
Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army

author:Uncle Cat's spicy comment


Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army


The phrase "the Internet always likes to create gods, and prefers to destroy gods" does not seem to apply to Fat Donglai.

It's really too difficult to make Fat Donglai fall.

Because of the current public opinion, it can't hurt Fat Donglai for half a point.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army

Even Fat Donglai has an innate ability, which is to reverse every crisis public relations into a perfect brand marketing and deepen the public's favorability.

It seems that they have suffered a big loss, but in fact they have made a lot of money.

This time, it was no exception.

And the disturbance this time was unprecedentedly large, shocking the whole network.

Not long ago, in Fat Donglai Life Square, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, that is, the base camp of Fat Donglai.

A customer surnamed Li went to the Fat Donglai Catering Department to complain, saying that the dough rolling merchant in Fat Donglai Food City was in the processing point in the middle of Yinhuang Road, and the environmental hygiene was worrying, and he also came up with relevant video evidence.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army

It can be clearly seen from the video that the sanitary condition of this processing point is indeed dirty and messy.

There are a few pieces of cardboard on the ground, there are oil stains and debris everywhere, plastic buckets are also placed on the ground randomly, and some of the things in the bottles and cans look black and swarthy, I don't know what they are.

The staff of the catering department immediately launched an investigation and verified the information of the processing point reported by the relevant merchants, and found that this processing point and the processing point reported by the merchants were not the same place at all.

The processing point reported by the merchant is in Baliying, and they also went to Baliying for acceptance before, and the merchant has also been processing in Baliying before.

Maybe because the lease of Baliying expired, or the merchant found a cheaper place, anyway, this processing point was secretly changed by the merchant not long ago, and it was not reported to the relevant departments of Fat Donglai as soon as possible.

It stands to reason that if this happened in other supermarkets, the merchant would be the main responsibility, after all, it is impossible for Fat Donglai to find someone to verify the processing point every day.

But Fat Donglai did not shirk his responsibility, but immediately launched rectification measures.

The day after receiving the complaint, the catering department asked the dough rolling merchants to stop business and carry out rectification, and imposed a fine of 5,000 yuan in accordance with the regulations, and directly shut down the processing point on Yinhuang Road.

Merchants are also between the traffic and influence of Fat Donglai, after all, they still want to cooperate with Fat Donglai, and they do it one by one, willing to cooperate and actively rectify.

Two days later, the merchant reported a new processing point - Dazhuzhuang processing point, and said that all the work has been rectified in place and can be accepted.

Fat Donglai also sent quality control personnel and department supervisors to investigate as soon as possible, which can be regarded as attaching great importance to this matter.

The result of the acceptance was that the rectification was in place, which fully met the relevant standards of Fat Donglai, and then agreed that the merchants would open for business again.

It stands to reason that this is the end of the matter.

But unexpectedly, the customer who complained quit.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army


Seeing that the merchant he complained about opened his door again in a few days, he felt very angry, and felt that Fat Donglai was too hasty about this matter, this kind of thing is related to the health of every customer, it is okay if nothing happens, but it is a big deal when something happens, how can it be so frivolous and forget it?

So this time, Mr. Li did not complain to the catering department again, but put the video that he used as evidence directly on the Internet.

Fat Donglai originally had its own traffic, but this time someone actually exposed the black material again, and there was conclusive evidence, which soon detonated the Internet again, and the health status of the processing point of Xinxiang Fat Donglai Dough Rolling Merchants attracted crazy complaints from netizens.

Seeing that the reputation that Fat Donglai has built for many years is about to usher in the possibility of collapse, I didn't expect Fat Donglai to use sincerity and wisdom again to turn the tide, not only reversing the passive situation, but also making Fat Donglai's reputation to a higher level.

From the whole network spray to the whole network praise.

As long as you casually swipe the comments below, you will know that this time the whole network has become a water army from the fat east, and the rainbow farts are blowing better than the other.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army

This is all thanks to Fat Donglai's textbook crisis public relations.

Almost as soon as Mr. Li uploaded the video to the Internet and questioned it on the Internet, the relevant departments of Fat Donglai had already paid attention to this matter, and immediately activated the public opinion early warning mechanism to keep the negative public opinion within a controllable range as much as possible.

For this reason, they reported this matter to Yu Donglai, which immediately attracted Yu Donglai's attention.

Not only did he not think that Mr. Li was looking for trouble, after all, the non-compliant merchants should be punished and punished, the rectification should be rectified, and the processing point should be shut down, so what else?

On the contrary, he felt that Mr. Li was not satisfied with this matter, that is, there was a problem with the way the Fat Donglai team handled this matter.

