
My son has been working in a bank for two years, and he has changed from a very sunny person to a depressed person, what should I do? Ask for a reply

author:Idyllic farming

"Dad, I'm thinking about quitting." On the other end of the phone, his son's voice was heavy with exhaustion. Two years ago, he entered the bank with great dreams, but now he wants to give up. My heart tightened and I decided to find out why.

Through long conversations with my son and interviews with his colleagues and friends, I gradually learned what banking work is really like. It turns out that bank staff are not as glamorous as the outside world thinks. They are under tremendous pressure to sell, and they have to sell various financial products to customers and even to friends and family every day, which is a kind of behavior that goes against their hearts.

My son has been working in a bank for two years, and he has changed from a very sunny person to a depressed person, what should I do? Ask for a reply

What struck me even more was that sometimes in order to achieve their goals, they had to recommend products that were not in the customer's interest. This moral dilemma has left many young people mired in deep self-doubt. The working environment is also far from easy, grassroots employees lack the right to speak, can only passively accept tasks and pressure, overtime has become commonplace, physical and mental exhaustion.

Even when promoted to middle management, the situation has not improved, but has faced greater responsibility and pressure. And the position of senior leadership is out of reach for ordinary employees. To make matters worse, the banking sector is facing declining efficiency, with increasing competition, narrow promotion channels, slow income growth, and many young people with no hope.

My son has been working in a bank for two years, and he has changed from a very sunny person to a depressed person, what should I do? Ask for a reply

After listening to my son's story, I was deeply shocked. As parents, we always hope that our children can have a stable and decent job, but now it seems that the so-called "golden job bowl" is not satisfactory. I began to reflect on whether we were too glamorous on the surface and neglected the inner feelings and needs of our children.

I decided to support my son's decision and tell him that life is not a sprint, but a marathon. In this long journey, the most important thing is to find a career that you are truly passionate about and work towards it. Don't be bound by the eyes of the outside world, and don't be confused by the so-called "golden rice bowl". True success is self-fulfillment in the field you are passionate about.

My son has been working in a bank for two years, and he has changed from a very sunny person to a depressed person, what should I do? Ask for a reply

At the same time, I would also like to say to young people who are about to work or are already working in banks to be careful when choosing a career. If you truly love the financial industry and are willing to put in the effort to make it, then a bank could be a good stage. But if you're only attracted by the superficial glamour and ignore the feelings and needs of the heart, then it's best to think twice.

Remember, everyone's value is not in how glamorous the job you are doing, but in whether you are pursuing your dreams and what you love. Don't be fooled by momentary gains and losses, and don't be bound by the eyes of others. Finding your passion and working hard for it is the true meaning of life.

My son has been working in a bank for two years, and he has changed from a very sunny person to a depressed person, what should I do? Ask for a reply

This experience made me reflect deeply on my career choices and made me more respectful and supportive of my son's decision. I believe that as long as we maintain a positive attitude and have the courage to pursue our dreams, everyone can find their own sunny path.

Life is like a marathon, long and hard. But as long as we stick to our inner love and pursuit, and move forward bravely, we will definitely be able to find our own direction and goal. Let's work together to live our authentic selves and pursue true happiness and success.

My son has been working in a bank for two years, and he has changed from a very sunny person to a depressed person, what should I do? Ask for a reply

In today's society, there are many career options and everyone has the opportunity to pursue their dreams and passions. But at the same time, we should also realize that career choices are not achieved overnight, but rather require us to deliberate and weigh the pros and cons. When choosing a career, we should fully understand the characteristics and requirements of the industry and make decisions based on our own interests and strengths.

At the same time, we should also keep an open mind and keep learning and improving our abilities. In this era of rapid change, only by constantly learning and adapting can you keep up with the pace of the times and achieve your career goals.

My son has been working in a bank for two years, and he has changed from a very sunny person to a depressed person, what should I do? Ask for a reply

In addition, we should also pay attention to our physical and mental health and maintain a positive attitude. While pursuing professional success, we should also pay attention to our inner needs and pursue inner balance and satisfaction. Only people who are physically and mentally healthy and have a sunny attitude can go further and more stable on the career path.

Finally, I would like to say to all young people who are struggling: no matter what career path you choose, be firm in your beliefs and pursuits. Don't be swayed by the distractions and temptations of the outside world, and keep your heart clear and firm. Believe in yourself and believe in the future, you will be able to find your own sunny road and realize your life values and dreams.

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