
Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

In the glitzy light and shadow of the entertainment industry, every switch of the camera may become a silent contest. Recently, a piece of news has attracted widespread attention: Zhao Liying seems to have easily ripped off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf with just three scenes directed by Zhang Yimou.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

This incident not only impressed people with Zhao Liying's expressiveness, but also invisibly revealed the cruel competition in the entertainment industry. However, in this seemingly one-sided contest, Tang Yan's smart actions make people have to admire her wisdom and foresight.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

How did Zhao Liying do all this? How will Yu Shuxin deal with this sudden turmoil? And where is Tang Yan's cleverness?

Sweet girl counterattack and misstep: Zhao Liying soared, Yu Shuxin dug a pit by herself

In the trend of sweet girls in internal entertainment, there are two actresses with explosive sweetness who are particularly eye-catching: one is Zhao Liying, who has gradually transformed with her powerful works, and the other is Yu Shuxin, who is famous for her "small work". But recently, the situation of these two sweet girls can be described as worlds apart.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

Zhao Liying was once the one who was ridiculed as rustic and isolated among the 85 flowers. However, with her outstanding works in recent years, she successfully counterattacked and became a hot and powerful actress in the entertainment industry. Her growth path is full of inspiration and perseverance, which makes people have to admire her courage and determination.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

In contrast, Yu Shuxin's sweet sister road seems a little twists and turns. As a new idol, she had the opportunity to soar to the sky with the help of Director Feng's movie "If You Are Honest Do Not Disturb 3". However, a series of actions at the press conference made her fall into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

At that press conference, Yu Shuxin seemed to be completely immersed in her own world, busy being coquettish and cute, without caring about the feelings of the people around her. Her "clip sound" and "head scratching posture" made the leading actors present have different expressions, and the audience was also embarrassed. Shu Qi even had an expression that saw through the other party's intentions, as if to say, "Sister, you are digging a pit by yourself!"

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

And Yu Shuxin doesn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem. When it came to the photo session, she still went her own way, and Fan Wei, an old drama bone on the side, was so embarrassed that he couldn't wait to find a hole to get into. Such a move undoubtedly made the public's image of her greatly discounted.

What's even more ironic is that Yu Shuxin proudly claimed at the press conference that she had memorized five minutes of "instructions lines" in four days. However, when the audience enters the cinema in high spirits, they find that there is not much left of her footage. This is undoubtedly a great irony of her previous boastful line skills.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

In fact, the audience is not unacceptable to the actress of the sweet girl style. The key is that the sweet girl must also be able to distinguish the occasion and the priority. Like Zhao Liying, only by speaking with strength and works can you truly win the love and respect of the audience.

The goddess of change under the sweet girl label

When you mention Zhao Liying, what do you think of? Is it the fairy-like and sweet little bone in "Flower Thousand Bone", or the innocent and cute Shanshan in "Shanshan is Coming"? When the sweet girl trend swept domestic entertainment, Zhao Liying had already gained a firm foothold with these two masterpieces, and was on an equal footing with Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, Tang Yan, Liu Yifei and other first-line actresses.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

However, just when everyone thought that she would continue to sing on the road of "Sweet Girl", Zhao Liying made a 180-degree turn. She waved goodbye to the sweet role and turned to the embrace of "The Legend of Chu Qiao".

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

Chu Qiao in the play is black-bellied, tough, and revenge, which makes the audience marvel at her acting skills, but also can't help but pinch a cold sweat for her. After all, from a sweet girl to a black-bellied girl, this span is not ordinarily large.

But Zhao Liying is Zhao Liying, and she proved with her actions that she is not a step-by-step actor. She has her own independent mind and is willing to put in a lot of effort for the role. She knows that an actor can't always be confined to the same type of role, so she bravely challenges herself and constantly tries new roles and styles.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

Minglan , He Xingfu, Xu Banxia ...... These challenging roles have all been revitalized under Zhao Liying's interpretation. She used her strength to prove that she is not only a "sweet girl", but also an all-rounder and an ever-changing goddess.

