
The great spirit of party building and Chinese modernization


This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The great cause forges the great spirit, and the great spirit leads the great journey. Adhering to the truth, sticking to the ideals, practicing the original aspiration, undertaking the mission, not afraid of sacrifice, heroic struggle, loyalty to the party, and living up to the great founding spirit of the people are the source of the spirit of the Communist Party of China. For more than 100 years, inspired by the great spirit of party building, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to open up a new path of Chinese-style modernization and create a new form of human civilization. On the new journey, we must continue to carry forward the great spirit of party building and provide a fundamental spiritual impetus for promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Adhere to the truth and ideals, so that Chinese-style modernization has always become a firm political pursuit of the Party and the people

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the promotion of Chinese-style modernization must be regarded as the biggest politics". Chinese-style modernization is a broad road to building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, and has become a firm political pursuit of the Party and the people. The scientific truth of Marxism, especially Marxism in the Chinese era, has provided a powerful ideological source and inspiration for Chinese-style modernization.

An important reason why China's various political forces in modern times have not been able to accomplish their historical tasks of opposing imperialism and feudalism and to provide historical and social preconditions for Chinese-style modernization is that they have not been guided by advanced ideology and have not grasped the truth. In modern China, various isms appeared in the field, but all of them ended in failure. After going through various new trends of thought and new schemes, and after failing in experiments, China's advanced intellectuals finally chose to "follow the path of the Russians" and held high the banner of Marxism-Leninism.

Marxism stresses that it is a theory of development, and it is by no means a rigid dogma. Our party has integrated Marxism with China's reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, continuously developed Marxism, and explored the path of Chinese-style modernization. In fact, Marx had long foreseen that the Chinese would take their own path to modernization. On January 31, 1850, Marx predicted in a long newsletter for the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Political Economy Review that the Chinese Revolution would produce "Chinese socialism". And "Chinese socialism is to European socialism what Chinese philosophy is to Hegel's philosophy."

In the great practice of leading the masses of the people to carry out Chinese-style modernization, our party has upheld and developed the truth, and upheld its ideals and convictions in the course of arming itself with theory. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Once the flame of ideals and beliefs is ignited, it will never be extinguished. He stressed many times that faith, faith, and confidence are of paramount importance at all times. Only by adhering to the truth and ideals, constantly enhancing the ideological, political, and action consciousness of Chinese-style modernization, and always maintaining the firmness of not changing our will and the same path, can we firmly grasp the correct direction of Chinese-style modernization, overcome difficulties, and achieve steady and far-reaching results.

Fulfill the original intention and take on the mission, so that Chinese modernization will always have a strong power engine

The original intention and mission of our party is to "seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation" pointed out by General Secretary Xi Jinping in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which is the fundamental driving force for encouraging the Chinese communists to continue to move forward and the fundamental driving force for comprehensively promoting Chinese-style modernization. Our party was born for the original mission, struggled for the original mission, and became the leading party because of the original mission.

After 28 years of the new democratic revolution, the CPC led the people to overthrow the "three mountains" that pressed on the heads of the Chinese people, established New China, and realized that the people were masters of their own country. Through socialist revolution and construction, reform and opening up, and the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, and the Chinese modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation have shown unprecedented bright prospects. Today, he has led hundreds of millions of people to embark on a new journey of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

Fulfilling the original aspiration and undertaking the mission is the fundamental reason for the Communist Party of China to be a mission party and a leading party, and it is also the fundamental difference from Western broker-type and canvassing parties, which is the fundamental driving force and political advantage for realizing Chinese-style modernization.

Not afraid of sacrifice and heroic struggle, Chinese modernization has always been brave in the wind and rain, chopping waves and waves

As soon as our party was founded, it faced such powerful enemies as imperialism and feudalism, and the two joined hands to bully and oppress the Chinese people. The enemy is armed to the teeth, and it has been determined that the form of the Chinese revolution is mainly to rely on armed struggle, and to resist the armed counter-revolution with armed revolution, which also determines that our party must not be afraid of sacrifice and fight bravely, so as to "dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky for the sake of sacrifice and ambition." During the period of the New Democratic Revolution alone, there were as many as 3.7 million revolutionary martyrs with party members and surnames. More than 197,000 heroic sons and daughters of the Chinese People's Volunteers to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea sacrificed their precious lives; in the struggle against poverty in the new era, more than 1,800 comrades have forever fixed their lives on the journey of poverty alleviation.

Today's world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is in a critical period, and Chinese-style modernization is in an important stage of overcoming difficulties. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is by no means easy and can be achieved by beating gongs and drums, and a great struggle must be carried out to realize the great dream." The risks and tests we face on the way forward will only become more and more complex, and we will even encounter unimaginable stormy waves. The various struggles we face are not short-term but long-term, and must at least accompany us throughout the process of achieving the Second Centenary Goal. On the new journey, "Loushanguan", "Lazikou", "Black Swan" and "Gray Rhinoceros" will also come unexpectedly. In the new journey of waging the great struggle with many new historical characteristics, it is necessary to inherit and carry forward the fighting spirit of the communists, strengthen the sense of struggle, enhance the ability to struggle, fight bravely with the spirit of forging ahead in the face of difficulties and dangers, rise to the occasion, be unafraid of sacrifice, fight tenaciously, "have hard bones, dare to attack, and dare to fight to win," so as to ensure that Chinese-style modernization will cut through the waves and reach the glorious other shore.

Be loyal to the party and live up to the people, so that Chinese modernization will always ensure the correct value position

Chinese-style modernization is socialist modernization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The party's overall leadership is the fundamental guarantee for the realization of Chinese-style modernization, and loyalty to the party is the primary political quality of communists and the fundamental requirement of Chinese-style modernization. In the new era and new journey, in the face of uncertainty in the context of the "two overall situations", the "two establishments" are the greatest certainty, the greatest confidence and the greatest guarantee for the Party to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and cope with all uncertainties. Therefore, we must uphold and strengthen the party's overall leadership, resolutely safeguard the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Party Central Committee and the core of the whole party, and resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. Consciously enhance the political, ideological, and emotional identity of the party, and earnestly achieve loyalty to the party. To be loyal to the party means to be loyal to the party's organization, to be loyal to the party's cause, and to fight for communism all your life.

Loyalty to the party and living up to the people are unified, and the essential requirement of loyalty to the party is to live up to the people, and living up to the people is the greatest loyalty to the party. Chinese modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all the people, and we insist on realizing the people's yearning for a better life as the starting point and end point of modernization. At the same time, the people are the creators of history, and the people are the real heroes. The foundation of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in promoting Chinese-style modernization lies in the people, its blood lies in the people, and its strength lies in the people. "Without the people, we will achieve nothing". On the new journey of realizing Chinese-style modernization, we must always adhere to the fundamental purpose, always stand firmly on the people's stand, always maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people, always want to be together with the people, work together, share weal and woe, and closely rely on the people to create new historical causes.

The great spirit of party building and Chinese modernization

Text: Wang Youming (Director of Human Resources Department, Executive Leadership College Pudong, China and Researcher, Shanghai Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)

Editor: Yu Ying

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