
Urgent! Israel is attacking Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, is attacking the entire territory of Israel

author:Green Hill in the face of adversity

Edit|Aoyama in adversity

Text: The green mountains of adversity

While the international focus seems to have temporarily shifted to the conflict in Eastern Europe, the Middle East has never really fallen silent, and it has once again risen to the global spotlight. This time, tensions between Israel and Allah Lebanon escalated like a series of ups and downs, with each episode gripping.

Urgent! Israel is attacking Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, is attacking the entire territory of Israel

Israel's military operations are intertwined with Iran's support behind Allah. Israel's "special care program" targets Allah, which is well-equipped with Iranian aid, creating a delicate balance that complicates the situation.

Urgent! Israel is attacking Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, is attacking the entire territory of Israel

The IDF has massed along the border, intensified its military deployment, and demonstrated a tough posture. Allah, for its part, showed no weakness, frequently warning of its rocket strike capabilities, and the confrontation between the two sides was like a taut bowstring that could trigger a new conflict at any time.

Urgent! Israel is attacking Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, is attacking the entire territory of Israel

Once the fighting resumes, civilians in southern Lebanon and northern Israel will be the first to fall prey. Although the international community is expected to intervene in mediation, the historical precipitation and multilateral containment of the Middle East issue mean that any mediation plan will face great challenges.

Urgent! Israel is attacking Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, is attacking the entire territory of Israel

In the shadow of conflict, the peoples of the Middle East have a stronger desire for peace. They called for the settlement of disputes through diplomatic means rather than force, and hoped that the international community would listen to their voices and work towards regional stability.

We hope that all parties concerned will show wisdom and restraint to find a path to peace through dialogue and avoid the escalation of violent conflicts. We are watching with hope about the future of the Middle East and looking forward to lasting tranquility for the inhabitants of this ancient land.

Urgent! Israel is attacking Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, is attacking the entire territory of Israel

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