
On the day of the wedding, because the man took a few pounds less of the divorced meat, the mother-in-law asked for another 30,000 yuan on the spot, and the man was witty to resolve the crisis and slapped his face

author:Ancient History Qingyun

On the wedding day, because the man took a few pounds less of the divorced meat, the mother-in-law actually asked for another 30,000 yuan on the spot, and the man wittily resolved the crisis and slapped the mother-in-law in the face!

(Information source: 2024-06-19 18:47 News Pioneer The groom takes less divorce meat when he receives his wife, and the woman thinks that the groom looks down on them and asks for "30,000 more" The groom takes less divorced meat when he receives the bride, and the woman thinks that the groom looks down on them and asks for "30,000 more")

The love story of Liu Dong and Meng Ru should be as sweet as a fairy tale, they fell in love freely, and in two years, they recognized each other and decided to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand, and the parents of both sides were also very satisfied with the marriage, and everything was going on step by step.

There is a custom in Meng Ru's family, called "Liniang meat", that is, the man needs to prepare a piece of pork for the woman when receiving relatives, symbolizing gratitude to the bride's mother for her nurturing grace.

Liu Dong had heard of this custom for a long time, and specially instructed his family to do it properly, and on the day of the wedding, he was in high spirits, with carefully prepared bride price and gifts, and came to Meng Ru's house with joy to receive his relatives.

When Liu Dong's team arrived at Meng Ru's house, they were greeted not by the expected laughter, but by the gloomy face of the mother-in-law.

Liu Dong was stunned for a moment, he clearly remembered that his family had prepared enough "divorced meat", how could such a mistake occur? He hurriedly explained to his mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law did not give up, she in front of all her relatives and friends, she left Liu Dong useless, as if he had committed some heinous crime, the relatives who were watching whispered, and some even began to accuse Liu Dong of being ignorant and disrespecting the woman.

Liu Dong's face was red and white, he felt extremely embarrassed and ashamed, although Meng Ru stood beside him, he didn't say a word, just lowered his head and wept silently.

Just when the scene was deadlocked, the mother-in-law suddenly changed her words and threw out a condition that surprised everyone, wanting Liu Dong to add another 30,000.

Liu Dong took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm, if he got angry and left now, it would only make things worse and put Meng Ru in a dilemma.

Just when Liu Dong was about to call someone to send money, there was a sudden commotion outside the crowd, and I saw Liu Dong's family running in panting with a few people.

Everyone looked back and saw a full ten baskets of "Liniang meat" behind them, which were 500 catties!

This made everyone stunned, and the mother-in-law was even more embarrassed, she never expected that Liu Dong's family would really prepare so many "divorced meat".

She wanted to say something, but when she saw the strange eyes of the people around her, she didn't say anything in the end.

Under the persuasion of everyone, this farce finally came to an end, the wedding continued, and Liu Dong and Meng Ru also became husband and wife smoothly.

Although the wedding ended successfully, the "divorced mother" incident was like a thorn, deeply rooted in the hearts of Liu Dong and Meng Ru, this farce is just the beginning, and in the future married life, they will face more challenges from their mother-in-law.

A piece of "divorced meat" unveils the shadow behind traditional customs, and also exposes the greed and selfishness of human nature.

On the day of the wedding, because the man took a few pounds less of the divorced meat, the mother-in-law asked for another 30,000 yuan on the spot, and the man was witty to resolve the crisis and slapped his face
On the day of the wedding, because the man took a few pounds less of the divorced meat, the mother-in-law asked for another 30,000 yuan on the spot, and the man was witty to resolve the crisis and slapped his face
On the day of the wedding, because the man took a few pounds less of the divorced meat, the mother-in-law asked for another 30,000 yuan on the spot, and the man was witty to resolve the crisis and slapped his face

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