
Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries have received precious lunar soil for Chang'e-6

author:Lao Li talked about it

The Return of the Lunar Soil: China's Pride in the Sea of Stars

Hey friends, have you heard about something big lately? Our China's Chang'e-6, the bullish probe, has brought back the soil of the moon! This is a terrible thing, not only are we happy as if we are happy, but the eyes of the whole world are also focused on this precious "lunar soil".

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries have received precious lunar soil for Chang'e-6

You may think, isn't it just a handful of dirt, as for such a sensation? But you must know that this soil is not simple, and the story behind it is like an international version of "Journey to the West", full of competition and cooperation. Russia, Pakistan, the European Space Agency, Japan, India, and the United Kingdom are all eager to get a piece of the pie, just as lively as when we were children grabbing candy. This lunar soil, like a magnet, attracts scientists from all over the world.

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries have received precious lunar soil for Chang'e-6

Speaking of which, you may ask, is this lunar soil really that godly?

Well, that's right, there may be the key to solving the puzzle of the universe. But don't forget, science doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Although the Netherlands, Sweden, and Belgium are small countries, their scientific research strength should not be underestimated. They are like hidden masters in martial arts novels, usually inconspicuous, but they can be a blockbuster at critical moments.

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries have received precious lunar soil for Chang'e-6

For us Chinese, the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 is of great significance. This is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a cultural pride. Imagine how exciting it is to have our own children go to the moon and bring back gifts! However, we can't just be happy, we have to study and study to see what secrets are hidden in this lunar soil.

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries have received precious lunar soil for Chang'e-6

Netizens are also discussing, some people think this thing is funny, and some people are full of expectations. In any case, this incident has made everyone see the charm of science and stimulated our curiosity about the unknown world. After all, the reason why human beings have come to this day is because of this desire and pursuit of the unknown.

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries have received precious lunar soil for Chang'e-6

The lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 is like a seed, planted in our hearts. It tells us that nothing is impossible as long as we dare to think and dare to do.

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries have received precious lunar soil for Chang'e-6

In the future, when we look up at the starry sky again, we may find that those distant planets are actually not far away from us. At that time, we can proudly say: "Look, this is the result of our Chinese exploration of the universe!" ”

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries have received precious lunar soil for Chang'e-6
Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries have received precious lunar soil for Chang'e-6

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