 National Geography

It also tells the story of the "dawn" of African immigrants in Djibouti with a photo called "Signal", revealing a microcosm of an era.

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

2013, Djibouti Beach "Signal"

Countless scenes and tens of thousands of wonderful moments captured have enabled National Geographic's archives to collect about 15,000 natural color photographs, and it is one of the world's largest natural color photo libraries.

In order to record and disseminate more moments, National Geographic has also held many photography activities across borders and nationalities, attracting countless photography enthusiasts from all over the world to participate, allowing everyone to see a greater world in a variety of outstanding works, and taking us to appreciate the colorful wonders that we have never seen.

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

Web pictures

The far-reaching influence of National Geographic in the world has made more people love nature, explore the beauty of the earth while traveling, and think about life and inspire new inspiration in the shock of the soul. It also uses a unique 1:1.618 golden section "yellow frame" logo, (information from Zhihu) to freeze the excitement of the collection, reflecting every corner of the earth.

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

In the great century-old video narrative of "National Geographic", the magnificent land of China has also been frozen with countless wonderful moments with magnificent scenery and fantasy, making more people in the world yearn for the strange mountains and rivers and scenery and humanities of the East.

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

《佛国胜景》 四川省甘孜州色达县 | Photo By刘丹

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

"The Curve of the Earth", Tex County, Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang Autonomous Region Photo byDan Liu

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

《冰川秘境》 西藏自治区林芝市察隅县 | Photo By吕宇理

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

《彩色的渔村》 浙江省台州市小箬村 | Photo By沈卫新

The images of National Geographic across the mountains and rivers allow us to see the magic and infinite charm of nature, and perceive the majestic momentum and gentleness of nature, which also makes these places become the distant places that countless people dream of going to and become tourist destinations.

Among them, Hainan Island, located on the coastline at 18 degrees north latitude, has been on the list of "must-go places" and "the most beautiful China" many times under the "favor of God...... In 2024, let's walk with the lens of National Geographic, spanning 52 latitudes, and see every side of the island in the freeze-frame.


Use images to measure Hainan and freeze the mountains and seas

"At 18° north latitude, it is the world's ideal resort concentration line. From Cancun in Mexico to Hawaii and Miami in the United States, from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates to Sanya in Hainan, these famous islands are set one by one in this latitude like dazzling pearls, wrapping around the earth, known as the "golden latitude".

The mountains, forests, lakes and seas are intertwined with blue pictures, the tropical rainforest stretches endlessly, the reef white sand and coconut groves connect the oasis and tranquility, and the century-old street is humanistic and the neon of the city's CBD...... With the right temperature and fresh oxygen in all seasons, about 2 million square kilometers of ocean area and about 1,944 kilometers of coastline, it is a unique natural scenery that grows from all the beautiful scenes.

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

《鹿回头日出》海南·三亚鹿回头景区 | Photo By少卫

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

《莺歌海》海南·乐东莺歌海盐场 | Photo By肖海林

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

《落日下的灯塔》海南·陵水清水湾 | Photo By少卫

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

Centennial arcade old street - Haikou, Hainan (real photo)

Under the irreproducible ecological resources, Hainan's cultural tourism is also booming. Among them, Wanning Shimei Bay and Sanya Haitang Bay, two world-renowned holiday paradises, rely on the unique coastal trend, and under the joint construction of China Resources Land, they write exciting island stories, allowing us to see more mountains and seas.

万宁·石梅湾 | 世界体旅滨海之城WANNING

With the 25 years of hard work of CR Land, Shimei Bay has gradually become a new model of marine sojourn featuring the coastal sports tourism industry and facing the world, and has become the core force of Wanning's creation of China's sports tourism demonstration zone.

The crystal clear "Sea of Glass" and the thousand-year-old green bark forest record every sunrise in the east, and the "Sports Tourism +" industries such as "National Diving Southern Training Base - Jiajing Island" and "China Resources Shimei Bay International Yacht Club" are a new chapter in the world of Wanning's tide, allowing us to feel the passion and freedom of riding the wind and waves in the static photos.

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

Millennium green barking, the world's largest beach green peeling forest (real photo)

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

Shimei Bay International Yacht Club, a five-star enterprise in yacht tourism service quality (real photo)

三亚·海棠湾 | 国家海岸旅度圣地SANYA

As Sanya's "high-quality coastal white space", Haitang Bay has always been like the mythical and legendary Begonia girl, pouring tenderness and romance into the earth.

The mountains are far away and the banks are flat, the river runs through the ground, and Haitang Bay, which integrates blue sky, blue sea, silver sand, oasis and green mountains, is where romance and fashion are intertwined, and enthusiasm and fantasy are blended. The morning sun shines with golden light on the sea, the star-rated resort hotels of different shapes are rooted in the urban forest, and the enthusiastic Wuzhizhou Island welcomes everyone who comes with vitality and excitement......

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

《油画版的海岸线》海南·三亚蜈支洲岛| Photo By少卫

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

Haitang River Park (real photo)

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

Haitang Bay, from the Internet (real photo)

When the camera sweeps from the sky of about 22 kilometers of coastline, the freeze frame of each frame is the best interpretation of "China's national coast, the world's vacation paradise".

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

Haitang Bay coastline (real photo)

China Resources Land, which is located in Haitang Bay, is also using the grand pattern of the same frequency free trade port to "set" the future, and let the wind of the bay blow to the world with the overall planning of nearly 10,000 acres of area.


China Resources Land x National Geographic Discover the Most Beautiful China First Exhibition Meet in Sanya

National Geographic, and how to use a unique lens language

What kind of island travel story is told to the audience?

On the occasion of the 51st Tourism Golden Week, China Resources Land, which has been deeply involved in Hainan for 25 years, joined hands with National Geographic to present the first exhibition of "Discover the Most Beautiful China" in Haitang Bay, Sanya, to show tourists from all over the world the beautiful scenery of China and the abundant islands.

CR Land x National Geographic | Travel through the world's latitude and longitude and discover the most beautiful China

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