
The donation ceremony of the 2024 Maternal and Child Health Public Welfare Project was held in Huining

author:Huining Fusion Media

On June 26, the donation ceremony of the 2024 Maternal and Child Health Care Public Welfare Project and the China Women's Development Foundation's @She Entrepreneurship Program - Gansu Huining County Sewing Skills Training Project were held. Nan Jing, Assistant Secretary-General of China Women's Development Foundation, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech, Cui Haihua, a first-level inspector of the Gansu Women's Federation, Xie Huaping, member of the Party Committee, executive general manager and executive deputy general manager of Beijing Caishikou Department Store Co., Ltd., delivered a speech, and Zhang Lin, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting.

The donation ceremony of the 2024 Maternal and Child Health Public Welfare Project was held in Huining

At the ceremony, Beijing Caishikou Department Store Co., Ltd. handed over a donation plaque to the China Women's Development Foundation, the China Women's Development Foundation presented the bronze medal of public welfare partner to Beijing Caishikou Department Store Co., Ltd., the participating leaders issued grants to the representatives of the recipients in 2024, the representatives of the recipients in 2024 presented handprints to the China Women's Development Foundation and Beijing Caishikou Department Store Co., Ltd., and the China Women's Development Foundation issued revolving funds to the beneficiary representatives of the 2024 Mother's Entrepreneurship Revolving Gold Order Breeding Project.

The donation ceremony of the 2024 Maternal and Child Health Public Welfare Project was held in Huining
The donation ceremony of the 2024 Maternal and Child Health Public Welfare Project was held in Huining

In recent years, China Women's Development Foundation has implemented a series of public welfare projects with partners to improve women's living environment, safeguard women's health rights, enhance women's development capabilities, and promote the happiness and health of families, and has funded more than 1,200 yuan for Huining County so far. It is understood that in 2024, the maternal and child health care public welfare project will fund a total of 50 women in difficulty in the county, and a subsidy of 150,000 yuan will be issued; The sewing skills training program focuses on key populations, and plans to carry out two phases of sewing skills training, training 100 women and providing jobs.

The donation ceremony of the 2024 Maternal and Child Health Public Welfare Project was held in Huining

The meeting required: Gansu Women and Children's Development Foundation and Huining County Women's Federation should do practical, detailed and refined projects, and let the fruits of reform and development benefit a wider range of women and families through caring service actions, and help the health of women and children. In terms of the @She Entrepreneurship Plan - Mother's Entrepreneurship Revolving Fund Project, the project implementation team should manage and use the project funds well, give full play to the ideological leadership and love transmission functions of public welfare projects, and contribute women's wisdom and strength to promote high-quality economic and social development. At the same time, the trainees of the sewing skills training course should cherish the free learning opportunity, master the sewing skills, and lay a solid foundation for future employment.

The donation ceremony of the 2024 Maternal and Child Health Public Welfare Project was held in Huining

Since 2008, when the China Women's Development Foundation and Beijing Caishikou Department Store Co., Ltd. launched the maternal and child health care project, medical assistance and economic support have been provided to many families and beneficiaries, and the social benefits have been good. In the next step, Huining County will take this inspection as an opportunity to improve the service mechanism, broaden the work ideas, innovate the work methods, promote the in-depth development of various tasks, and make every effort to promote the county's women and children's work to a new level and achieve new development.

The donation ceremony of the 2024 Maternal and Child Health Public Welfare Project was held in Huining

Nanjing and his entourage also visited the beneficiaries of the project, inspected the mother's entrepreneurship revolving gold characteristic cereal planting project, and held discussions and exchanges with the Huining County support team on the county's public welfare projects.

(Huining financial media reporter Wang Yanli)

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