
In summer, the number of mosquito bites and pet scratch bites increased Experts remind: seek medical attention and treat wounds in time after injury

author:Guanlan News
In summer, the number of mosquito bites and pet scratch bites increased Experts remind: seek medical attention and treat wounds in time after injury
In summer, the number of mosquito bites and pet scratch bites increased Experts remind: seek medical attention and treat wounds in time after injury
In summer, the number of mosquito bites and pet scratch bites increased Experts remind: seek medical attention and treat wounds in time after injury

In the middle of summer, people are thinly dressed and their skin is exposed. When playing indoors and outdoors, you can be bitten by mosquitoes, scratched or bitten by cats and dogs.

The doctor specially reminds that after being bitten by mosquitoes, it is necessary to treat and seek medical attention in time according to different types of mosquito bites; Pay more attention to the risk of injury to dogs around you, and standardize the treatment after injury.

status quo

Mosquito bites, cats and dogs cause injuries, and the public does not pay enough attention to them

With the arrival of summer, the number of skin clinics and dog injury clinics in various hospitals has gradually increased. The causes of injuries are varied, and some are even more ridiculous.

Ms. Zhao, a citizen, has been back from camping with her family a few days ago, and she has a small red bag on the back of her hand, which is only the size of a soybean at first, and she feels very itchy. She thought it was a mosquito bite, and as long as she smeared the toilet water, she would be fine. Who knows, after two days, the back of Ms. Zhao's entire hand was swollen. She immediately went to the dermatology department of the Second Hospital of Lanzhou University and was diagnosed with "insect bite dermatitis".

When it comes to mosquito bites, Ms. Wang is even more talking. She said that she has been recruiting mosquitoes since she was a child, and her daughter is the same as herself. "Last summer, I took my daughter to play in the wilderness, and in less than half a day, my legs and arms were already swollen with multiple large bags, and my daughter's hands were also swollen and painful." Ms. Wang said that she sprayed the mosquito repellent she had brought with her and applied ointment, but it had no effect at all. After a few days, the skin of the mosquito bite was broken and watery, "so now that we have to go outdoors this season, we are all wearing light long sleeves and long pants, and we are really scared of mosquito bites." ”

Dermatologists said that the recent frequent rainfall, mosquito activity and reproduction are vigorous, and insect bite dermatitis is a frequent trend, "especially children with delicate skin, whose eyes are swollen and cannot be opened, and whose hands and feet are swollen into small steamed buns, abound." ”

The doctor reminded the public to pay attention to the prevention and treatment of insect bite dermatitis. According to reports, insect bite dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction to the skin caused by mosquito bites on the human body, and it will be accompanied by a severe itching sensation. Insect bite dermatitis most commonly presents as a red, swollen pimple, usually oval, with a small blister or petechiae at the tip. A few dermatitis appear as large chickenpox-like blisters or only small petechiae, and occasionally as red nodules or hemorrhagic plaques. Some patients have poor treatment, resulting in nodular prurigo, and the disease is protracted and difficult to treat.

"Doctor, the child's hand was scratched by a kitten in the yard, does he need a rabies vaccine?" On the afternoon of June 12, Ms. Zhang, a citizen, took her child to the Animal Injury Treatment Clinic of the Second People's Hospital of Gansu Province for help. Ms. Zhang told the doctor that the kitten was raised by the family hospital, and that the child was just close to the cat as usual that day, but she did not expect to be suddenly scratched, with obvious scratches on her fingers, and blood flowed when you looked closely. After the doctor rinsed the wound, the child was given a rabies vaccine.

"The '10-day observation method' circulating on the Internet means that after three doses of rabies vaccine, the animal is observed to be healthy by the 10th day, and if it is healthy, the rest of the vaccine can be stopped. We don't recommend it. Wang Yongxiang, director of the Animal Injury Treatment Clinic of the Second People's Hospital of Gansu Province, said that in addition to host animals such as cats and canines, other warm-blooded mammals such as rabbits and hamsters do not usually carry rabies virus, and these animals will suffer from rabies if they are infected with rabies virus. Rabies, suspected rabies, or rabies host animal bites, scratches, licking mucous membranes, broken skin, or open wounds or mucous membranes that come into contact with animal saliva or tissues that may be infected with the rabies virus are all rabies exposures and should be properly prevented as soon as possible. In other words, you can become infected if you are bitten by an animal that carries the rabies virus. Since rabies is a 100% fatal disease, he believes that the public should not take this risk at all.


Don't delay It is necessary to standardize the disposal

According to dermatologists, once insect bite dermatitis occurs, timely treatment after the bite is particularly important. If you suffer from insect bite dermatitis, do not scratch with your hands, and you can do some simple treatment on your own, such as cold compresses with cold water, and topical calamine lotion in the absence of ulceration. If you find pain in the bite of the insect, rinse the wound with soapy water first, because except for the alkaline venom secreted by bed bugs, most insect body fluids are acidic, and alkaline soapy water can neutralize the acidic insect venom and reduce the symptoms. If the symptoms of the bite are not relieved, the patient should immediately go to the dermatology department of a regular hospital. From the clinical observation, there are often some patients who like to take some home remedies to deal with themselves, and the results outweigh the losses. For example, many citizens are accustomed to using flower water, cooling oil, etc. to dispel prickly heat, relieve itching, and prevent mosquito bites. Although toilet water can cool and relieve itching, it does not have therapeutic effects. Some toilet water contains a small amount of alcohol, and if there are erosions on the skin, irritating substances can aggravate the degree of damage to the skin.

Wang Yongxiang, director of the Animal Injury Treatment Clinic of the Second People's Hospital of Gansu Province, reminded that once you are scratched and bitten by cats, dogs and other animals, you need to pay attention to it but do not need to panic, and you must deal with it scientifically in time.

"After a person is bitten or scratched by a cat, dog or other animal, the wound should be treated as soon as possible. The sooner the local wound is treated, the better, rinsing the wound thoroughly with soapy or clean water for at least 15 minutes. After rinsing thoroughly, rub the wound with 2%-3% iodophor (wine) or 75% alcohol. Then, immediately go to the regular rabies exposure management clinic, where the doctor determines the exposure grade, and the wound is treated and immunized based on previous immunization. Wang Yongxiang stressed that after being injured by animals, we must not take chances and do not deal with it, and the rabies vaccine injection is in principle the earlier the vaccination, the better, and it is best to inject within 24 hours.

As the only public hospital in Gansu Province to open an outpatient clinic for the treatment of animal injuries, the Second People's Hospital of Gansu Province is equipped with advanced dog injury treatment, cold chain and other equipment and full-time dog injury treatment and vaccination personnel, which can provide wound irrigation, surgical debridement, infection control, vaccination, surgical repair and other diagnosis and treatment for the injured.

Lanzhou Daily all-media reporter Zhang Dan text/photo

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