
U.S. lawmakers angrily complained about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce: They don't want to pay a few more cents and give their industry to China

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people


In recent years, with the acceleration of globalization, the economic ties between countries have become increasingly close, and trade has become more frequent. With the continuous changes in the international situation, some new changes have also taken place in the trade relations between various countries, the tendency of trade protectionism has risen, and various trade restrictive measures have emerged one after another. As the world's two largest economies, the trade relationship between China and the United States has always been in the spotlight, and a recent China-related trade hearing in the US House of Representatives has pushed the trade relationship to the forefront.

At the hearing, lawmakers had a heated discussion on how to impose stricter trade restrictions on China, and some of the restrictions they proposed involved not only traditional tax measures, but also some novel "ideas", such as the imposition of high "parking fees" and restrictions on electric vehicles in large eastern countries. As soon as these measures were proposed, they immediately aroused widespread heated discussions among all parties, and the US authorities also responded positively, saying that they would seriously consider these proposals and make corresponding decisions at an appropriate time.

It can be said that the introduction of these trade restrictive measures will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the trade relations between China and the United States, and may also have some adverse effects on the global trade pattern. So, what are the considerations and considerations behind the reason why the United States proposes these trade restriction measures? What impact will these measures, once implemented, have on the trade relationship between China and the United States? Let's dive into these questions.

U.S. lawmakers angrily complained about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce: They don't want to pay a few more cents and give their industry to China

1. The United States proposes new trade restriction measures

Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives held a hearing on China-related trade to conduct in-depth discussions on how to impose stricter trade restrictions on China. At the hearing, the parliamentarians present expressed their views and put forward their own suggestions and opinions, and among them, the trade restriction measures proposed by some parliamentarians attracted special attention.

U.S. lawmakers angrily complained about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce: They don't want to pay a few more cents and give their industry to China

1. Levy a high "docking fee"

At the hearing, some Republican lawmakers proposed a rather "creative" trade restriction measure, suggesting that the United States could impose high "docking fees" on certain imported goods, mainly from the big Eastern countries.

It is understood that the so-called "docking fee" is actually a new type of trade protectionist measures, which is not to directly impose tariffs on imported goods, but to indirectly affect the cost and price of imported goods by imposing fees on imported ships and containers, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting the domestic industry.

The original intention of Republican congressmen in putting forward this proposal is mainly because they believe that the current excessively low prices of some imported commodities have seriously distorted the order of market competition, and that the low prices of these commodities are not really market reactions, but have been formed through various subsidies and dumping means, and have already had a great impact on the relevant industries in the United States.

By imposing high "docking fees", the cost and price of these imported goods can be increased to a certain extent, and their impact on related industries in the United States can be mitigated, and the spread of these non-market economic behaviors can also be effectively curbed, and a fair international trade order can be maintained.

U.S. lawmakers angrily complained about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce: They don't want to pay a few more cents and give their industry to China

2. Restrictions on electric vehicles in large eastern countries

In addition to imposing "parking fees", some lawmakers have also proposed another trade restriction measure, which is to restrict the entry of new energy vehicles such as electric vehicles from large eastern countries into the US market.

In recent years, with the increasing awareness of energy and environmental protection around the world, new energy vehicles have gradually become the "new favorite" of the automobile market in various countries, and the competitiveness of the eastern country, as an important producer and exporter of new energy vehicles, is also increasing.

Some U.S. congressmen are full of concerns about the new energy vehicle industry in the eastern countries, and they believe that the new energy automobile industry in the eastern countries may have certain national security risks, and once the United States uses these imported cars on a large scale, it may be monitored and manipulated by other countries' software, which will bring potential threats to the national security of the United States.

In order to safeguard national security, some congressmen suggested that the United States could strictly restrict and control the new energy vehicles of the eastern powers, especially electric vehicles, and even directly prohibit them from being sold and put on the road in the US market, or conduct a comprehensive safety review through software supervision and other means to ensure that they will not have any impact on US national security.

It can be said that the introduction of these trade restrictive measures will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the trade relations between China and the United States, and may also become a major "stumbling block" to Sino-US consultations. So, what are the considerations and considerations behind the reason why the United States proposes these new trade restriction measures? Let's take a closer look.

