
2024-2030 China facial cleanser industry market supply and demand situation and development prospect research and judgment report

author:Beijing Boyan Zhishang Information Consulting Co., Ltd., 2010

2024-2030 China facial cleanser industry market supply and demand situation and development prospect research and judgment report

2024-2030 China facial cleanser industry market supply and demand situation and development prospect research and judgment report

Report No.: 1759128

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  The market status of China's men's facial cleanser industry is getting better and better, and the market scale is expanding year by year, and its market potential is huge. Taking 2016 as an example, the market size of China's men's facial cleanser industry has reached 15.8 billion yuan, an increase of 31.1% over 2015, which is very impressive.

  The competition pattern of men's facial cleanser market mainly includes three forms: domestic brands, imported brands and diversified brands. In 2016, for example, domestic brands accounted for 41.3%, imported brands accounted for 25.4%, and diversified brands accounted for 33.3%.

  In the competition pattern of the domestic men's facial cleanser market, the more prominent domestic head brands such as L'Oreal, Pechoin, Procter & Gamble, Maybelline, and Clarins occupy a large market share. L'Oréal is the leader in China's men's facial cleanser industry, with a market share of 17.3%, ranking first in the industry. Pechoin ranked second with about 11.8%, Procter & Gamble ranked third with about 7.1%, Maybelline ranked fourth with about 6.4%, and Clarins ranked fifth with about 5.2%.

  From the perspective of imported brands, Nivea in the United States, Biore in Japan, L'Oreal in Germany, and Lancome in France all have their own market share, but they are still suppressed by domestic leading brands such as L'Oreal.

  In the multi-brand market, the market share of niche brands should not be underestimated, such as Hot Air, Watsons, etc., although their market share is small, but the market share is gradually increasing.

  Overall, the competitive landscape of China's men's facial cleanser industry is very complex, with domestic leading brands accounting for the majority of the industry, while niche brands are gradually increasing, and their market share is rising. The market competition in China's men's facial cleanser industry will be further intensified, and industry segmentation and refinement will become the trend of future development.

The "2024-2030 China Facial Cleanser Industry Market Supply and Demand Situation and Development Prospect Research Report" released by Boyan Consulting has 14 chapters. Firstly, the market development environment of China's facial cleanser industry and the overall operation situation of facial cleanser were introduced, and then the current situation of the market operation of China's facial cleanser industry was analyzed, and then the competition pattern of facial cleanser market was introduced. Subsequently, the report analyzes the business conditions of key enterprises in facial cleansers, and finally analyzes the development trends and investment forecasts of China's facial cleanser industry. If you want to have a systematic understanding of the facial cleanser industry or want to invest in China's facial cleanser industry, this report is an indispensable and important tool for you.

The data of this research report mainly use national statistical data, General Administration of Customs, questionnaire survey data, and data collected by the Ministry of Commerce. Among them, the macroeconomic data mainly comes from the National Bureau of Statistics, some industry statistics mainly come from the National Bureau of Statistics and market research data, the enterprise data mainly comes from the National Bureau of Statistics large-scale enterprise statistical database and stock exchanges, etc., and the price data mainly comes from various market monitoring databases.

Table of contents of the text

Chapter 1 Overview of Facial Cleansers

Section 1 Brief description of skin care products

1. Classification and function of skin care products

2. The historical evolution of skin care products

3. Analysis of ingredients of oil-controlling skin care products

Fourth, the physical and chemical indicators of various skin care products

Section 2 Elaboration on skin care products

1. The pH value of facial cleanser and skin health

Second, the position of facial cleanser in cleaning cosmetics

3. Types of facial cleansers

1. Foaming facial cleanser

2. Solvent-based

3. Non-foaming facial cleanser

Fourth, the efficacy of facial cleanser

Section 3 Main Ingredients of Facial Cleanser

1. Kojic palmitate

2. Alkyl glycosides (APG)

3. Natural marine polysaccharides

Fourth, skin care agents

Chapter 2 Analysis of the operation situation of the international facial cleanser market in 2023

Section 1 Overview of the operation of the international skincare market in 2023

First, the skin care market presents two new trends

2. Brand analysis of the international skin care market

3. The world's tea skin care products are getting hotter

Section 2 Overview of the development of the global facial cleanser industry

1. The operation situation of the global facial cleanser industry

2. The competitive landscape of the global facial cleanser industry

3. Forecast of the scale of the global facial cleanser industry

Section 3 Development trend and trend forecast of facial cleanser industry in major regions of the world

