
Gunfire broke out, Iranian border guards were attacked by American-trained insurgents: Iranian soldiers suffered many casualties

author:Dick Story

Gunfire crackled, and U.S.-trained rebels attacked Iranian border guards: Iran's servicemen claimed many lives, creating chaos in and around Iran. , and constant conflict. Violent clashes frequently erupt between the Iranian army and several armed groups, including the Kurdish armed forces. A few days ago, fierce fighting broke out again on Iran's western border, resulting in the death of several Confucian elites.

Gunfire broke out, Iranian border guards were attacked by American-trained insurgents: Iranian soldiers suffered many casualties

According to the Turkish Star newspaper on May 19, according to the news released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran, an elite Iranian vanguard of the armed revolutionary guard was attacked by rebel armed groups in the city, Merivan, Kurdistan, located on Iran's western border. Attack.

According to the source, the source announced that at this time, a small group of militants suddenly opened fire on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and the muzzle immediately exploded, and the fighting was extremely fierce. Because it was a surprise attack, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard was captured, resulting in the death of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the fierce battle.

Gunfire broke out, Iranian border guards were attacked by American-trained insurgents: Iranian soldiers suffered many casualties

It is said that there were eight rebels who attacked the Iranian army. Two senior Iranian soldiers were killed and four others wounded after heavy fighting broke out between the two sides. There is no detailed casualty information, but the Iranians say the militants have been trained and supported by U.S. forces.

The U.S. military imposed military sanctions on Iran. To achieve his goals, he supported many militants on the Iranian border and used these weapons to enter and destroy Iranian territory. This is also the reason why Iran's western border is always "unstable" and conflicts often break out.

Gunfire broke out, Iranian border guards were attacked by American-trained insurgents: Iranian soldiers suffered many casualties

On May 5, heavy fighting broke out on Iran's western border. The war was fierce and Iran suffered heavy losses. According to media reports at the time, the fighting resulted in the death of three members of the Revolutionary Guard, including Colonel Shahiba Salimi, the commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard. Some members of the armed groups fighting alongside them were also killed.

Gunfire broke out, Iranian border guards were attacked by American-trained insurgents: Iranian soldiers suffered many casualties

The United States plays a key role in a series of border disputes along Iran's western border. Earlier, Iran announced that it had found substantial evidence of US military support for militants. There is evidence that the United States and its allies have supplied three transport planes laden with various supplies to armed groups bordering Iran. But this move by the United States is also very dangerous, which is tantamount to "playing with fire".

Gunfire broke out, Iranian border guards were attacked by American-trained insurgents: Iranian soldiers suffered many casualties

At present, the situation facing Iran is not optimistic. Not only will he need to work on fighting armed groups on the western border, but he will also face pressure from the United States. The coronavirus outbreak in Iran is also intensifying. According to the Iranian National Embassy, the Iranian Ministry of Health reported on the 19th that there were 2,111 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the country, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 124603. 62 new deaths and 7,119 deaths; 97,173 people were cured.

Gunfire broke out, Iranian border guards were attacked by American-trained insurgents: Iranian soldiers suffered many casualties

In addition, Iran has not yet controlled the epidemic and has been attacked by locusts. On May 15, officials at Iran's Ministry of Agriculture announced that East African locusts had invaded seven provinces in southern Iran, planting and propagating seeds on more than 200,000 hectares. In the event of danger, Iran will not hesitate to use its military to eliminate locusts.

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