After re-analysis, he felt that the incident should not be defined as an ordinary complaint, but as a food safety issue related to the health of customers' diets.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army


In this way, the nature of the two is completely different.

Subsequently, in order to satisfy Mr. Li, Fat Donglai began to re-deal with the matter.

First of all, Mr. Li was rewarded with 100,000 yuan to thank him for his supervision and reporting.

Then, the merchant who rolled the dough directly terminated the cooperation and withdrew the cabinet within a time limit.

In the end, he did not show mercy to the employees who handled this matter at the beginning:

The first person in charge of the Xinxiang catering department and the person in charge of quality control were directly dismissed, and all other relevant management were also dismissed.

I believe that Mr. Li will be very satisfied with the result.

But what if you think that's the end of it? Then you are too underestimated to look at Fat Dong.

In recent years, the solid reputation, the passenger flow during the Spring Festival is comparable to the Spring Festival, and it is by no means something that can be worked hard by these two tricks.

The next operation, known as unprecedented, shocked the whole network:

They posted an announcement in a conspicuous position:

From June 9th to 19th, customers who purchased rolling dough and spicy noodles at the food city rolling dough stalls will be refunded, and an additional compensation of 1,000 yuan per serving will be given.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army

Yes, you read that right, not 10 yuan, 100 yuan, but 1000 yuan.

In other words, when you buy rolling dough and spicy noodles during this period, not only does it not cost a penny, but it is also equivalent to picking up money.

Some netizens tried to queue up to receive refunds and compensation, and they really received a full 1,000 yuan in red envelopes.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army

In those days, there was a constant stream of people queuing every day.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army

In the end, how much money did Fat Donglai take to make up for this accident?

During this period, a total of 8,833 customers met the refund requirements, calculated according to the compensation of 1,000 yuan per person, plus 100,000 yuan to reward the whistleblower, in order to resolve this trust crisis, a total of 8.93 million was spent.

Such a thing, not to mention in the eyes of ordinary people, is unheard of and unprecedented in the eyes of many entrepreneurs at present.

On the other hand, why should you never want to find Fat Donglai's black material on the Internet?

Even a passer-by netizen has a good impression of Fat Donglai.

Seeing such a generous way of dealing with it again, the netizens who were scolding and scolding a few days ago were suddenly at a loss, and could only joke:

Fat Donglai, can he rule the earth?
Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army

It is estimated that most of the world's entrepreneurs can do something like Yu Donglai, and they are afraid that they will be invincible in the world.

Thousands of miles of embankment, collapsed in the anthill.

Yu Donglai once said:

I don't want to disappoint my customers, and when they are disappointed, it's like cutting my heart with a knife.

It just so happens that these are the two points that countless people want to learn from Fat Donglai but can't learn - great wisdom and big pattern.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army


Do you really think Fat Donglai is stupid?

Although the food safety problem should not be underestimated, but it is not possible to use so much money to block the mouths of the people, after all, this matter has long been controlled by them in the minimum range of public opinion, it stands to reason that it would be good to hit the public opinion field up and down a little or hire some water army to wash the floor, and it will not cost so much money.

If Fat Donglai does this, then isn't it no different from those companies that say one thing and do another?

This time the public opinion was forcefully suppressed, and the next time the black material rises again, it will always be returned in multiplication.

So how can you say that Fat Donglai is different from other companies?

The first is because of Fat Donglai's "great wisdom".

It seems to outsiders that Fat Dong has done so much, apologized and gave money, it seems that he has suffered a lot, and it is such a large amount of money.

But if you think about it from another aspect, if a company wants to establish a good reputation for its brand, does it have to spend money on advertising, or even just advertising, but also to create some hot and positive things, don't these cost money? Even spending money doesn't necessarily get the desired effect.

But Fat Donglai is different.

Although it does not spend money on advertising and does not deliberately create hot events to enhance its reputation, this is the best time for them to do word-of-mouth every time the black material is exposed and the word-of-mouth is about to decline.

Just imagine, the black material has a certain degree of popularity on the Internet, and Fat Donglai can be regarded as picking up a big bargain for free, but many companies suffer losses in the face of crisis public relations, and they cannot turn the crisis into an opportunity, and finally let enterprises eat this wave of free dividends.

But Fat Donglai happens to have this ability.

Just look back at some of the black material that happened to Fat Donglai recently.

Speaking of hot searches, they are also two hot searches that are boiling on the whole network.

One time is in July 2023, a customer and a Fat Donglai employee had an argument over weighing the scales, and the customer also has some responsibility.