Now, Zhao Liying has joined hands with the national teacher Zhang Yimou to break into the film industry. In the new work "Article 20", she plays a hearing-impaired person, and the three scenes in the trailer are enough to bring the audience to tears. Her eyes and movements made the audience completely immersed in the world of the character, forgetting that she was Zhao Liying, only remembering that she was Hao Liping.

When other actresses competed on the red carpet, Zhao Liying chose to "disappear" for half a year. But every time she appears, she brings a huge surprise to the audience. This time, the cooperation with Zhang Yimou will undoubtedly push her career to a new peak. It was only a matter of time before she won the prize.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

Some netizens said that the most successful transformation in 85 flowers is Zhao Liying. Indeed, her changes not only allowed her to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, but also let the public see the courage and determination of an actor to constantly seek innovation and change in an era where the generation is changing so quickly.

The sweet sister in the entertainment industry and the fine flower

Some people say that if Yu Shuxin continues her "refinement" route, she may become Tang Yan before the next "Flowers". How do you say that? Let's start with the difference between the two sweet sisters.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

Tang Yan, one of the 85 flowers, once let the audience see her sweetness in Xianjian Sanli. But it seems that since then, she has been trapped in the comfort zone of "sweet girl", and she is still playing the role of silly Bai Tian at the age of forty.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

The audience watched too much, and it was inevitable that they were a little aesthetically fatigued, and they complained: "Why is it always this image of a second fool who is bullied by the whole world?" This is obviously inconsistent with the current values that emphasize women's independence and strength.

But just three years ago, Tang Yan made a change. She took over Wong Kar-wai's "Flowers" and completely abandoned the "sweet girl" label. It is said that when he first joined the group, he filmed more than 80 times in a scene, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for an experienced actor.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

But Tang Yan didn't give up, she knew that this was a test for the director. After countless attempts and efforts, she finally found a new self and showed a textured and layered performance.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

And what about Yu Shuxin? This new little flower seems to have made her position clear from the beginning: to be a refiner. She is not afraid of being labeled, but shows this side of herself generously.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

In the entertainment industry, a place full of competition and change, she has stood firm in her own way. While some people think she's too contrived, there are also many who like her authenticity and boldness.

From a "wow" girl to an explorer on the road of internal entertainment

Do you still remember the girl in "First Grade" who is a little pretentious, but in "Green You" she captured countless fans with a "wow"? She is Yu Shuxin, her image is like the little orchid in "Canglan Jue", pure and cute, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

Yu Shuxin seems to have been born with a knack for how to capture the hearts of the audience. In front of the camera, she can always show her simplicity and cuteness just right, and make people fall in love with her. However, this does not mean that she is just a doll with a "clip sound", in private, she actually has a richer inner world.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

On the stage of the entertainment industry, where there are many newcomers, Yu Shuxin understands that a single label cannot stand on its own for a long time. She tried to show more of herself in the in-depth interview show, however, perhaps because her experience was not rich enough, or because she was not fully prepared, that attempt did not have the desired effect. In the face of the host's in-depth excavation, she seemed a little helpless, and even blackfaced for a while.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

"Isn't it wrong that I'm simple, simple, shallow?" she asked herself. Actually, it's not wrong to be simple and shallow, but as an actor, she needs more depth and thickness. The road of being an actor is destined to go in a more profound direction. If you don't have enough knowledge and understanding, how can you interpret every role well?

Tang Yan's success has proved that the era of "silly white sweet" has passed. In this entertainment industry full of competition and opportunities, only by continuous efforts can we gain a firm foothold. Zhao Liying's early remarks also gave Yu Shuxin a lot of inspiration: Men have heroic dreams, why can't women?

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

Now, an aesthetic era that is both strong and stupid has arrived. Yu Shuxin also understands that only by continuous learning and progress can we stand out in this era.

Zhao Liying only used Zhang Yimou three shots to tear off Yu Shuxin's fig leaf, or Tang Yan is smart

Years later, when looking back on this journey in the entertainment industry, she hopes that she can say without regrets: "I did my best, I have grown." And time will give the answer to who will be eliminated.

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