2. Consideration of trade restrictive measures proposed by the United States

1. Worried about the national security issues involved in electric vehicles in large eastern countries

One of the very important reasons why the United States is so sensitive to the new energy vehicle industry in the eastern countries and proposes strict restrictive measures is that it has certain national security concerns.

In the current international situation, the mutual relations between countries are extremely complex, international competition is no longer limited to the traditional military and economic fields, but to the field of science and technology and information technology rapidly extended, countries have also begun to their own development strategies and national security closely combined, some strategic emerging industries, such as the new energy vehicle industry, as an important part of national security.

One of the important reasons why the United States is so worried about the new energy vehicles of the eastern countries is because its technical strength and market influence in the field of new energy vehicles are very prominent.

In order to safeguard national security, the United States must strictly control and review these imported cars to ensure that they do not have any impact on the national security of the United States, which is also an important consideration for the United States to propose strict restrictions.

2. Hyping up the threat of the great powers of the East and supporting the resumption of the tax regime on China

In addition to national security concerns, there are other considerations and considerations behind these trade restrictions proposed by the United States, such as some lawmakers using these measures to hype up the threat theory of the eastern powers, and in this way, to support the resumption of the tax regime on China.

Under the current international situation, the United States has been actively pursuing the so-called "Indo-Pacific strategy" and regards the eastern powers as its biggest strategic competitors, believing that its rapid rise in the economic, technological and military fields has brought great challenges to the global leadership of the United States, and may even become the biggest threat to US national security.

Against this background, it has become a very common phenomenon for some congressmen to take advantage of various opportunities to hype up the threat theory of the big Eastern countries and to restrict and contain their development through various means, and the proposal to impose trade restrictions on the big Eastern countries is an important manifestation of this.

Through these measures, we can effectively suppress the export industries of the big eastern countries and bring a certain impact to their economic development, and can also bring certain pressure to their manufacturing enterprises, forcing them to abandon the so-called "non-market economic behavior" and gradually embark on the road of market-oriented reform, so as to achieve all-round containment and control over the big eastern countries.

In addition to these considerations, there are also some other factors and considerations behind the United States' proposal of these trade restriction measures, such as domestic and economic needs, as well as the adjustment of foreign trade policies, etc., which ultimately promoted the proposal and implementation of these measures.

3. The impact and challenges of trade restrictive measures

No matter what the considerations and considerations are, these trade restrictions proposed by the United States will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the trade relations between China and the United States, and may also have some adverse effects on the global trade pattern.

Once these measures are implemented, they may trigger trade frictions and deadlocks in negotiations between China and the United States, and even bring substantial damage to the trade relations between China and the United States, and will also bring a certain warming effect to the global trade tensions.

The proposal of these trade restrictive measures will undoubtedly arouse strong dissatisfaction and opposition from the major countries in the East, and may also become a major "stumbling block" to their consultations; once the United States insists on implementing these measures, it may trigger strong countermeasures and retaliatory actions from the other side, aggravate trade tensions between the two sides, and have an adverse impact on the global economic pattern.

On the one hand, these measures may bring a certain burden to American consumers and enterprises, affecting the healthy development of their economy, and on the other hand, the United States may also be isolated by other countries and lose its original international partners and market share.


Based on the above, it can be seen that there are many complex factors and considerations behind these trade restrictive measures proposed by the United States, and their impacts and challenges cannot be ignored. In today's global economic integration, the interests of various countries have been closely intertwined, and unilateralism and trade protectionism on either side may trigger wider trade conflicts and economic fluctuations, which will have an adverse impact on the stability and sustainable development of the global economy.

In the face of the current international situation, all countries should join hands to strengthen dialogue and consultation, seek mutually beneficial and win-win solutions, jointly address various global challenges, promote the reform and improvement of the multilateral trading system, build an open world economy, and achieve high-quality economic globalization.

As ordinary people, they should also maintain their attention to international affairs, enhance their international awareness and sense of responsibility, actively participate in international exchanges and cooperation, jointly promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and make their own contributions to the cause of world peace and development.

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