
It's not fair! College Entrance Examination Essay Topic: Artificial Intelligence and AI, Netizen: Isn't this a pit for rural children

author:Idle writing
It's not fair! College Entrance Examination Essay Topic: Artificial Intelligence and AI, Netizen: Isn't this a pit for rural children


This year's college entrance examination essay topic has aroused a wide range of heated discussions, the topic involves artificial intelligence and AI, which has attracted the attention of many candidates and parents for a while, and has also become one of the topics of heated discussion among netizens. On the Internet, we can see discussions about college entrance examination essay topics almost everywhere, some people think that this topic is very close to life, and some people feel that this topic is too far away from their own life and do not know how to write. Some people think that this question is too difficult, some people think it is too simple, and the focus of the dispute is mainly whether this question discriminates against rural candidates. So, why did the college entrance examination essay topic cause so much controversy? What are the issues behind this?

It's not fair! College Entrance Examination Essay Topic: Artificial Intelligence and AI, Netizen: Isn't this a pit for rural children

1. The reasons for the controversy caused by the essay questions of the college entrance examination

It's not fair! College Entrance Examination Essay Topic: Artificial Intelligence and AI, Netizen: Isn't this a pit for rural children

The topic of this year's college entrance examination essay is "Artificial Intelligence and AI", which can be said to be a choice of topics that really keeps pace with the times and can also trigger students' conjectures about the future development of science and technology. It is precisely because of the deep background knowledge involved in such a question that many candidates feel at a loss to write and do not know how to write after seeing such a question. On the Internet, many candidates also said that they did not know much about artificial intelligence, so they felt that such a question was indeed difficult for them.

It's not fair! College Entrance Examination Essay Topic: Artificial Intelligence and AI, Netizen: Isn't this a pit for rural children

In addition, many people also look at this essay question from a regional perspective, they think that such a question is more suitable for candidates living in the city, because in urban schools, they are more likely to have access to a variety of cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge, and for rural students, they may rarely have the opportunity to learn this knowledge, so in the face of such a topic, they do have a certain disadvantage.

This is also the reason why some people question whether there is discrimination in such questions, they feel that the college entrance examination essay questions should take into account the actual situation of students across the country, and should not put a certain group of students at a disadvantage because of their geographical or family background.

It's not fair! College Entrance Examination Essay Topic: Artificial Intelligence and AI, Netizen: Isn't this a pit for rural children

Second, there should be a degree in the selection of college entrance examination essay topics

On the one hand, the topic should indeed have a certain degree of difficulty, so as to test the comprehensive quality of students, and also stimulate students' interest in knowledge, so that they can gain something in the process of preparing for the exam.

This kind of difficulty also needs to have a degree, and it should not deviate too far from the actual situation of the students, otherwise it will discourage some students from feeling that they cannot complete such an essay at all, and thus lose their confidence in writing.

In addition, the choice of college entrance examination essay topics should also be inclusive, so that some students should not feel that they have nothing to say, such topics are too theoretical for them and too far away from their own lives.

It's not fair! College Entrance Examination Essay Topic: Artificial Intelligence and AI, Netizen: Isn't this a pit for rural children

3. The setting of college entrance examination essay topics should guide students to guess social hot issues

The selection of college entrance examination essay topics should also be able to guide students to guess social hot issues, cultivate their sense of social responsibility and critical thinking ability, and not just stay at the examination of a certain aspect of knowledge, and ignore the more meaning of the form of composition.

It can be said that the meaning behind such an essay topic is very rich, which can not only examine students' basic knowledge, but also examine students' thinking ability and expression ability, and also cultivate students' enthusiasm and sense of responsibility for society.

When formulating the question, the relevant departments must consider it carefully, and cannot just pursue the novelty and frontier of the topic, while ignoring the meaning of the topic itself.

It's not fair! College Entrance Examination Essay Topic: Artificial Intelligence and AI, Netizen: Isn't this a pit for rural children


It can be said that the selection of college entrance examination essay topics is indeed a relatively complex issue, and it is also necessary to have a more comprehensive understanding of the actual situation of students by relevant departments, and not just consider the problem from their own perspective.

I hope that in the future, when formulating questions, the relevant departments can be more cautious, and can also listen to the opinions of teachers and students, and choose some essay topics that can take into account the background of students across the country and stimulate students' interest in writing, so that the selection of college entrance examination essays can better reflect the fairness and diversity of education.

It's not fair! College Entrance Examination Essay Topic: Artificial Intelligence and AI, Netizen: Isn't this a pit for rural children

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