
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years

author:Ping An Chaozhou
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years

Editor's Foreword

June 26 is the 37th International Day Against Drugs. As we all know, drugs are harmful to life and health, and can also harm families and even society. Anti-narcotics work has a bearing on the security of the country, the rise or fall of the nation, and the well-being of the people.

Remarkable Achievements in Drug Control Drug crimes in our city have dropped to the lowest point in the past 10 years

As long as narcotics are not eradicated, the anti-narcotics struggle cannot be slackened. In recent years, the city's anti-narcotics departments at all levels have worked together to take the initiative to take the initiative to solidly promote various measures such as drug fighting, prevention, management, control, and publicity, and the city's drug situation has improved and continued to consolidate, and the anti-drug work has achieved remarkable results.

【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years

Since last year, the city's public security organs at all levels have continued to strengthen the construction of anti-drug teams, give full play to the role of the main force in drug control, and severely crack down on all kinds of drug-related illegal and criminal activities with the high-pressure situation of "zero tolerance" and "strong deterrence", effectively deter drug-related illegal and criminal elements, and significantly improve the effectiveness of the crackdown. A total of 36 criminal cases of narcotics were detected, 47 people were criminally detained, 162 drug addicts were investigated and punished, 52 people were forcibly isolated for drug rehabilitation, and 38.04 grams of drugs were seized, and drug-related illegal and criminal activities dropped to the lowest point in nearly 10 years.

【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years

Shi Zejian, fourth-level sergeant of the anti-drug detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau: Anti-drug departments at all levels have strengthened the treatment of the source, strengthened the investigation and control of key drug-related elements, and prevented and resolved drug-related risks such as the loss of drug-making materials, drug-making crimes, and drug-addicted personnel getting out of control.

For precursor chemicals, the city's public security organs at all levels have always adhered to standardized management, built a supervision system, strengthened regulatory measures, and effectively prevented precursor chemicals from flowing into illegal channels. On the one hand, all 202 precursor chemical enterprises in the city will be included in the system platform management, and through system alarms, online inspections, enterprise inspections, etc., the flow and use of precursor chemicals will be fully grasped.

【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years

Zhuang Yinggui, first-class sergeant of the anti-drug detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau: We have adopted the method of "normalized inspection + cross-departmental joint spot check" to comprehensively inspect the use of the management platform system, warehouse management, ledger information, and the implementation of safety measures of precursor chemicals, so as to comprehensively eliminate all kinds of safety risks and hidden dangers. At the same time, we organize the police to go deep into the enterprise to carry out propaganda and improve the legal awareness and safety awareness of the enterprise.

He Shaoning, manager of the warehousing department of Guangdong Kaipu Biotechnology Co., Ltd.: The management of precursor chemicals in and out of the warehouse, we have a ledger registration, and after using it, we will register the entry and exit of the warehouse on the platform of precursor chemicals, so the whole process is relatively complete, our dangerous goods warehouses are built according to national standards, we have an intrusion alarm system, and our personnel will also conduct training and anti-leakage safety drills from time to time to ensure that the use and control of our dangerous goods in the company are reasonable and compliantLegitimate.

At the same time, the anti-narcotics departments at all levels in the city have also actively carried out drug prevention, education, and assistance work. Over the past year, more than 2,500 anti-drug publicity activities have been carried out online and offline, further deepening the public's understanding of the dangers of drugs, improving the public's awareness and ability to recognize, prevent and reject drugs, and forming a strong atmosphere in the whole society to consciously resist drugs and jointly crack down on drug violations and crimes.

【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years

Xie Jian, executive vice president of the Municipal Anti-drug Association: Our association actively mobilizes social forces, continuously expands the anti-drug propaganda team and volunteer team, carries out anti-drug education and publicity on a regular basis, and at the same time innovates the publicity model, integrates intangible cultural heritage into anti-drug propaganda, and deepens anti-drug propaganda. In addition, we also regularly carry out visits and condolences to drug rehabilitation personnel, and assist them to solve difficulties and return to a healthy life.

Shi Zejian, the fourth-level sergeant of the anti-drug detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau: We have strengthened safety and care, improved the quality and efficiency of drug rehabilitation, provided psychological counseling and employment assistance for drug rehabilitation personnel, and visited 105 drug-related poor families since last year, helped 58 people regain employment, and opened up the "last mile" of drug rehabilitation. Next, we will follow the work deployment of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the Provincial Narcotics Control Commission, closely follow the overall goal of "preventing rebound" of the drug problem, open the way, comprehensively promote prevention, management, control, assistance and publicity, and make every effort to fight the people's war against drugs and escort the high-quality economic and social development of our city.

Protect non-toxic youth

Build a "gas wall" on campus

In recent years, new types of drugs have emerged, which have become increasingly confusing, and young people have become more and more vulnerable to the threat of drugs. To this end, our city insists on moving the gate forward and giving priority to prevention, and enhances the awareness of young students in anti-drug, anti-drug, and anti-drug through various forms and rich content of anti-drug propaganda and education.

In Changli Road Primary School in Xiangqiao District, an anti-drug theme class is underway. Through pictures, cases, questions and answers, the teacher introduced the erosion of drugs and the harm of drug use to the students, so that everyone can recognize and resist drugs. The school also organizes students to visit the drug prevention education demonstration room to learn more about what drugs are and how to identify and prevent new drugs.

【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years

Lu Xiaoyin, a student from Changli Road Primary School in Xiangqiao District: I was deeply shocked and inspired today, which not only strengthened my anti-drug awareness, but also made me understand the harm of drugs to the human body, to life, and to all aspects of society.

Chen Yanting, a student at Changli Road Primary School in Xiangqiao District: Not only has I enhanced my understanding of the dangers of drugs, but also realized the necessity of anti-drug work.

In order to carry forward the spirit of Humen's tobacco sales and convey the anti-drug voice of young people, the school also organized teachers and students to listen to anti-drug speeches. The sound of Lang Lang was inspiring and inspiring, conveying the firm determination to build a great wall of steel against drugs, and the students were deeply inspired.

【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years

Xie Muxin, a student from Changli Road Primary School in Xiangqiao District: I learned about the history of selling cigarettes in Humen, and deeply felt the harm of drugs to the country, the nation, and the people, and at the same time realized that everyone is responsible for drug control.

Liu Jing, a teacher at Changli Road Primary School in Xiangqiao District: Our school carries out anti-drug knowledge propaganda through multiple channels, mainly through national flag speeches, theme class meetings, blackboard newspapers, hand-copied newspapers and off-campus electronic screen publicity, and we also organized middle and high school students to participate in knowledge competitions, with a participation rate of 100%, so that students can recognize and prevent drugs from an early age, and resolutely resist the temptation of drugs.

【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years

Source: Chaozhou Radio and Television Station

【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years
【National Anti-Drug】Anti-drug has achieved remarkable results! Drug crime activities in our city have fallen to the lowest point in nearly 10 years

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