
There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

author:Yuehao narrated
There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

In the four years that Biden has been in office, a series of serious problems have occurred in the United States, and the well-known one is the debt problem of the United States.

The U.S. economy has been destabilized, and this high debt has also left the treasury with no more room for development, so the government is in a state of overstretched economic development.

High inflation continues to plague the lives of the American people, and the soaring prices have greatly increased the cost of living for ordinary people, reduced their purchasing power, and seriously affected their quality of life.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

The Ukraine crisis has not only had a huge impact on Europe, but also for the United States. Rather than bringing the expected peace and stability, the massive investment of resources and diplomatic mediation has tarnished the image of the United States on the international stage.

In particular, with the continuous escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Middle East, the influence of the United States in the Middle East has also been greatly questioned.

The accumulation of these problems has led to growing dissatisfaction with the Biden administration in the United States. People are hungry for change and want a leader who can lead America out of its predicament.

In fact, there have long been signs that Biden has lost the election!

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

1. Why did Biden lose the election?

Why did Biden lose the election? This is because on June 27, 2024, Biden and Trump had their first presidential debate, which lasted 90 minutes and was very intense, revolving around more sensitive topics, such as abortion, immigration, foreign policy, inflation, etc.

But in this debate, Biden's overall performance is not as good as Trump's. During the debate, Biden's statements on many issues seemed inadequate, his expression was tired, his voice was hoarse, and sometimes he made a slip of the tongue, or it was a more incomprehensible statement.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

For example, there were many mistakes in answering economic questions, and when the drug pricing bill was introduced, there were also mistakes in the numbers, especially on the issue of immigration, his voice was even hoarse, and he stammered a little, so his image among the voters was greatly reduced.

Although he also vigorously attacked Trump's criminal case and scandal, it did not give him enough advantage.

In contrast, Trump showed a particularly calm side in the debate, employing a strategy of avoidance and moderate shut-off throughout the debate, and skillfully avoiding issues that were unfavorable to him.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

When talking about his achievements during his administration, he will talk about it and fiercely attack Biden's political achievements.

On sensitive issues such as abortion, for example, Mr. Trump has adopted evasive tactics, but in response to the Capitol riot, he has praised himself.

Before the debate, polls showed that Trump was already ahead of Biden, and after this debate, the situation has become even worse for Biden.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

Voters and within the Democratic Party have been skeptical of Biden, and the top Democrats have even called on Biden to abandon his re-election campaign, believing that his continued candidacy may make the situation even more unfavorable.

After the debate, Biden firmly ruled out the possibility of withdrawing from the race, and the Trump team did not hesitate to declare the winner.

Republicans lavished praise on Trump's performance in the debate, which further strengthened Trump's confidence and influence.

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There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

Expert Zhang Tengjun believes that the strategy of the Biden team did not work in this debate, and they should adjust their campaign strategy in time, after all, the biggest impact of this debate lies in the tendency of public opinion.

Trump's current lead is likely to last, and Biden's campaign may only hope that the outcome of Trump's hush money case will reverse the current adverse effects.

But the situation in the general election is changing rapidly, and the future is full of uncertainties.

Although the current signs are not in Biden's favor, will he be able to turn the tide and achieve a counterattack in the upcoming election campaign? Or will Trump rely on his current advantage to win a second term? Everything is still up in the air.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

But it is undeniable that this debate has become an important turning point in the election process, and it has laid a deep foreshadowing for the future direction of the election.

For the American people, they are not only concerned about the performance of candidates on the debate field, but also about their plans and commitments for the future development of the country.

Both Biden and Trump need to come up with effective solutions that can truly address people's concerns and promote national development in order to win the final victory.

The final outcome of this election will not only determine the political direction of the United States in the next few years, but will also have a far-reaching impact on the global political and economic landscape.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

2. Why do Western countries think that China intends to depress GDP?

This has to start in 2023, when China announced that its economic growth was 5.2%, and the United States felt that we were deliberately depressing the mainland's GDP. But is that really the case?

Each country has a different economic system, stage of development, and policy goals. For example, the United States is only judging China's data from its own standards and standpoint, so this approach is obviously biased.

If the data is really deliberately being depressed, why? In fact, from the perspective of the mainland's economic situation, the first is to maintain the stability of the data and avoid some overheated reactions in the market.

Because the development of the economy requires a relatively stable environment, if the GDP data grows too fast, it will lead to over-optimism in the domestic market, which will cause a series of problems such as asset bubbles or overheated investment.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

The mainland government has also been committed to the sustainable development of the real economy and to avoid causing major economic ups and downs.

The second reason is to avoid international tensions and competition.

We all know that in international trade, excessively high data may cause vigilance and concern in other countries, thus exacerbating trade frictions and economic competition between different countries.

China's clear attitude is that it must achieve peaceful development and win-win cooperation, so that such a social order can be conducive to common development for all.

Therefore, if we really deliberately depress this batch of data, it is also for the purpose of easing international pressure and creating a more relaxed external environment for economic development.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

Therefore, no matter what the reason, whether we deliberately depress GDP or not, the United States is definitely biased to question China from its own perspective.

Whenever China develops, the starting point of its work must be for the peace and stability of the international community.

3. Who has a good relationship with China, Biden or Trump

There is no absolute answer to the question of who has better relations with China, Biden or Trump.

Because on the surface, Biden and Trump are indeed different in their attitudes and policies towards China.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

During the Trump administration, he will take a series of tough foreign trade measures to launch a trade war against China, such as increasing tariffs, or trying to suppress China through economic means.

In terms of rhetoric, he will also make relatively tough remarks against China.

Later, although the Biden administration took office, there was no obvious easing of Sino-US relations. But unlike Trump, Biden has taken a tough stance on China, but he has not acted excessively in practice.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

Therefore, we cannot just rely on superficial phenomena to infer who has a better relationship with China, because the relationship between China and the United States is a very complex thing that involves many fields such as politics, economy, trade, science and technology, and people-to-people relations.

However, China's position has always been very clear: no matter who is the president of the United States, China will always handle its relations with the United States in a manner of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence, and China and the United States are the two largest economies in the world.

The relationship between China and the United States will not only affect the development of the two countries themselves, but also have a far-reaching impact on the world, such as addressing climate change, public health, and counter-terrorism.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP

From a historical point of view, since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, China and the United States have achieved fruitful results in the fields of economy, culture, and education.

Although in recent years, some US politicians, out of the need for domestic politics, have made some misunderstandings and judgments about China's development, and have taken a series of actions that are not conducive to Sino-US relations.

However, judging from the current economic situation as a whole, these practices not only harm the interests of both China and the United States, but also have a negative impact on the world's monopoly.

There is a sign that Biden may lose the election, and the West has found a clue: China is deliberately depressing GDP


The situation of the U.S. presidential election is confusing, Biden is facing many difficulties and challenges, while Trump has gained a high approval rating by virtue of certain advantages.

But no matter who is ultimately elected, the dark side of American politics, such as money and power deals, needs to be confronted and addressed.

At the same time, we should maintain a sober understanding of the misunderstanding and prejudice of the Western media about China's economy, strengthen our confidence, continue to follow the development path in line with our own national conditions, and contribute more positive energy to the development of the global economy.


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