
A sign that is very aggressive on the surface, but very sensitive on the inside

author:Big picture constellations everyday

I believe that there should be people around everyone who are very arrogant, and on the surface, you may think that such people are heartless and have no lungs, and there should be nothing to worry about.

But such people are often more sensitive in their hearts, and they are accustomed to hiding all the unhappiness in their hearts, leaving the joy to others, and digesting the pain themselves.

So, today, let's take a look at the constellations that are very aggressive on the surface but very sensitive in the heart, and see if you are such a person?


Geminis are very refined and have a dual personality, on the one hand, they are very aggressive, and on the other hand, they are extremely insecure and extremely sensitive inside.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are very outgoing, they speak and do things openly, as if they have no heart and lungs, but only those who really understand know that they are very introverted, but they will put away their sensitive side in front of strangers.

In fact, Geminis can easily feel lonely, and when getting along with people, they don't want to seem out of place, so they will always go to liven up the atmosphere first.

They are a bit of a performative personality, like to use humorous words to attract everyone's attention, and even sometimes add oil and vinegar to package themselves, just want to get a response and praise from others.

However, the enthusiasm shown by the twins is only a protective color, and they are afraid that their minds will be seen through, hiding their deep panic and sensitivity.

And you think that they are very arrogant as if they don't care about anything, it's just that Gemini sees through it and doesn't say anything, so don't look at Gemini people are very cheerful, but they have a lot of things on their hearts.


Leos are enthusiastic and cheerful, always with a big grin, they are adventurous, they like to enjoy all kinds of new and exciting things, and they don't seem to care about anything. But there are times when the lion is very sensitive in his heart, but it is usually difficult to see.

A sign that is very aggressive on the surface, but very sensitive on the inside

If you think that Leos are always heartless, it's just that they don't care about you, it doesn't mean that they don't think about you.

The lion, who looks honest on the outside and doesn't seem to have ulterior motives, can also clearly see the twists and turns of others through his sensitive heart.

In fact, Leo people have a very vulnerable side, maybe because they have a good face, it is difficult for them to unload their idol baggage, so they will pretend to be strong.

Moreover, they rarely show their sensitivity in front of others, on the contrary, the more sensitive the lion is inside, the more atmospheric it appears on the surface.

The sensitivity of lions will be vividly manifested in their feelings, and they will become cautious and afraid of losing when they fall in love with someone, changing their previous domineering and majestic image.

Therefore, their superficial swagger is just an illusion, and in order to maintain their self-esteem, they will not show their sensitive side of their hearts.


Aries people are very straightforward and have a big grinning style, don't look at them always straightforward, in fact, they are very delicate and know very well what others are saying behind their backs, but they don't want to delve into it.

They have a clear mind, they have a very clear understanding of the current situation, who is good and who is bad, who is using themselves, and they have a scale in their hearts.

A sign that is very aggressive on the surface, but very sensitive on the inside

In fact, Aries does not like closed environments, likes lively occasions, and their hearts are sensitive and fragile, so they don't like to be alone, and always pretend to be lively and enthusiastic.

Moreover, they are very insecure in private, always sensitive and suspicious, especially in love, they especially like to be jealous, and they will be suspicious at the slightest mistake.

Aries has a lot of inner drama, and may be cranky all day long because of the other person's unintentional eyes, or repeatedly think about what others say casually.

A sign that is very aggressive on the surface, but very sensitive on the inside

Therefore, they are only smug on the surface, but they are actually very sensitive on the inside, and they are often hurt in their feelings.

And in order to maintain the feelings they cherish, Aries often hides their grievances and sorrows in their hearts and will not express them easily.

brief summary

A big grin doesn't mean that you don't care about anything, and it doesn't mean that you don't understand anything, sometimes it's just a superficial atmosphere, but you don't know that the other party's random joke will be remembered in your heart.

In fact, no matter whether you are open-minded or sensitive, you must learn to accept yourself, after all, no one is perfect.