
"A hotel has become a hotbed of creativity? ——A farce of 'business transformation' that is ridiculous"

author:Mr. Bee is curious about cats

In this story, we have three protagonists, they are Zheng Moumou, Yang Moumou and Su Moumou, and the "innovation" of these three brothers in the business field is jaw-dropping. Their story takes place in a hotel in Huainan City, Anhui Province, which was originally an ordinary business place, but because of the dismal business, they decided to start a new "value-added service".

"A hotel has become a hotbed of creativity? ——A farce of 'business transformation' that is ridiculous"

Zheng, a natural leader whose hotel is not doing well, has a flash of inspiration and comes up with a "brilliant" idea. He decided to turn the hotel into a hotbed of prostitution, providing the premises and funds to fully manage this "new business". And Yang and Su, the two loyal deputies, one is responsible for the attendance and discipline management of prostitutes, and the other is responsible for recruitment and logistics to ensure the smooth operation of this "industrial chain". They even invented a new mode of work – patrolling to keep an eye on the wind in case the police came out of nowhere. What a thoughtful service!

These three people, they not only have organizational skills, but also amazing financial management skills. The income of the prostitute was divided equally with the hotel, and Zheng made an illegal profit of more than 200,000 yuan. This is simply a model of business genius, and if it weren't for the crime field, they might be a role model in the industry.

"A hotel has become a hotbed of creativity? ——A farce of 'business transformation' that is ridiculous"

However, justice is never absent. When the police intervened in the investigation, the dream of the three "entrepreneurs" was shattered. They were charged with organized prostitution and were sentenced to prison terms and heavy fines, respectively. The court's decision makes it clear that no matter how "innovative" your business model is, if you break the law, you have to pay a price.

This story teaches us that creativity and innovation are important forces for social progress, but outside the framework of morality and law, they can become cancers that disrupt social order. Zheng, Yang, and Su could have put their talents to good use, but they chose the wrong path and could only reflect on their life choices behind bars.

Ironically, their "success" in the field of crime is actually a huge failure. They have lost their freedom and paid a high price, all because they have neglected the most basic principle of respect for the law and respect for others. In the business world, true success is not just the accumulation of money, but also built on integrity, responsibility and respect.

"A hotel has become a hotbed of creativity? ——A farce of 'business transformation' that is ridiculous"

Let us learn from this, no matter where you are or what kind of profession you are engaged in, you should stick to the bottom line of morality and stay away from illegal behavior. Because, the ultimate victors are always those who abide by the law, are honest and trustworthy. The story of Zheng, Yang and Su, although it ended in tragedy, reminds us that everyone is equal before the law, and any attempt to evade legal punishment will eventually be severely punished.

In this era full of opportunities and challenges, let us work together to write our own glorious chapter with wisdom and courage, instead of leaving a mess and regret like Zheng Moumou and others. After all, true success is not about how high you stand, but how you get there, and how you have an impact on the world. Let's choose the right path and use our actions to add positive energy to society and make the world a better place because of us. #头条创作挑战赛#

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