
At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, it was said that "go to the place where the motherland needs it most"! It was revealed that he had applied to study in the United States

author:Grace excellence little lucky WSL
At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, it was said that "go to the place where the motherland needs it most"! It was revealed that he had applied to study in the United States

Recently, the news of Yang Jinwen, an outstanding graduate of Zhejiang University, applying to study in the United States has aroused heated discussions among netizens. As a graduate of the College of Foreign Chinese, her speech at the graduation ceremony was impressive, and she was determined to contribute to the place where the motherland needs it most. Now, however, her choice has sparked controversy.


Yang Jinwen, an outstanding undergraduate graduate of the School of Foreign Chinese, was one of the representatives of outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University. At the graduation ceremony, the video of her impassioned speech was widely circulated on the Internet, which was impressive. She said that she will take root in the place where the motherland needs it most and contribute to the prosperity of the motherland.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, it was said that "go to the place where the motherland needs it most"! It was revealed that he had applied to study in the United States
At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, it was said that "go to the place where the motherland needs it most"! It was revealed that he had applied to study in the United States

Although Yang Jinwen's decision has sparked controversy, there are also some opinions that her choice is understandable. They believe that everyone has the right to pursue their dreams, including studying abroad. Moreover, Yang Jinwen's speech at the graduation ceremony has shown that she has lofty ideals and ambitions, and studying abroad is also a way to achieve these ideals.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, it was said that "go to the place where the motherland needs it most"! It was revealed that he had applied to study in the United States

However, there are also some netizens who believe that studying abroad may affect national interests. As an outstanding talent, Yang Jinwen should stay in China and contribute to the prosperity and development of the motherland. If she chooses to study abroad, she may lose the opportunity to develop at home, which will affect the development of the country. At present, from the perspective of Yang's major, the chances of coming back are very slim.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, it was said that "go to the place where the motherland needs it most"! It was revealed that he had applied to study in the United States

The news that Yang Jinwen chose to study in the United States has sparked widespread controversy and discussion, and as an outstanding graduate of Zhejiang University, Yang Jinwen's speech has undoubtedly set an example for many graduates. However, now her choice has left many netizens disappointed and puzzled. Some people believe that Yang Jinwen, as an excellent graduate, should continue to stay in China, make greater contributions to the motherland, and fulfill his promises.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, it was said that "go to the place where the motherland needs it most"! It was revealed that he had applied to study in the United States
At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, it was said that "go to the place where the motherland needs it most"! It was revealed that he had applied to study in the United States

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