
Biden's second son was convicted of a felony! The 81-year-old president of the United States changed his itinerary and flew straight to his hometown to send an emotional hug

author:Moderator: Anton

Trump was convicted, and he himself has given up resistance. However, at a critical moment, the Republican Party found Biden's Achilles' heel, and the counterattack has begun! Can Trump turn the tables on it? And what is Biden's Achilles' heel?

After being convicted by a jury in a New York court, former U.S. President Donald Trump "gave up resistance" and said he was ready to stay at home or go to jail, according to the global network. But Trump claimed that the American people were "unacceptable" to this outcome, and at some point, there would be a flashpoint. Mr. Trump did not explain what the "flashpoint" was, but after his conviction, his campaign website was paralyzed by an influx of donors. At the same time, some Trump supporters used the American flag upside down to express their "grief" and "protest". Obviously, Trump's conviction has exacerbated the antagonism in an already divided American society. Trump's supporters believe that the current US President Joe Biden and his Democratic Party have carried out "political repression" and turned the US judiciary into a "tool".

Biden's second son was convicted of a felony! The 81-year-old president of the United States changed his itinerary and flew straight to his hometown to send an emotional hug

But what the outside world did not expect was that on June 11, local time, a jury in Delaware, USA, decided that Biden's second son, Hunter Biden, was convicted of all three felony charges, and he may face a 25-year prison sentence. Biden accepted this result, but in a public speech, he claimed that to "overthrow" the US government, only "F-15, F-16, F-22, F-35 fighter jets and nuclear weapons" could be used. Subsequently, Biden changed his itinerary and temporarily flew back to his hometown of Delaware, where he gave his son Hunter an emotional hug. Regarding Biden's move, some American netizens believe that this is a public warning, indicating that "Biden is considering using force to suppress his opponents".

On the other side, the Republicans in the United States began to act in solidarity with Trump and launch a "retaliation" against the Democratic Party. Mike Collins, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, called on Republican-controlled "red states" to "get busy" with their attorneys general and prosecutors. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has publicly challenged the Democrats, demanding that the prosecutor in the Trump case, Democrat Alvin Bragg, and others must attend the hearing to explain the indictment of Trump. As we mentioned earlier, Trump's conviction means that the underlying logic of American politics has changed. Now, the two parties in the United States are no longer "canvassing votes" to determine the winner, but are looking for other means.

Biden's second son was convicted of a felony! The 81-year-old president of the United States changed his itinerary and flew straight to his hometown to send an emotional hug

It can be seen that after Trump gave up resistance, the Republican Party seized Biden's Achilles' heel and launched a fierce counterattack. Biden has two sons, the eldest son, Joseph, who was a major in the Army National Guard and served as Delaware's attorney general after retiring from the army, following the typical "American political elite" route. However, in 2010, Joseph suffered a "mild stroke" and died five years later at the age of 46 due to a worsening brain condition. Biden, who "sends black-haired people to white-haired people", is in pain, so he is even more spoiled by his "lone seedling" Hunter.

However, Hunter's conduct can be described as "immoral and humiliating", from tax evasion, to illegal possession of guns, to corruption, alcoholism, etc., it can be described as "doing all kinds of evil" and being an "addict". Therefore, the Republicans have no trouble grasping Biden's Achilles' heel. Originally, Hunter's three felony charges, including "illegal gun possession", have reached a plea bargain with the U.S. justice system. Hunter only needs to pay off tax evasion to be exonerated from three counts. However, the judge handling the case outright rejected the deal because he was appointed by Trump. As a result, the plea bargain went bankrupt without suspense, and Hunter was convicted by a jury. It can be seen that the war of public opinion between the two parties in the United States has already begun, and it has quickly entered a white-hot heat.

Biden's second son was convicted of a felony! The 81-year-old president of the United States changed his itinerary and flew straight to his hometown to send an emotional hug

However, Hunter Biden's conviction will have a much smaller impact on the U.S. election than Trump's conviction. Biden is well aware of his son's situation, so he made a "cut" in advance, saying that he "will not pardon Hunter" before the ruling is announced, respecting the US judicial process. And the pressure on Trump is very high, as long as it is a normal-thinking American, he will believe in the American judicial process, and naturally feel hesitant to vote for a "criminal candidate". However, American society is so divided, who can guarantee that accidents will not occur? The historic victory of the far-right in the just-concluded European Parliament elections is bound to encourage the American far-right who support Trump. Moreover, the "tacit understanding" in American politics has been broken. After Trump was convicted, the Republican Party targeted Biden's son, and the "drama" around the US election has just begun!

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