1. Market overview and trends of the North American facial cleanser industry

2. Market overview and trends of the Asia-Pacific facial cleanser industry

3. Market overview and trends of the EU facial cleanser industry

Chapter 3 Analysis of the Market Development Environment of China's Facial Cleanser Industry in 2023

Section 1 Analysis of China's Macroeconomic Environment in 2023

1. Analysis of the trajectory of GDP historical changes

2. Analysis of the historical change trajectory of fixed asset investment

3. Forecast and analysis of China's macroeconomic development in 2023

Section 2 Analysis of the policy environment of China's facial cleanser market

1. Analysis of the seven major measures to invigorate circulation and expand consumption policies

2. Hygienic standards for cosmetics manufacturers

3. Measures for the Supervision and Inspection of Imported and Exported Cosmetics

4. Regulations on the Administration of Cosmetics Labeling

5. Measures for the Administration of Cosmetics Advertising

Section 3 Analysis of the Social Environment of China's Facial Cleanser Market in 2023

Chapter 4 Analysis of the operation situation of China's skincare industry in 2023

Section 1 Analysis of the brand development process of China's skincare market

Section 2 Overview of the development of China's skincare industry in 2023

1. Analysis of the positioning of skin care products in China

Second, the four stages of the development of China's skincare brands

3. Analysis of the development countermeasures of small and medium-sized skin care enterprises

Section 3 Analysis of the operation of China's skincare market in 2023

1. Overall overview of China's skincare market

2. Brief sales of China's skin care products market

3. Dialysis, a hot spot in China's skin care market

Section 4 Analysis of China's Skincare Packaging Market in 2023

1. Analysis of modern skin care packaging industry

Second, the glass material of skin care product packaging is still the mainstream

Psychological analysis of skin care packaging consumption in three and four major cities

Fourth, the packaging of children's skin care products has risen cartoon craze

Chapter 5 Analysis of Economic Indicators of China's Skincare Manufacturing Industry

Section 1 Overall overview of China's skincare manufacturing industry from 2019 to 2023

First, the trend of changes in the number of enterprises

Second, the trend of changes in industry assets

Third, the trend of changes in industry liabilities

Fourth, the trend of industry sales revenue changes

Fifth, the trend of changes in the total profit of the industry

Section 2 Analysis of the supply situation of China's skin care product manufacturing industry from 2019 to 2023

First, the analysis of the total output value of the industry

Second, the analysis of finished products in the industry

Section 3 Analysis of the sales of China's skin care product manufacturing industry from 2019 to 2023

First, the industry sales output value analysis

Second, the production and sales rate of the industry

Section 4 Analysis of the operating benefits of China's skin care product manufacturing industry from 2019 to 2023

1. Industry profitability analysis

2. Analysis of industry operation capabilities

3. Analysis of the solvency of the industry

Fourth, the analysis of industry development capabilities

Chapter 6 Analysis of the Development Status of China's Facial Cleanser Market in 2023

Section 1 Operation of China's facial cleanser market in 2023

1. Analysis of the sales situation of China's facial cleanser market

2. Analysis of China's facial cleanser market demand

3. Analysis of the balance of supply and demand in China's facial cleanser market

Section 2 Analysis of the operation of China's facial cleanser market segment in 2023

1. Ma'am

2. Men

3. Children

Section 3 Sales of Facial Cleansers Market by Type in China in 2023

1. Whitening facial cleanser

2. Acne cleanser

Chapter 7 Consumer Analysis of China's Facial Cleanser Market in 2023

Section 1 Consumer Profile Analysis of China's Facial Cleanser Market in 2023

1. Analysis of consumers' behavior and habits of using facial cleanser

2. Investigation of the correlation between consumer income and consumption of facial cleanser products

3. Analysis of the purchasing power of various regions in China

Fourth, consumer age level analysis

Section 2 Analysis of Consumer Preferences and Awareness in China's Facial Cleanser Market in 2023

1. Analysis of consumers' favorite facial cleanser brands

2. Analysis of consumers' concern for facial cleanser products

3. Analysis of consumers' preference for facial cleanser products

Fourth, the analysis of the factors that consumers consider when buying facial cleanser

5. Analysis of consumer purchase channels for facial cleansers

Section 3 Suggestions for new facial cleansers by Chinese consumers in 2023

1. Functions

Second, the price

3. Packaging

Chapter 8 Analysis of China's Facial Cleanser Marketing Strategies in 2023

Section 1 Analysis of the construction and positioning of China's facial cleanser market in 2023