Another time was an employee at the hot pot stall of the Fat Donglai Times Square store, who squatted down and tasted the noodles with chopsticks while cooking the noodles.

Netizens who have paid attention to these two incidents know that the public opinion at that time was the same as this time, and it was very unfavorable to Fat Donglai at the beginning, especially the nature of the second time and this time was basically the same.

But how did Fat Donglai solve it in the end?

Even the smallest thing can attract the attention of the leadership of Fat Donglai for the first time, and implement it one by one, regardless of whether it is true or not, and carry out a detailed and fair internal investigation as soon as possible.

Sincerely admit your mistakes first, and then issue a systematic investigation result:

The customer argued with the employee, and Fat Donglai issued an 8-page investigation report.

The employee squatted down to taste noodles and was reported, and Fat Donglai issued a 13-page investigation report.

No matter whose responsibility it is, as long as the customer is not satisfied, Fat Donglai feels that his service is not done well, and it has nothing to do with the customer, and even thanks the customer for their complaints about their poor work:

The customer who had a dispute with the employee, the relevant leader of Fat Donglai came to the door with a gift and a 500 yuan complaint award to apologize;

Customers who take videos of employees tasting noodles will be rewarded and the parties and the management team will be dealt with severely.

Which point shows the big pattern of fat Donglai.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army


Even if it is a large enterprise like Fat Donglai, millions are not blown by the wind, if the pattern is a little smaller, I believe that this matter can be settled because of their reputation and relationship, but Fat Donglai never does this, and their corporate culture will never allow them to do so.

Fat Donglai's "routine" to deal with crisis public relations is actually not very lofty, all of them are these three steps:

Admit your mistakes first, then investigate deeply, and finally publish a corrective action plan.

So why can't many companies learn from it? Even some of the big factories?

Because looking back on every public relations marketing of Fat Donglai, the traffic password that makes them out of the circle the most is emotional value.

It seems that there are no three steps without technology, but in fact, each step is made bigger and bigger, and the emotional value of every consumer is full.

Take this incident as an example.

If you say that Fat Donglai is not a big compensation, can you just refund the full amount of the consumer's consumption during that period?

Of course, it can, and even understandable, it is tenable in terms of reason and reason.

But how can you guarantee that these consumers who have returned their money will still be reluctant when they think of it, or will they trust Fat Donglai a little less?

Therefore, Fat Donglai is to make such a generous compensation, so that every consumer feels that their apology is quite sincere, and tell them that Fat Donglai and consumers have the same position, always stand on the side of consumers, and encourage reporting and consumer supervision.

If there is a problem with supervision, once it is implemented, there will be not only rewards but also high refunds.

In this way, the negative emotions of consumers are completely dispelled.

In particular, some netizens received compensation one second, and the next second they finished spending in Fat Donglai, and they also posted a few hundred yuan upside down.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army

Of course, Fat Donglai is not only partial to consumers, and is not close to his employees, Fat Donglai has always been clear in rewards and punishments for employees, and he is also warm and humane on the issue of employees' stay.

said that the employee who tasted noodles should be able to be fired according to Fat Donglai's system, but after knowing the ins and outs of this incident, netizens also began to sympathize with this employee and spoke for him on the Internet.

Fat Donglai also showed humanized management for the first time, and finally solved the problem of employee retention by democratic voting.

Fat Donglai was exposed to a hot search on food safety issues again: this time, the whole network has become its water army

So you say, why does Fat Donglai always get the preference of netizens who use a magnifying glass to treat hot events again and again?

In addition to its sincere attitude of admitting mistakes and doing well enough, what is more important is that it understands the weight of the word "respect".

Respect every consumer externally and every employee internally.

This practice of not treating important people as "outsiders" allows Fat Donglai to turn the corner in every accident, and let consumers spontaneously do their public relations.

Unlike some companies, when faced with black material, they start with arrogance, smash mobile phones, and knock on the table, which not only arouses the negative emotions of fans, but also seriously damages the brand image with cultural heritage that has been worked hard to build.

It is also not like some large factories that ignore employees' families, do not pay attention to the demands of employees, only treat employees as cattle and horses, and stand on the commanding heights to criticize employees for only taking money and not doing things.

Such an enterprise, if it does not overturn, who will overturn?

Compared with taking more than 8 million to advertise, it may not be able to achieve the expected brand value, Fat Donglai really spent the money on the blade this time, and successfully circled a wave of passers-by for himself.

can only say "high", it is really "high", and Fat Donglai has once again become the "god" on the Internet that cannot be destroyed.

It's not easy to be original, if you like this article, your likes, forwards and messages are Uncle Mao's biggest motivation.

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