
Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".

author:Beautiful Meilan
Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".

Recently, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of Haikou Meilan District Committee and the Internet Information Office of Haikou Meilan District Committee, the "Scenery Meilan Fishing Fun Summer" big V collection activity was successfully held in the beautiful Qukou and Beigang villages. The purpose of this event is to use the power of Internet celebrities and media to show the new look of the two major and beautiful villages in Meilan after the Haiwen Bridge and the Ring Island Tourist Road, and deeply explore and spread the local characteristics of "fishery, cultural tourism".

Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".

The event was carried out in a warm and orderly atmosphere. Local influencers, media representatives, and photography enthusiasts from Hainan participated in the event. They went deep into Qukou and Beigang Villages, and visited the local historical and cultural attractions such as the Village History Museum, Rainbow Bridge, Pearl Square, and Whale Tomb, as well as "Internet celebrity" check-in points such as Huanhai Road and Oyster Wall, and recorded these beautiful and unique rural scenery with their cameras.

Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".
Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".

In the Beigang Village History Museum, the big Vs listened carefully to the history of the changes in the village, and felt the vicissitudes and changes of life in the fishing village from the old objects on display. The Rainbow Bridge in Beigang Village is like a link between the past and the future, leading the wind collection group to visit in depth. The Pearl Square and the Whale Tomb quietly tell the maritime culture and historical legends of Beigang Village.

Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".
Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".

Walking along the tourist road around the island, the group came to the picturesque Qukou Village. The houses of overseas Chinese here are scattered, and each one carries the stories and memories of returned overseas Chinese. The green trees on both sides of the Huanhai Road, the sea breeze blowing, and the fishing boats sing at night, forming a moving seaside picture. The Oyster Wall is a highlight of Qukou Village, a wall made of countless oyster shells, which is not only a unique landscape, but also a vivid embodiment of the culture of the fishing village. The big Vs stopped to shoot and recorded these rare rural beauties with their lenses.

Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".
Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".

During the visit, the big Vs said that Beigang Village and Qukou Village not only have a unique natural environment, but also have a rich cultural heritage, which jointly shows the unique charm of Meilan District. They shared what they saw and heard in real time through social media platforms, and used various forms to build momentum for the event. During the event, #北港村这抹蓝让我心头荡漾#, #J人的北港赶海全攻略#, and #来曲口寻找大海的味道#等话题登榜同城热搜 attracted the attention and likes of a large number of netizens, effectively enhancing the attention of netizens to travel around Haikou.

Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".
Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".

Wu Hui, a well-known travel blogger, said: "The historical heritage of Beigang Village and the natural beauty of Qukou Village complement each other, and together constitute a unique tourist landscape in Meilan District. It is hoped that the next two Internet celebrity check-in points can further improve the supporting facilities in the tourism software and keep up with the tourism hardware. Another big V "Haikou Koi" said: "I felt the strong fishing village culture and marine style in this event. I believe that with the continuous development and improvement of tourism resources in Meilan District, it will become a new hotspot for island tourism. ”

Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".

In recent years, Haikou City has learned and used the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to solidly promote the construction of Hemei Village, and Hemei Village has been continuously "new". Meilan District has steadily promoted the construction of rural planning and the improvement of the appearance of the village, deeply tapped the potential of rural tourism, developed more interesting and interactive characteristic tourism products for weekend trips and outings, and injected new vitality into the sustainable development of the rural economy by continuously expanding traffic, boosting popularity, and promoting consumption.

Source: Sina Hainan


Editor: Ye Weiming

Second trial: Zheng Lijuan third trial: Wang Pingzhao

Internet celebrities gathered in Meilan to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside of "Scenery Meilan and Fishing Fun Summer".

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