
Challenge the defending champion in the final! China's U18 is expected to win the championship, and Zhang Ziyu is hitting the MVP of the Asian Cup

author:A little sister in the sports world


The battle for revenge is on the verge of breaking out

The night of June 30, 2024 will become an important page in the history of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team. In the Asian Cup final two years ago, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia with a huge gap of 26 points, missing the sixth consecutive championship, leaving a huge regret. This year, the Chinese women's basketball team once again stood on the stage of the finals with the determination of revenge, with only one goal - to regain the lost glory. This match is not only a final, but also a battle of revenge related to dignity and honor.

Challenge the defending champion in the final! China's U18 is expected to win the championship, and Zhang Ziyu is hitting the MVP of the Asian Cup

The road to progress: unstoppable

In this tournament, the Chinese women's basketball team performed strongly. In the group stage, they were firmly in first place with a record of 3 wins and 0 losses, showing strong dominance. In the semifinals, facing the old rival South Korean women's basketball team, the Chinese team easily won with an advantage of 18 points, with a total net victory of 115 points, and the road to promotion was smooth. In contrast, the Australian women's basketball team, although also excellent in the group stage, faced a tenacious Japanese team in the semi-finals, narrowly winning by only five points. The promotion process of the two teams shows the more stable strength of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Challenge the defending champion in the final! China's U18 is expected to win the championship, and Zhang Ziyu is hitting the MVP of the Asian Cup

Zhang Ziyu: The trump card of no solution

The biggest advantage of the Chinese women's basketball team this year is that it has Zhang Ziyu, a superstar. In the first four games, Zhang Ziyu averaged 33.3 points and 12.5 rebounds in 20.9 minutes per game, shooting 81.6% from the field. Her dominance is not only reflected in her scoring and rebounding statistics, but also in her performance in key moments. Whenever the team is in trouble, Zhang Ziyu can always stand up and turn the tide. Her presence gave the Chinese team infinite confidence, and also made the opponent defenseless.

Challenge the defending champion in the final! China's U18 is expected to win the championship, and Zhang Ziyu is hitting the MVP of the Asian Cup

Teamwork: Withstand critical moments

However, if the Chinese women's basketball team wants to defeat the powerful Australia in the final, Zhang Ziyu alone is obviously not enough. In the semi-finals against South Korea, China won by 28 points when Zhang Ziyu was on the field, but after she went off, the team lost by 10 points. This over-reliance on Zhang Ziyu has exposed the shortcomings of the team's other players at critical moments. In the final, the Australian women's basketball team will definitely focus on Zhang Ziyu's defense, and at this time, other players must step up and share the offensive pressure to ensure that the team can also remain competitive when Zhang Ziyu is rested.

Challenge the defending champion in the final! China's U18 is expected to win the championship, and Zhang Ziyu is hitting the MVP of the Asian Cup

The challenge of the Australian women's basketball team

As the defending champions, the strength of the Australian women's basketball team should not be underestimated. They reached the final for the second year in a row, showing strong squad depth and team chemistry. Although the performance in the semi-finals was not as expected, this team always showed strong fighting power in key moments. Especially in the face of the challenge of the Chinese women's basketball team, the Australian team will definitely go all out to successfully defend the title.

Challenge the defending champion in the final! China's U18 is expected to win the championship, and Zhang Ziyu is hitting the MVP of the Asian Cup

Battle Preview: Who will have the last laugh?

This final will be a strong dialogue, and the Chinese women's basketball team and the Australian women's basketball team have their own advantages. The offensive firepower and determination of the Chinese women's basketball team are the biggest motivation for them to impact the championship; The experience and consistency of the Australian team is an important guarantee for them to win consecutive titles. The final outcome will depend on the performance of both sides at key moments and the consistency of on-the-spot performance.

Challenge the defending champion in the final! China's U18 is expected to win the championship, and Zhang Ziyu is hitting the MVP of the Asian Cup

Controversy: Zhang Ziyu's future

Regardless of the result of the competition, Zhang Ziyu is undoubtedly the biggest highlight of this tournament. If the Chinese women's basketball team finally wins the championship, Zhang Ziyu will become the MVP of this tournament without any suspense. However, does over-reliance on one player's style of play really contribute to the long-term development of the team? In future competitions, will the Chinese women's basketball team need a more balanced teamwork to avoid over-reliance on a single player? These issues will become an important topic for the Chinese women's basketball team to think about in the future.

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