
Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

author:Ling said health science

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Zhou Wei is a young and promising lawyer, and his daily life is full of busy work and intense socializing.

In order to maintain his health, he has always paid attention to his diet, especially eating a variety of vegetables.

This made Zhou Wei very worried, and began to wonder if his usual eating habits had any health risks. One day, Zhou Wei felt some discomfort in his abdomen, and he decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

After registration, he was arranged to see an experienced gastroenterologist, Dr. Lee.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

"Dr. Li, I recently read an article saying that amaranth can cause liver failure, and it mentioned that there are several vegetables that cannot be eaten. Is this true? As soon as Zhou Wei entered the consultation room, he couldn't wait to ask.

Dr. Li smiled and motioned for Zhou Wei to sit down. "There have been a lot of rumors about amaranth and other vegetables lately, but you don't have to worry too much.

Let's do some checks first to see what exactly is going on. Dr. Li inquired about Zhou Wei's medical history in detail and arranged for him to undergo a number of examinations, including liver function tests, B-ultrasound and blood routine.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

The results of the examination came out quickly, showing that Zhou Wei's liver function was slightly abnormal, but it was not serious.

Dr. Li interpreted the examination report in detail and patiently explained, "Your liver function is indeed abnormal, but it is not to the point of liver failure.

As for vegetables such as amaranth, there is no conclusive evidence that these vegetables directly cause liver failure. "And where did these rumors come from?" Zhou Wei continued to ask.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

"Some people may be sensitive to certain components in amaranth, and eating too much of it can be a burden on the liver.

But for most people, amaranth is a nutritious vegetable. It is important to pay attention to the variety and balance of the diet and not to overeat one type of food. ”

Zhou Wei nodded in understanding. Dr Lee went on to say, "As for spinach and mustard greens, they are high in oxalic acid, which can affect calcium absorption and cause problems such as stones, but these occur when consumed in large quantities.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

There is no problem with moderate intake in a normal diet. ”

Zhou Wei listened to Dr. Li's explanation, and the worries in his heart gradually dissipated. But he was still a little worried and asked, "Then my liver function is a little abnormal now, is it because I usually eat too much amaranth?" ”

Dr. Lee shook his head, "Not necessarily. There are many causes of abnormal liver function, it can be an unbalanced diet, it can also be due to overwork, excessive alcohol consumption, medication side effects, etc.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

We need to think about it holistically, and we can't simply attribute it to one food. In the next few days, Zhou Wei adjusted his eating habits in strict accordance with the doctor's advice and had regular check-ups.

Gradually, I found that my physical condition had improved significantly. Dr. Li also affirmed his efforts and progress in the follow-up review.

In order to help Zhou Wei better understand the relationship between diet and health, Dr. Li specially arranged a nutrition lecture for him, and invited a senior dietitian to explain in detail the nutritional value of various vegetables and their impact on health.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

Through this lecture, Zhou Wei learned that different vegetables contain different nutrients, and they have their own benefits for human health.

Amaranth is rich in iron and vitamin C, which can effectively prevent anemia; Spinach is rich in vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting and bone health;

Mustard greens are rich in vitamin A and fiber, which contribute to vision protection and digestive health. Dietitians also make a point of emphasizing that a varied and balanced diet is key to staying healthy.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

Any kind of food, no matter how nutritious, can be a burden on the body if consumed in excess. Therefore, it is advisable to consume different kinds of vegetables every day to ensure a complete range of nutrition.

Zhou Wei's fear of vegetables gradually dissipated, replaced by a deep understanding of the importance of a balanced diet.

Start with a meal plan that ensures you're getting enough vegetables, fruits, protein and grains each day.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

He also developed the habit of exercising regularly, no longer spending all his time at work, but setting aside time for himself and his family.

Zhou Wei also paid special attention to reducing alcohol intake, as he learned that the damage to the liver caused by alcohol was obvious.

Start relieving stress at work in healthier ways, such as running, yoga and meditation. As a result of these changes, his quality of life has improved dramatically and his productivity has increased.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

A few months later, Zhou Wei came to the hospital again for a follow-up, and this time the results showed that his liver function had completely returned to normal.

Dr Lee expressed satisfaction with his health and encouraged him to continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Li smiled and said to Zhou Wei, "It can be seen that you have really put in a lot of effort during this time.

Your health has improved significantly, and it's all the result of your efforts. I hope you can continue to maintain this lifestyle. ”

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

Through this experience, Zhou Wei not only learned how to properly view health information on the Internet, but more importantly, he deeply realized the importance of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Start spreading the idea of healthy eating to your friends and family, and actively participate in various health activities. Zhou Wei has found a work-life balance, and his health is getting better and better.

He said with emotion: "The information on the Internet is uneven, and the key is to have scientific judgment and healthy living habits. Only in this way can you truly take care of your health. ”

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

Vegetables such as amaranth, spinach, and mustard greens are good for health when consumed in moderation in a normal diet, and the key is to pay attention to a varied and balanced diet.

At the same time, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular medical check-ups are also effective measures to prevent diseases and maintain health.

We should recognise that any reporting on food and health needs to be based on scientific research and professional advice.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

Changing your eating habits based on just one or two articles or online rumors is not scientific and can have a negative impact on your health.

There is no absolute "good" or "bad" food in itself, what matters is the amount of intake and the balance of the diet. Through scientific eating habits and a healthy lifestyle, Zhou Wei not only improved his health, but also improved his quality of life.

The experience reminds us that when dealing with health problems, we should be rational and seek professional advice, rather than blindly believing information on the Internet.

Is amaranth an "assistant" for liver failure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want liver necrosis, eat 3 kinds of vegetables with caution

Healthy eating is not only about choosing foods, but also about how to balance various nutrients in a scientific way to maintain the overall health of your body.

I hope that Zhou Wei's story can inspire more people to treat diet and health issues with a scientific attitude, and finally achieve dual health of body and mind.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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