First, the primary market

Secondary, secondary and tertiary markets

Section 2 Analysis of China's facial cleanser marketing strategy in 2023

Section 3 Analysis of China's New Facial Cleanser Marketing Strategy in 2023

Section 4 Emerging Marketing Strategies for China's Facial Cleanser Market from 2024 to 2030

Chapter 9 Dialysis of the competitive landscape of China's facial cleanser market in 2023

Section 1 Analysis of the overall competitive landscape of China's skincare industry in 2023

1. Analysis of the competitive means of major domestic skin care products

Second, foreign-funded skin care products to seize the low-end market

Third, the competition in the men's skin care market is heating up

Fourth, the brand has become a breakthrough point in the competition of skin care products

Section 2 Analysis of China's facial cleanser market competition in 2023

1. Facial cleanser brand competition analysis

Second, the price of facial cleanser competition

3. Competition in the marketing of facial cleanser

4. Competitive analysis of alternative facial cleanser products

Section 3 Analysis of the concentration of facial cleansers in China in 2023

1. Market concentration analysis

2. Analysis of regional concentration

Section 4 Analysis of the focus of competition in China's facial cleanser market from 2024 to 2030

Section 5 Analysis of China's Facial Cleanser Competition Trend from 2024 to 2030

Chapter 10 Analysis of the operation status of international brand facial cleanser manufacturers

Section 1 Pond

First, the company's basic profile

Second, the company's competitive advantage analysis

3. Analysis of the development of the company's internationalization strategy

Section 2 Nivea

First, the company's basic profile

Second, the company's competitive advantage analysis

3. Analysis of the development of the company's internationalization strategy

Section 3 Olay

First, the company's basic profile

Second, the company's competitive advantage analysis

3. Analysis of the development of the company's internationalization strategy

Section 4 Shiseido

First, the company's basic profile

Second, the company's competitive advantage analysis

3. Analysis of the development of the company's internationalization strategy

Chapter 11 Analysis of the Brand Competitiveness of Chinese Facial Cleanser Manufacturers

Section 1 Sofitel Co., Ltd

First, the company profile

2. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise

3. Analysis of corporate profitability

Fourth, the analysis of the solvency of enterprises

Section 2 Shanghai Jahwa United Co., Ltd

First, the company profile

2. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise

3. Analysis of corporate profitability

Fourth, the analysis of the solvency of enterprises

Section 3 Unilever (China) Co., Ltd

First, the company profile

2. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise

3. Analysis of corporate profitability

Fourth, the analysis of the solvency of enterprises

Section 4 Beijing Dabao Cosmetics Co., Ltd

First, the company profile

2. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise

3. Analysis of corporate profitability

Fourth, the analysis of the solvency of enterprises

Chapter 12 2023 China Facial Cleanser Related Products Market Operation Analysis

Section 1 Non-foaming cleansing balm

1. The difference from regular facial cleanser

Second, market demand analysis

3. Analysis of market supply capacity

Fourth, price trend analysis

5. Market share analysis

Section 2 Facial soap

Section 3 Cleansing flour

Section 4 Cleansing Gel

Section 5 Cleansing Mousse

Chapter 13 2024-2030 China Facial Cleanser Market Development Trend Forecast and Analysis

Section 1 Analysis of the development direction of China's facial cleanser market from 2024 to 2030

First, to the direction of high-end products to penetrate

2. Penetrate into the terminal market

Third, from the price advantage competition to the research and development, channel competition

Section 2 2024-2030 China Facial Cleanser Market Forecast and Analysis

Section 3 2024-2030 China Shampoo and Hair Care Market Profit Forecast Analysis

Chapter 14 2024-2030 China Facial Cleanser Market Investment Prospect Forecast Analysis

Section 1 Investment Overview of China's Facial Cleanser Market in 2023

1. The investment environment of China's facial cleanser market

2. Investment characteristics of China's facial cleanser market

Section 2 Analysis of Investment Opportunities in China's Facial Cleanser Market from 2024 to 2030

1. Analysis of the investment potential of the facial cleanser market

2. Analysis of investment opportunities related to the industrial chain

Section 3 2024-2030 China Facial Cleanser Market Investment Risk Warning

1. Market risk

2. Operational risks

3. Competition risk

IV. Raw material analysis

5. Risks of foreign capital entry

Section 4 Investment Advice

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