
4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team

4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team

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2024-06-01 18:12Published in Hunan

In the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League in Macao, the Japanese women's volleyball team ushered in a showdown with the Dominican women's volleyball team after defeating the Chinese team. This is also the final match between the Japanese women's volleyball team and the Dominican women's volleyball team in the second week of the branch competition. After the opening, the Japanese women's volleyball team was really in good shape, taking the lead in winning the first game, but the Dominican women's volleyball team then equalized the total score, the Japanese women's volleyball team won the third game and took the lead again, and the fourth game was 4-12 to complete the super reversal, and finally defeated the American powerhouse Dominican women's volleyball team 3-1, and the world ranking points were only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team!

4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team

Before the game, the FIVB official website world rankings: the Japanese women's volleyball team ranked eighth, and the Dominican Republic ranked eleventh.

The standings of this year's World Women's Volleyball League: the Japanese women's volleyball team ranks 4th with 5 wins and 15 points, and the Dominican women's volleyball team ranks 11th with 2 wins and 6 points.

Previously, in the first week of the sub-station competition, the Japanese women's volleyball team won 3 consecutive games, but the final battle defeated the Polish women's volleyball team 0-3, and in the second week of the sub-station competition, the Japanese women's volleyball team lost to Brazil and suffered a black start, but then the Japanese women's volleyball team won the French team and the Chinese team in a row, especially the Chinese women's volleyball team that defeated the home team in the last game, which made the Japanese women's volleyball team see the hope of competing for the first place in Asia.

4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team

The Dominican women's volleyball team, because it has stood out in last year's Olympic qualifying tournament and won the Paris Olympic Games, did not send all the main players to participate in this World Women's Volleyball League, and the results are also very average, 2 wins and 2 losses in the first week of the sub-station competition, and lost to Thailand, Italy, and the Netherlands in the second week of the sub-station competition. However, as an American powerhouse that has already won the Paris Olympics, the Dominican women's volleyball team is absolutely unwilling to suffer 5 consecutive defeats, but in the face of the Japanese women's volleyball team in good condition, the Dominican women's volleyball team was relatively passive in the first game of the game, losing points in the middle game in a row, and was pulled away by the Japanese women's volleyball team, and the Japanese women's volleyball team took the lead 25-20.

4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team

In the second game, the Dominican women's volleyball team rebounded, stabilized a pass and then had a high success rate of an attack, and then used the advantage of the net to intercept the attack of the Japanese women's volleyball team, and gradually established an advantage in the score, the Japanese women's volleyball team continued to chase points at the end of the game, and chased the game point to 23-24, and the Dominican women's volleyball team seized an opportunity to attack, and finally won back a city with 25-23. In the third game, the core of the Japanese team, Sarina Koga, was obviously a little tired, and there were too many mistakes, the score of the two teams was deadlocked to 23 draws, the Dominican women's volleyball team made a service error, and the Japanese women's volleyball team also returned one, Lin Chenna smashed the ball and scored, and the Japanese team got the game point again, Sarina Koga hit the slash at the No. 4 position, and the Japanese women's volleyball team narrowly won the game 26-24, and the total score was 2-1 to lead again.

4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team

In the fourth game, the Japanese women's volleyball team's offense came to a standstill, the Dominican women's volleyball team played more and more smoothly to open the score 11-4, the pause did not work, the Japanese women's volleyball team continued to lose points, and the Dominican women's volleyball team continued to expand its lead 12-4. The Japanese women's volleyball team is very tenacious, erasing the huge score difference and chasing 22-22! At the end of the game, the Dominican women's volleyball team made consecutive mistakes, and the Japanese women's volleyball team finally completed a super reversal and narrowly won 25-23, defeating the Dominican women's volleyball team with a total score of 3-1 to win 3 consecutive victories, and at the same time giving the Dominican women's volleyball team 5 consecutive defeats. With this 3-1 victory, the Japanese women's volleyball team scored 4.55 points, and the world ranking points rose from 325.07 to 329.62 points, continuing to narrow the gap with the Chinese women's volleyball team, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese women's volleyball team with 332.85 points, and the competition for the Olympic seat in Asia is more intense!

4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team

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  • 4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team
  • 4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team
  • 4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team
  • 4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team
  • 4-12 to complete the super reversal! The Japanese women's volleyball team is 3-1 America's powerhouse, only 3.23 points behind the Chinese team

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